Advantages of Hypnosis in Childbirth Process
Hypnosis has been used since about 3000 BC by ancient Egyptians and Greeks. their records revealed that the doctors and healers will bring their patients into the temple and put them in a trance (hypnosis). They perform healing both physically and emotionally by asking them to dream about their disease and what is needed to cure them by using the knowledge / thoughts of their own. They also conduct operations with little or no pain when the patient is in hypnosis. In India, during the 1800s, only used hypnosis as anesthesia for surgical procedures, and then stop only when ether was found and put into use.
Unfortunately, in today's society, the notion of hypnosis based on stage shows, where they've seen people who seem to be unable to control himself, acting stupid, perhaps barking or quacking to provide entertainment for spectators. There are also some television programs that have been misleading the public by promoting hypnosis as a way to control the minds of others as a means to make them do what the hypnotist wants.
In reality, hypnosis is a trance like state or focused concentration in which the body and mind meld into one. The body is very relaxed, while the mind reaches higher consciousness and become more focused. And unnoticed in everyday life we often experience such as watching movies, reading books is fun, or ride a car or motorcycle. Your mind is so incredibly focused. So that when watching a movie or soap opera emotions you go inside, you can cry, laugh or angry.
In hypnosis, you remain awake and aware of everything, including advice from the lawyer-hypnosis. Your mind has the ability to accept advice and act real. You always have the ability to reject or accept this suggestion. And who would you stay in control.
Hypnosis During the birth process
During childbirth, hypnosis will enable you to remember the full experience of your child's birth. The subconscious mind is given positive suggestions and beliefs about birth, and pregnant women are made directly to relax both physically and mentally so that he can have a natural childbirth easier and more convenient.
Hypnosis is used in giving birth without pain to teach pregnant women how to achieve the level of relaxation, eliminating the fear that causes stress and tension that eventually causes pain. And it slows the delivery process itself
The purpose Hypnosis During Childbirth
1. Hypnosis helps pregnant women to prepare for the birth of her baby in a way that helps him to fully enjoy the rest of her pregnancy in health and peace, so he eagerly await the day of the birth experience and give life to her newborn baby
2. To help babies be born as a gentle and safe as possible, so that they enter into a world full of joy and wonder, calm and peaceful
3. To educate the medical community about the benefits of natural childbirth, how to work with couples who have chosen this wonderful way to give birth, and respect the choice of every pregnant woman when she came to them for prenatal care and delivery assistance aid.
4. To educate the public about natural childbirth and to experience a quieter, easier and more enjoyable for all involved in the process of giving birth.
Benefits of Hypnosis for Childbirth without pain
1. Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical drugs for pain relief which may have unwanted side effects
2. Reduce the likelihood and risk of cesarean
3. The risk of post-natal depression is greatly reduced, and in many cases eliminated
4. Can shorten the phase of the first stage up to 4 hours
5. Reduce the risk of damage to the pelvic floor
6. mother is more alert, refreshed, awake and energetic
7. Helps keep oxygen supplied to the baby during labor so the baby remains calm
8. Reducing the need for episiotomy
9. Reduces and often eliminates fatigue during and after childbirth
10. companion taught how to physically and emotionally support the mother during childbirth
11. Effectively teach powerful breathing technique that allows the mother to gently bring the baby into the world without violence
12. Eliminate the risk of hyperventilation and anxiety through the use of proper breathing methods and techniques of self-hypnosis
13. Often, babies are more alert and content and then sleep and eat better after the experience of childbirth by using hypnosis
14. Healing the mother and the recovery time is reduced
Well Let's learn to mother
Best regards
Unfortunately, in today's society, the notion of hypnosis based on stage shows, where they've seen people who seem to be unable to control himself, acting stupid, perhaps barking or quacking to provide entertainment for spectators. There are also some television programs that have been misleading the public by promoting hypnosis as a way to control the minds of others as a means to make them do what the hypnotist wants.
In reality, hypnosis is a trance like state or focused concentration in which the body and mind meld into one. The body is very relaxed, while the mind reaches higher consciousness and become more focused. And unnoticed in everyday life we often experience such as watching movies, reading books is fun, or ride a car or motorcycle. Your mind is so incredibly focused. So that when watching a movie or soap opera emotions you go inside, you can cry, laugh or angry.
In hypnosis, you remain awake and aware of everything, including advice from the lawyer-hypnosis. Your mind has the ability to accept advice and act real. You always have the ability to reject or accept this suggestion. And who would you stay in control.
Hypnosis During the birth process
During childbirth, hypnosis will enable you to remember the full experience of your child's birth. The subconscious mind is given positive suggestions and beliefs about birth, and pregnant women are made directly to relax both physically and mentally so that he can have a natural childbirth easier and more convenient.
Hypnosis is used in giving birth without pain to teach pregnant women how to achieve the level of relaxation, eliminating the fear that causes stress and tension that eventually causes pain. And it slows the delivery process itself
The purpose Hypnosis During Childbirth
1. Hypnosis helps pregnant women to prepare for the birth of her baby in a way that helps him to fully enjoy the rest of her pregnancy in health and peace, so he eagerly await the day of the birth experience and give life to her newborn baby
2. To help babies be born as a gentle and safe as possible, so that they enter into a world full of joy and wonder, calm and peaceful
3. To educate the medical community about the benefits of natural childbirth, how to work with couples who have chosen this wonderful way to give birth, and respect the choice of every pregnant woman when she came to them for prenatal care and delivery assistance aid.
4. To educate the public about natural childbirth and to experience a quieter, easier and more enjoyable for all involved in the process of giving birth.
Benefits of Hypnosis for Childbirth without pain
1. Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical drugs for pain relief which may have unwanted side effects
2. Reduce the likelihood and risk of cesarean
3. The risk of post-natal depression is greatly reduced, and in many cases eliminated
4. Can shorten the phase of the first stage up to 4 hours
5. Reduce the risk of damage to the pelvic floor
6. mother is more alert, refreshed, awake and energetic
7. Helps keep oxygen supplied to the baby during labor so the baby remains calm
8. Reducing the need for episiotomy
9. Reduces and often eliminates fatigue during and after childbirth
10. companion taught how to physically and emotionally support the mother during childbirth
11. Effectively teach powerful breathing technique that allows the mother to gently bring the baby into the world without violence
12. Eliminate the risk of hyperventilation and anxiety through the use of proper breathing methods and techniques of self-hypnosis
13. Often, babies are more alert and content and then sleep and eat better after the experience of childbirth by using hypnosis
14. Healing the mother and the recovery time is reduced
Well Let's learn to mother
Best regards
Use BRAIN when making decisions in labor
Using BRAIN at the time decisions in labor is very important when we make decisions in general. Using the method BRAIN, the following explanation: B-Benefit/Manfaat / Benefits
What are the benefits of option / tindakakan proposed? Whether the decision is beneficial for you or your baby?
What are the risks of the proposed options? Whether these decisions negatively impact you or your baby?
Any other options? Are there any other available alternative measures that may be more beneficial?
What is your intuition telling you? Do you have any inkling about the decisions you Take?
There N-No/Tidak
What would happen if you choose not to do anything?
For example, a pregnant woman 41 weeks there has been no sign of opening and deliveries, so come to the doctor, the doctor; immediately decided to perform an induction when in fact the woman can use the method BRAIN first before deciding to induction.
BRAIN-step examples in the above case:
- With the induction, will help me to experience a wider opening
- With immediate induction in the placenta baby I do not have a chance to deteriorate.
- I can quickly delivery and meet my baby.
- If I were not at increased widening of the birth canal can be more stressful and I could have I failed induction. Even finally had SC.
- My baby may experience respiratory distress.
- Rahim I could have possible risk of rupture / contraction of uterine rupture because I was not effective.
- I can perform natural induction in other ways such as walking, to the position of squatting / squat deep.
- I can have sex with my husband to help petlebaran the birth canal. Because prostaglandins have an effect of the husband's sperm in the cervix.
- I can use herbal remedies or acupressure to trigger relaxation and widening of the birth canal
My intuition on this labor, I am strong. Although I have to go through several phases, but I'm strong.
There N-No/Tidak
If I did not do anything, I can only rely on his own power. These options may include just wait a while before reconsidering a decision like waiting an hour, day, etc.
Using the model of decision making, women are able to explore rationally every different aspect of the decision made.
This model is effective in decision-making not only in the case of childbirth, but every daily life as well.
So before making any decisions in your labor:
Consider first B (Benefit), R (Risk), A (Alternative), I (Intuition), N (None)
In order for the decisions you make are the best of the best decisions.
Best regards
What are the benefits of option / tindakakan proposed? Whether the decision is beneficial for you or your baby?
What are the risks of the proposed options? Whether these decisions negatively impact you or your baby?
Any other options? Are there any other available alternative measures that may be more beneficial?
What is your intuition telling you? Do you have any inkling about the decisions you Take?
There N-No/Tidak
What would happen if you choose not to do anything?
For example, a pregnant woman 41 weeks there has been no sign of opening and deliveries, so come to the doctor, the doctor; immediately decided to perform an induction when in fact the woman can use the method BRAIN first before deciding to induction.
BRAIN-step examples in the above case:
- With the induction, will help me to experience a wider opening
- With immediate induction in the placenta baby I do not have a chance to deteriorate.
- I can quickly delivery and meet my baby.
- If I were not at increased widening of the birth canal can be more stressful and I could have I failed induction. Even finally had SC.
- My baby may experience respiratory distress.
- Rahim I could have possible risk of rupture / contraction of uterine rupture because I was not effective.
- I can perform natural induction in other ways such as walking, to the position of squatting / squat deep.
- I can have sex with my husband to help petlebaran the birth canal. Because prostaglandins have an effect of the husband's sperm in the cervix.
- I can use herbal remedies or acupressure to trigger relaxation and widening of the birth canal
My intuition on this labor, I am strong. Although I have to go through several phases, but I'm strong.
There N-No/Tidak
If I did not do anything, I can only rely on his own power. These options may include just wait a while before reconsidering a decision like waiting an hour, day, etc.
Using the model of decision making, women are able to explore rationally every different aspect of the decision made.
This model is effective in decision-making not only in the case of childbirth, but every daily life as well.
So before making any decisions in your labor:
Consider first B (Benefit), R (Risk), A (Alternative), I (Intuition), N (None)
In order for the decisions you make are the best of the best decisions.
Best regards
Oxytocin - The Love Hormone
At each time training my hypnobirthing always reveal that the hormone Oxytocin is the Love. Bahaimana explanation of my statement would it?
For years scientists have examined the hormone oxytocin and its role in childbirth and breastfeeding, but now appears where the production of oxytocin research is strongly influenced by emotional involvement. Referring to the book and the research made by Dr. Michel Odent, MD, a physician ObsGyn Pro-Normal and I admire, I will try to discuss about the Hormone of Love.
So what is Oxytocin?
Well, the hormone oxytocin is a protein hormone produced in the hypothalamus (the brain) that is stored in the pituitary gland (at the base of the brain). through the pituitary gland oxytocin is released directly into the blood or to other parts of the brain and spinal cord.
Oxytocin plays an important role in the female reproductive cycle. During the period of oxytocin is responsible for causing uterine contractions that lead to the release and expenditure of the lining of the uterus. And this is the ability to cause uterine contractions that make the hormone oxytocin to be a very important role in childbirth, since these hormones play an important role in triggering and regulate contractions during labor. And if labor goes too slow then the mother will be given oxytocin to help the emergence of contraction syntetis. Oxytocin is also frequently given after birth to encourage or spur of the third stage (when the release of the placenta) to walk quickly and completely. And besides that oxytocin is useful to protect the mother by pushing the uterus to contract and stop bleeding.
After birth we can see clearly that oxytocin is the hormone of love - that is, when you see a mother with her baby and meet each other face to face the first time a deep bond.
Oxytocin also plays an important role in breast-feeding provides a 'let-down' reflex that allows milk to flow.
But oxytocin is not just limited to women who are menstruating and giving birth. In fact, of all the hormones in humans, oxytocin is probably the one that gives us the greatest happiness in life.
In the 1990s, researchers began to realize the potential of oxytocin can influence human behavior outside of menstruation, childbirth and breastfeeding. They see that breastfeeding mothers become more calm in the face of psychosocial stress than their counterparts who gave milk to her baby bottle.
Oxytocin and Sex
Oxytocin also plays an important part in our sexual lives. Unlike most species, humans engage in sexual relations for pleasure and / or to express love and emotional closeness, not for the purpose of procreation. For many people, sexual relationships create a strong bond. It may no longer be surprising that oxytocin is released by men and women during lovemaking. But not only the oxytocin released during orgasm, the hormone endorphin was also released during orgasm, causing a sense of comfort and pleasure, and the hormone oxytocin, too, who seems to be responsible for causing orgasm.
Researchers have found that stimuli such as touching the skin and erogenous zone stimulation causes the release oxytocins. Increased levels of oxytocin causes a reaction in the body both physically and emotionally that generate sexual arousal and desire to be touched more. If this occurs, oxytocin is released and a lot of desire and sexual arousal to rise even higher. The more you raise the production of oxytocin, the more you become aroused and ended in orgasm. Even his own orgasm produced by oxytocin as it causes spontaneous reactions in the nerves in the genitals. While the men increased fivefold during orgasm, while in women increased even more dramatically as more women need to oxytocin when they reach orgasm.
Other health benefits Oxytocin
Oxytocin is also useful for other healthcare. It is believed that the release of oxytocin may help to avoid the emergence of potential post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and enables us to turn to potentially traumatic experiences and stress into a feeling of profound happiness and love. Giving birth is a good example. Without the effects of oxytocin, a lot of women can be exposed to the risk of PTSD contrast, oxytocin allows most women to reflect on the process of giving birth with a deep sense of calm and joy rather than revive the memory of the pain and trauma they experienced. The result is that many women feel capable of going through childbirth again, and this is good news for the survival of our species!
By regulating sleep patterns and make us feel calmer and more controlled, oxytocin seems capable of counteracting some of the effects of stress and damage can be caused by hormones or the stress hormone cortisol. Given that almost every disease and condition aggravated by stress, then by lowering stress can have a huge impact on our overall health. The real proof is that married people live longer than single or unmarried people and people with pets often recover more quickly dar illness than those who do not have pets - and the effects of oxytocin seems to be the reason why it all happened.
Oxytocin and childbirth
As we saw earlier in the process of birth a mother absolutely need and require oxytocin. Because the function of oxytocin in labor itself, among others:
- Stimulate and Enhance contraction
- Prevent bleeding
- Improving the bond between mother and baby
Well if okeitosin levels decreased in the mother's body then what happens is:
- Causing contraction slowed or even halted, and this can prolong the delivery process.
- Result in excessive bleeding at the attachment location of the placenta after giving birth
- Stimulate your doctor or midwife to respond to this problem by providing intervention unnecessary if high levels of oxytocin
Because oxytocin is the hormone of love, which means these hormones rise and fall of its production is strongly influenced by emotional state, so also in the process of childbirth. Often we do not realize this. So anything that can increase or even lower levels or levels of oxytocin in the body of a birth mother?
Oxytocin Hormone Increases:
- Stimulation of nipples
- Support or the attention of people around, especially couples
- Relaxation hypnobirthing
- Accupresure
- A comfortable environment
- A kiss and sexual intercourse
- Massage
Lowering blood / hormone levels of oxytocin
- The lack of support
- A foreign environment
- Stress and emotion
- Anxiety and worry
- Fear
- The light is too bright
Now let's take advantage of the mothers of this hormone as well as possible so that the delivery process runs smooth, safe and comfortable
Best regards
For years scientists have examined the hormone oxytocin and its role in childbirth and breastfeeding, but now appears where the production of oxytocin research is strongly influenced by emotional involvement. Referring to the book and the research made by Dr. Michel Odent, MD, a physician ObsGyn Pro-Normal and I admire, I will try to discuss about the Hormone of Love.
So what is Oxytocin?
Well, the hormone oxytocin is a protein hormone produced in the hypothalamus (the brain) that is stored in the pituitary gland (at the base of the brain). through the pituitary gland oxytocin is released directly into the blood or to other parts of the brain and spinal cord.
Oxytocin plays an important role in the female reproductive cycle. During the period of oxytocin is responsible for causing uterine contractions that lead to the release and expenditure of the lining of the uterus. And this is the ability to cause uterine contractions that make the hormone oxytocin to be a very important role in childbirth, since these hormones play an important role in triggering and regulate contractions during labor. And if labor goes too slow then the mother will be given oxytocin to help the emergence of contraction syntetis. Oxytocin is also frequently given after birth to encourage or spur of the third stage (when the release of the placenta) to walk quickly and completely. And besides that oxytocin is useful to protect the mother by pushing the uterus to contract and stop bleeding.
After birth we can see clearly that oxytocin is the hormone of love - that is, when you see a mother with her baby and meet each other face to face the first time a deep bond.
Oxytocin also plays an important role in breast-feeding provides a 'let-down' reflex that allows milk to flow.
But oxytocin is not just limited to women who are menstruating and giving birth. In fact, of all the hormones in humans, oxytocin is probably the one that gives us the greatest happiness in life.
In the 1990s, researchers began to realize the potential of oxytocin can influence human behavior outside of menstruation, childbirth and breastfeeding. They see that breastfeeding mothers become more calm in the face of psychosocial stress than their counterparts who gave milk to her baby bottle.
Oxytocin and Sex
Oxytocin also plays an important part in our sexual lives. Unlike most species, humans engage in sexual relations for pleasure and / or to express love and emotional closeness, not for the purpose of procreation. For many people, sexual relationships create a strong bond. It may no longer be surprising that oxytocin is released by men and women during lovemaking. But not only the oxytocin released during orgasm, the hormone endorphin was also released during orgasm, causing a sense of comfort and pleasure, and the hormone oxytocin, too, who seems to be responsible for causing orgasm.
Researchers have found that stimuli such as touching the skin and erogenous zone stimulation causes the release oxytocins. Increased levels of oxytocin causes a reaction in the body both physically and emotionally that generate sexual arousal and desire to be touched more. If this occurs, oxytocin is released and a lot of desire and sexual arousal to rise even higher. The more you raise the production of oxytocin, the more you become aroused and ended in orgasm. Even his own orgasm produced by oxytocin as it causes spontaneous reactions in the nerves in the genitals. While the men increased fivefold during orgasm, while in women increased even more dramatically as more women need to oxytocin when they reach orgasm.
Other health benefits Oxytocin
Oxytocin is also useful for other healthcare. It is believed that the release of oxytocin may help to avoid the emergence of potential post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and enables us to turn to potentially traumatic experiences and stress into a feeling of profound happiness and love. Giving birth is a good example. Without the effects of oxytocin, a lot of women can be exposed to the risk of PTSD contrast, oxytocin allows most women to reflect on the process of giving birth with a deep sense of calm and joy rather than revive the memory of the pain and trauma they experienced. The result is that many women feel capable of going through childbirth again, and this is good news for the survival of our species!
By regulating sleep patterns and make us feel calmer and more controlled, oxytocin seems capable of counteracting some of the effects of stress and damage can be caused by hormones or the stress hormone cortisol. Given that almost every disease and condition aggravated by stress, then by lowering stress can have a huge impact on our overall health. The real proof is that married people live longer than single or unmarried people and people with pets often recover more quickly dar illness than those who do not have pets - and the effects of oxytocin seems to be the reason why it all happened.
Oxytocin and childbirth
As we saw earlier in the process of birth a mother absolutely need and require oxytocin. Because the function of oxytocin in labor itself, among others:
- Stimulate and Enhance contraction
- Prevent bleeding
- Improving the bond between mother and baby
Well if okeitosin levels decreased in the mother's body then what happens is:
- Causing contraction slowed or even halted, and this can prolong the delivery process.
- Result in excessive bleeding at the attachment location of the placenta after giving birth
- Stimulate your doctor or midwife to respond to this problem by providing intervention unnecessary if high levels of oxytocin
Because oxytocin is the hormone of love, which means these hormones rise and fall of its production is strongly influenced by emotional state, so also in the process of childbirth. Often we do not realize this. So anything that can increase or even lower levels or levels of oxytocin in the body of a birth mother?
Oxytocin Hormone Increases:
- Stimulation of nipples
- Support or the attention of people around, especially couples
- Relaxation hypnobirthing
- Accupresure
- A comfortable environment
- A kiss and sexual intercourse
- Massage
Lowering blood / hormone levels of oxytocin
- The lack of support
- A foreign environment
- Stress and emotion
- Anxiety and worry
- Fear
- The light is too bright
Now let's take advantage of the mothers of this hormone as well as possible so that the delivery process runs smooth, safe and comfortable
Best regards
Use BRAIN when making decisions in labor
Using BRAIN at the time decisions in labor is very important when we make decisions in general. Using the method BRAIN, the following explanation: B-Benefit/Manfaat / Benefits
What are the benefits of option / tindakakan proposed? Whether the decision is beneficial for you or your baby?
What are the risks of the proposed options? Whether these decisions negatively impact you or your baby?
Any other options? Are there any other available alternative measures that may be more beneficial?
What is your intuition telling you? Do you have any inkling about the decisions you Take?
There N-No/Tidak
What would happen if you choose not to do anything?
For example, a pregnant woman 41 weeks there has been no sign of opening and deliveries, so come to the doctor, the doctor; immediately decided to perform an induction when in fact the woman can use the method BRAIN first before deciding to induction.
BRAIN-step examples in the above case:
- With the induction, will help me to experience a wider opening
- With immediate induction in the placenta baby I do not have a chance to deteriorate.
- I can quickly delivery and meet my baby.
- If I were not at increased widening of the birth canal can be more stressful and I could have I failed induction. Even finally had SC.
- My baby may experience respiratory distress.
- Rahim I could have possible risk of rupture / contraction of uterine rupture because I was not effective.
- I can perform natural induction in other ways such as walking, to the position of squatting / squat deep.
- I can have sex with my husband to help petlebaran the birth canal. Because prostaglandins have an effect of the husband's sperm in the cervix.
- I can use herbal remedies or acupressure to trigger relaxation and widening of the birth canal
My intuition on this labor, I am strong. Although I have to go through several phases, but I'm strong.
There N-No/Tidak
If I did not do anything, I can only rely on his own power. These options may include just wait a while before reconsidering a decision like waiting an hour, day, etc.
Using the model of decision making, women are able to explore rationally every different aspect of the decision made.
This model is effective in decision-making not only in the case of childbirth, but every daily life as well.
So before making any decisions in your labor:
Consider first B (Benefit), R (Risk), A (Alternative), I (Intuition), N (None)
In order for the decisions you make are the best of the best decisions.
What are the benefits of option / tindakakan proposed? Whether the decision is beneficial for you or your baby?
What are the risks of the proposed options? Whether these decisions negatively impact you or your baby?
Any other options? Are there any other available alternative measures that may be more beneficial?
What is your intuition telling you? Do you have any inkling about the decisions you Take?
There N-No/Tidak
What would happen if you choose not to do anything?
For example, a pregnant woman 41 weeks there has been no sign of opening and deliveries, so come to the doctor, the doctor; immediately decided to perform an induction when in fact the woman can use the method BRAIN first before deciding to induction.
BRAIN-step examples in the above case:
- With the induction, will help me to experience a wider opening
- With immediate induction in the placenta baby I do not have a chance to deteriorate.
- I can quickly delivery and meet my baby.
- If I were not at increased widening of the birth canal can be more stressful and I could have I failed induction. Even finally had SC.
- My baby may experience respiratory distress.
- Rahim I could have possible risk of rupture / contraction of uterine rupture because I was not effective.
- I can perform natural induction in other ways such as walking, to the position of squatting / squat deep.
- I can have sex with my husband to help petlebaran the birth canal. Because prostaglandins have an effect of the husband's sperm in the cervix.
- I can use herbal remedies or acupressure to trigger relaxation and widening of the birth canal
My intuition on this labor, I am strong. Although I have to go through several phases, but I'm strong.
There N-No/Tidak
If I did not do anything, I can only rely on his own power. These options may include just wait a while before reconsidering a decision like waiting an hour, day, etc.
Using the model of decision making, women are able to explore rationally every different aspect of the decision made.
This model is effective in decision-making not only in the case of childbirth, but every daily life as well.
So before making any decisions in your labor:
Consider first B (Benefit), R (Risk), A (Alternative), I (Intuition), N (None)
In order for the decisions you make are the best of the best decisions.
Maternity & Butterfly Pupa
A child was playing and found a cocoon of a butterfly on a low branch. He picked up a cocoon and appears small hole in it. He was stunned to observe a small hole because it appears there was a butterfly that is struggling to get out and escape through the hole. Then, looking butterfly stopped trying, he's been trying to look their best and it seems futile to exit through a small hole at the end of the cocoon.
Looking at the phenomenon that the child was filled with pity and decided to help the butterfly out of its cocoon. He took scissors and started to open the cocoon body with scissors so the butterfly could come out and fly freely.
Once open the cocoon, the butterfly came out so easily. However, he still has a puffy tubuk and small, wing-saypnya is still wrinkled. The boy began watching more closely, hoping that butterfly wings are growing so that it can bring the tiny butterflies flying towards the flowers at taman.Harapan living hope, what awaited the child does not arrive. Butterflies are forced to spend the rest of his life crawling around with a swollen body and wings are still wrinkled and not lie perfectly. The butterfly was ultimately never able to fly.
The children help out a butterfly from its cocoon, it does not seem to understand that the butterfly needs to struggle with his own power to membebasakan usahnya itself from its cocoon. Small holes that need to go through the butterflies will force the fluid in his body to enter into its wings so that he'll be ready to fly and gain freedom.
This story is very interesting for me, because my midwife course I will relate this story in labor.
Often we as midwives and doctors or parents are not conscious of that we often do the same as the boy's actions against the cocoon of the butterfly. The boy was actually good intentions, he wanted to help the butterfly so soon be free from its cocoon, but it turns out that the action actually "damaging". Just as labor is sometimes we think that babies come quickly driven out by various drugs or come in Sc I'll come out soon but it's true that our actions are just too "damaging" natural process.
Although sometimes the action we have to do with all the risks.
But if labor can be naturally why we must act like the child?
90% of mothers bia normal birth anyway, so why rush to action and intervention are unnecessary?
ingat'Hidup is a struggle. Life is hard work, even to achieve the success required sweat and tears' says the inventor Thomas Alva Edison's incandescent lamp.
Nothing is instant, all through a process that already exists in the life cycle. Each tread life that has passed will give tremendous meaning for a person to enter the site the next life. Likewise, the birth process.
If we go back to the story of the butterfly, maybe we just understand that a butterfly is pretty new it could fly beautifully after going through a tough struggle in the process of metamorphosis that unusual in it.
Likewise with the baby. Babies know when he should be born and the baby is capable of tremendous strength through all of them. Surely must be supported by a state of "cocoon" of harmony.
Let a friend ... take it and waged a passion for normal birth, gentle, safe and comfortable for our baby.
Reduce trauma
Reduce unnecessary intervention
Apply a natural intervention before making a decision to provide medical intervention / chemical that turned out without us knowing it could "undermine" the butterfly wings.
Let us think together
Looking at the phenomenon that the child was filled with pity and decided to help the butterfly out of its cocoon. He took scissors and started to open the cocoon body with scissors so the butterfly could come out and fly freely.
Once open the cocoon, the butterfly came out so easily. However, he still has a puffy tubuk and small, wing-saypnya is still wrinkled. The boy began watching more closely, hoping that butterfly wings are growing so that it can bring the tiny butterflies flying towards the flowers at taman.Harapan living hope, what awaited the child does not arrive. Butterflies are forced to spend the rest of his life crawling around with a swollen body and wings are still wrinkled and not lie perfectly. The butterfly was ultimately never able to fly.
The children help out a butterfly from its cocoon, it does not seem to understand that the butterfly needs to struggle with his own power to membebasakan usahnya itself from its cocoon. Small holes that need to go through the butterflies will force the fluid in his body to enter into its wings so that he'll be ready to fly and gain freedom.
This story is very interesting for me, because my midwife course I will relate this story in labor.
Often we as midwives and doctors or parents are not conscious of that we often do the same as the boy's actions against the cocoon of the butterfly. The boy was actually good intentions, he wanted to help the butterfly so soon be free from its cocoon, but it turns out that the action actually "damaging". Just as labor is sometimes we think that babies come quickly driven out by various drugs or come in Sc I'll come out soon but it's true that our actions are just too "damaging" natural process.
Although sometimes the action we have to do with all the risks.
But if labor can be naturally why we must act like the child?
90% of mothers bia normal birth anyway, so why rush to action and intervention are unnecessary?
ingat'Hidup is a struggle. Life is hard work, even to achieve the success required sweat and tears' says the inventor Thomas Alva Edison's incandescent lamp.
Nothing is instant, all through a process that already exists in the life cycle. Each tread life that has passed will give tremendous meaning for a person to enter the site the next life. Likewise, the birth process.
If we go back to the story of the butterfly, maybe we just understand that a butterfly is pretty new it could fly beautifully after going through a tough struggle in the process of metamorphosis that unusual in it.
Likewise with the baby. Babies know when he should be born and the baby is capable of tremendous strength through all of them. Surely must be supported by a state of "cocoon" of harmony.
Let a friend ... take it and waged a passion for normal birth, gentle, safe and comfortable for our baby.
Reduce trauma
Reduce unnecessary intervention
Apply a natural intervention before making a decision to provide medical intervention / chemical that turned out without us knowing it could "undermine" the butterfly wings.
Let us think together
Vaginal varicose veins
Many women suffer from varicose veins vulva or vagina and does not know what to do about them. Well hopefully this article useful to you who experienced it.
Are varicose veins and varicose veins vulva vagina?
Varicose veins are the veins under the skin or mucous membranes (mucosa) wide and curved / circular valve due to abnormalities in blood vessels behind it. Varicose veins usually occur on the hands and feet, but in some people may occur in other places such as the stomach, rectum (large intestine near the anus), vagina, scrotum, and vulva (genital lips). Approximately 20-30% of women have varicose veins, especially in pregnancy Vaginal Varicose veins are visible bulge in the wall of the vagina or feel bulging in the vagina itself.
vulvar varicose veins is a protrusion through the skin of the vulva or "lips" either the skin or vaginal mucosa at the vaginal entrance.
Sometimes varicose veins vagina / vulva can be very large, making the skin look very abnormal vulva. In general, varicose veins do not cause symptoms that look just bulging blood vessels under the skin or mucosa. On vaginal varicose veins, dilation of blood vessels will be seen under the mucous membrane lining the vagina. In most patients with varicose veins, especially the veins of the legs, the legs will feel heavy, tired and the pain increased when he was a lot of standing or sitting. Itching or skin becomes bluish discoloration is also a characteristic of varicose veins.
In most pregnant women who experience vaginal varicose veins, a normal delivery can still be done, except on a very heavy vaginal varicose veins, your doctor may recommend a caesarean section. Doctors will be able to find out when examining the pelvis during pregnancy or childbirth examination. After delivery, by itself will shrink varicose veins and often do not bother anymore. If the mother was pregnant again, in general, varicose veins will come back.
Vaginal bleeding due to varicose veins, generally occurs during delivery because of rupture of the walls of blood vessels due to trauma / laceration of the road when the baby is born. Very rarely bleeding due to varices usually occurs shortly after birth
How many women suffer from vaginal varicose veins?
No one knows how many women suffer from vaginal / vulvar varicose veins because there was no research done to determine how many people are suffering.
But the fact is happening in the field are:
· Sayai rarely see the veins of the vagina or vulva in women who are not pregnant.
· This case is also very rare in women who labor with SC - except if the woman previously had a normal birth before the SC or varicose veins during pregnancy has been detected and this is a cause or an indication of the SC does.
Nearly all women with vaginal or vulvar varicose veins have been previously normal delivery / childbirth pervagina
· One of 5 women with varicose leg has some varicose veins vagina or vulva - although most are still too small to see or not to cause problems
· Many women with varicose veins do not have a vagina or vulva varicose leg
What are the causes of vaginal and vulvar varicose veins?
Almost all of the vagina or vulva varicose veins (varicose veins) is derived from varicose veins in the pelvis. There are two ovaries in the pelvis called ovarian Each has a very long vein called the vena ovaries - one on the right and one on the left. Ovarian vein to take blood from the ovary back into a large vein so it can be pumped back to the heart.
If the valves stop working in the blood vessels, veins around the ovaries become dross besart - a condition called "ovarian varicocele" - or pelvic congestion syndrome.
There are two other blood vessels in the pelvis can also - called the internal iliac vein. located at the bottom of the pelvis and can cause the same problem. However, if the branches of these blood vessels are affected, can cause hemorrhoids or varicose veins around the buttocks and anus.
Causes of vaginal and vulvar varicose veins is mainly due to pressure from the uterus to hypogastric and iliac vein. The large intestine is too full due to constipation is also an important factor in the onset of this problem.
Besides the increased hormones during pregnancy will make a weakened blood vessel wall which causes enlargement. Usually if the artifacts vaginal varicose veins during pregnancy, it will appear varicose veins in the legs as well.
Besides the condition of pregnancy, varicose veins in the vagina can also be caused by consumption of corticosteroid drugs and the presence of disturbances or abnormalities in blood vessels which makes it easy to be weak so that varicose veins appear.
Position stand sitting for long periods of time is another factor that supports.
Varicose veins can produce serious and even fatal hemorrhage during delivery. Well treatment if this happens to be done is to empty the uterus as quickly as possible when bleeding occurs, because this can not be controlled. When doctors have found that varicose veins in the vagina of patients should be given the understanding of the danger of bleeding,
What are the symptoms of varicose veins vagina or vulva?
Symptoms associated with varicose veins vagina or vulva can be divided into two main groups:
Symptoms associated with its own blood vessels
Associated symptoms of venous reflux in the pelvis (pelvic venous congestion or pelvic congestion syndrome)
1 - Symptoms of varicose veins vulva or vagina
Varicose veins in the vagina or vulva can be very embarrassing. This makes a person very uncomfortable during intercourse. If large enough, they can actually be seen hanging so embarrassing when wearing a bikini or underwear models G string - and if very large may make it difficult to urinate and can inhibit sexual relationship.
2 - Symptoms of pelvic veins and pelvic varices (veins PLT hip / pelvic congestion syndrome).
Pelvic varicose veins in women can push one of the pelvic structures causing symptoms. Depending on how big his veins can cause the following symptoms: sensation of pain in the pelvis, discomfort during sexual intercourse "dyspareunia".
There are several tests that suggested, but only one is currently the "Gold Standard" test - transvaginal color duplex ultrasound.
Several tests can be done to diagnose:
Transvaginal color duplex ultrasound
This is a standardized test that shows the flow in blood vessels in the pelvis, and does not require needles or x-ray. But only accurate when performed by highly experienced operators duplex
External color duplex ultrasound (on skin)
although it sounds much better conduct "external" scan instead of transvaginal scan, blood vessels are located too far inside and angles are less detectable
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
This test can show a large pelvic varicose veins and use the techniques of blood flow, could see some of the flow in blood vessels. However, expensive and some patients may feel tightness when performed MRI scanner.
Venogram (X-ray of blood vessels with the injection of contrast)
Venogram is important in or TREATMENT vaginal and pelvic varicose veins, but not a very good test to diagnose or investigate the circumstances of inii. But this should be using X-ray (radiation) around the ovaries, must use the injections and so invasive and more expensive than duplex ultrasound
CT (or CAT Scan - Computerized Axial Tomography)
CT has a lot of the same weakness as an MRI - and this is not done on patients with claustrophobia syndrome, and this examination using X-rays, which can cause the radiation to the pelvis and ovaries
Until now there is no special tool to prevent vaginal varicose veins in pregnant women. But if pregnant women diligently picked up the foot by placing it on a pillow when napping or reading a book, a bit much to help blood flow. This method is proven to reduce the burden that must be supported by legs. Avoid the use of shoes, preferably with a maximum of 2 cm to the right of blood flow was obstructed. Then when you sleep, try not to lie in just one position to avoid pressure on blood vessels in one place.
Well mother, may be useful yes
Are varicose veins and varicose veins vulva vagina?
Varicose veins are the veins under the skin or mucous membranes (mucosa) wide and curved / circular valve due to abnormalities in blood vessels behind it. Varicose veins usually occur on the hands and feet, but in some people may occur in other places such as the stomach, rectum (large intestine near the anus), vagina, scrotum, and vulva (genital lips). Approximately 20-30% of women have varicose veins, especially in pregnancy Vaginal Varicose veins are visible bulge in the wall of the vagina or feel bulging in the vagina itself.
vulvar varicose veins is a protrusion through the skin of the vulva or "lips" either the skin or vaginal mucosa at the vaginal entrance.
Sometimes varicose veins vagina / vulva can be very large, making the skin look very abnormal vulva. In general, varicose veins do not cause symptoms that look just bulging blood vessels under the skin or mucosa. On vaginal varicose veins, dilation of blood vessels will be seen under the mucous membrane lining the vagina. In most patients with varicose veins, especially the veins of the legs, the legs will feel heavy, tired and the pain increased when he was a lot of standing or sitting. Itching or skin becomes bluish discoloration is also a characteristic of varicose veins.
In most pregnant women who experience vaginal varicose veins, a normal delivery can still be done, except on a very heavy vaginal varicose veins, your doctor may recommend a caesarean section. Doctors will be able to find out when examining the pelvis during pregnancy or childbirth examination. After delivery, by itself will shrink varicose veins and often do not bother anymore. If the mother was pregnant again, in general, varicose veins will come back.
Vaginal bleeding due to varicose veins, generally occurs during delivery because of rupture of the walls of blood vessels due to trauma / laceration of the road when the baby is born. Very rarely bleeding due to varices usually occurs shortly after birth
How many women suffer from vaginal varicose veins?
No one knows how many women suffer from vaginal / vulvar varicose veins because there was no research done to determine how many people are suffering.
But the fact is happening in the field are:
· Sayai rarely see the veins of the vagina or vulva in women who are not pregnant.
· This case is also very rare in women who labor with SC - except if the woman previously had a normal birth before the SC or varicose veins during pregnancy has been detected and this is a cause or an indication of the SC does.
Nearly all women with vaginal or vulvar varicose veins have been previously normal delivery / childbirth pervagina
· One of 5 women with varicose leg has some varicose veins vagina or vulva - although most are still too small to see or not to cause problems
· Many women with varicose veins do not have a vagina or vulva varicose leg
What are the causes of vaginal and vulvar varicose veins?
Almost all of the vagina or vulva varicose veins (varicose veins) is derived from varicose veins in the pelvis. There are two ovaries in the pelvis called ovarian Each has a very long vein called the vena ovaries - one on the right and one on the left. Ovarian vein to take blood from the ovary back into a large vein so it can be pumped back to the heart.
If the valves stop working in the blood vessels, veins around the ovaries become dross besart - a condition called "ovarian varicocele" - or pelvic congestion syndrome.
There are two other blood vessels in the pelvis can also - called the internal iliac vein. located at the bottom of the pelvis and can cause the same problem. However, if the branches of these blood vessels are affected, can cause hemorrhoids or varicose veins around the buttocks and anus.
Causes of vaginal and vulvar varicose veins is mainly due to pressure from the uterus to hypogastric and iliac vein. The large intestine is too full due to constipation is also an important factor in the onset of this problem.
Besides the increased hormones during pregnancy will make a weakened blood vessel wall which causes enlargement. Usually if the artifacts vaginal varicose veins during pregnancy, it will appear varicose veins in the legs as well.
Besides the condition of pregnancy, varicose veins in the vagina can also be caused by consumption of corticosteroid drugs and the presence of disturbances or abnormalities in blood vessels which makes it easy to be weak so that varicose veins appear.
Position stand sitting for long periods of time is another factor that supports.
Varicose veins can produce serious and even fatal hemorrhage during delivery. Well treatment if this happens to be done is to empty the uterus as quickly as possible when bleeding occurs, because this can not be controlled. When doctors have found that varicose veins in the vagina of patients should be given the understanding of the danger of bleeding,
What are the symptoms of varicose veins vagina or vulva?
Symptoms associated with varicose veins vagina or vulva can be divided into two main groups:
Symptoms associated with its own blood vessels
Associated symptoms of venous reflux in the pelvis (pelvic venous congestion or pelvic congestion syndrome)
1 - Symptoms of varicose veins vulva or vagina
Varicose veins in the vagina or vulva can be very embarrassing. This makes a person very uncomfortable during intercourse. If large enough, they can actually be seen hanging so embarrassing when wearing a bikini or underwear models G string - and if very large may make it difficult to urinate and can inhibit sexual relationship.
2 - Symptoms of pelvic veins and pelvic varices (veins PLT hip / pelvic congestion syndrome).
Pelvic varicose veins in women can push one of the pelvic structures causing symptoms. Depending on how big his veins can cause the following symptoms: sensation of pain in the pelvis, discomfort during sexual intercourse "dyspareunia".
There are several tests that suggested, but only one is currently the "Gold Standard" test - transvaginal color duplex ultrasound.
Several tests can be done to diagnose:
Transvaginal color duplex ultrasound
This is a standardized test that shows the flow in blood vessels in the pelvis, and does not require needles or x-ray. But only accurate when performed by highly experienced operators duplex
External color duplex ultrasound (on skin)
although it sounds much better conduct "external" scan instead of transvaginal scan, blood vessels are located too far inside and angles are less detectable
MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
This test can show a large pelvic varicose veins and use the techniques of blood flow, could see some of the flow in blood vessels. However, expensive and some patients may feel tightness when performed MRI scanner.
Venogram (X-ray of blood vessels with the injection of contrast)
Venogram is important in or TREATMENT vaginal and pelvic varicose veins, but not a very good test to diagnose or investigate the circumstances of inii. But this should be using X-ray (radiation) around the ovaries, must use the injections and so invasive and more expensive than duplex ultrasound
CT (or CAT Scan - Computerized Axial Tomography)
CT has a lot of the same weakness as an MRI - and this is not done on patients with claustrophobia syndrome, and this examination using X-rays, which can cause the radiation to the pelvis and ovaries
Until now there is no special tool to prevent vaginal varicose veins in pregnant women. But if pregnant women diligently picked up the foot by placing it on a pillow when napping or reading a book, a bit much to help blood flow. This method is proven to reduce the burden that must be supported by legs. Avoid the use of shoes, preferably with a maximum of 2 cm to the right of blood flow was obstructed. Then when you sleep, try not to lie in just one position to avoid pressure on blood vessels in one place.
Well mother, may be useful yes
Accupresure for natural induction
Acupressure has been used for thousands of years to treat various diseases. There are pressure points / points that can stimulate contractions or induce labor. Acupressure is an ancient healing art that has been effectively used by millions of people around the world for over 5000 years. It's based on ideas and the same principles as acupuncture, but uses finger pressure instead of needles. It involves the application of pressure to a specific, sensitive points along the body. No pills, drugs, stimulants or needles are involved - it is safe for both mother and baby. Using acupressure to induce labor is one of the methods of natural and drug free. Evidence suggests that stimulating specific acupressure points to bring on labor in 93 percent of women within 48 hours
Acupressure involves applying pressure with your fingers and thumbs on specific points. Using acupressure is a natural way to induce labor by helping the cervix to be mature, widened and widened. This is a really safe for induction of labor for both mother and baby.
Acupressure works the same principles as acupuncture, There are points throughout the body that identified thousands of years ago by Chinese doctors to stimulate the body's response to certain health conditions. Naturally induce labor is one thing you can do acupressure.
Acupressure to induce labor by stimulating contractions, helps dilate the cervix and encourage your baby to descend. Women who use labor acupressure during childbirth tend to have up to two hours shorter than women who do not use these techniques. This is a good idea to practice finding points before D-day: remember the location, but do not press.
When pressed that point to induce labor?
There are three main situations when you can use pressure points to induce labor. The first and most common situation is when your pregnancy is past the HPL (Estimated Day of Birth) / "Due Date". Secondly, already in labor and wanted to strengthen contractions and make the contractions more effective. Third, the amniotic fluid had been broken before the start of the active phase of labor. Make sure that you use the acupressure only when your condition matches one of the situations mentioned above.
You'll know when you've found a place that acupressure because the area will be a little bruised and sore when pressure is diterapkan.Saat many doctors and midwives who become aware of the effectiveness of using acupressure to induce labor ..
One of the best uses of labor acupressure is to use pressure points to strengthen the contractions or when the membranes have ruptured but labor has not started yet. Pressure points can also be used to reduce pain during contractions there are several acupressure points on the body of labor that can be manipulated by your partner.
Acupressure labor Tintik located throughout a woman's body from the ankle to butt into his hands. Learn where these points and how to manipulate them effectively can offer a woman to maternity faster and in a way that is completely natural and safe.
During childbirth, acupressure can be used to reduce pain and anxiety. Applying pressure on certain points of contraction can reduce discomfort and help a woman in labor to relax. Labor acupressure have been shown to release endorphins, which act as natural pain relief for women in the workforce. Acupressure for labor is best used during the first and second stages of labor.
Labor with acupressure has been proven effective in triggering of natural childbirth by helping the baby down, maturation and dilate the cervix, and make the contractions more frequent and successful. This is one of the natural labor induction is most effective at this time.
Benefits of Using Maternity Acupressure
Using acupressure can help you:
1. Induce labor naturally without all the drugs commonly
2. Reduce pain and discomfort maternity
3. Strengthen the contractions
4. Helps the cervix to open and widen better
5. Makes you more calm and relaxed
6. Triggering of natural childbirth from inside your own home, safe and painless.
7. The best method to calm restlessness and anxiety during childbirth.
8. Help stop the vomiting and nausea associated with childbirth
9. Effective techniques to reduce and even eliminate your pain in childbirth.
10. help change the baby's posterior position.
11. Strengthen the contractions to the birth process is faster, leading to a short labor and little chance of medical intervention.
12. better help dialation of the cervix
13. Overall, using labor acupressure to maximize the likelihood of having a normal complication-free birth.
Stimulation of specific acupressure points in the woman's body has been shown to trigger labor in more than 80% within 48 hours, and often earlier
During the third trimester, acupressure can also help to boost the position of the baby's head down so that the delivery process smoothly.
Acupressure can also be used to reduce pain in the postpartum, as well as restore vitality after childbirth. There are also specific acupressure points that help stimulate lactation and nursing
Excellent acupressure point to relieve mualselama pregnancy is called the Inner Gate (also called the P6 acupressure point Neiguan).
This is a particular point on your wrist and is easy to treat by applying pressure with your fingertips while you concentrate on your breathing
see the point in this picture, press 3 fingers below the wrist palm of right hand / left. Press gently and in for about 2-5 minutes.
Natural Labor Induction / Stimulate labor
He Ku (LI 4) (Collection of the Valley)
The location: in between the base of the thumb bone and the base of the hand index finger bone
massaging the area around the thumb and forefinger, to increase the contractions of the uterus massaged in a clockwise direction as much as 20-30 times, to reduce contractions in the uterus can be massaged to turn clockwise as much as 20-30 times. Can help reduce road head was born.
Other Benefits:
1. Headache & Toothache
2. Facial paralysis
3. Pain and swelling of the throat, pain and cramps fingers
4. Bloating, Constipation & abdominal pain, fever, itching
5. Menstrual disorders, pregnancy Stimulates contraction
6. Prohibited for young pregnant women, can cause miscarriage
Oxytocin massage (on spine)
For natural induction, massage can be done in the area of 1-2 cm along the left and right beside the spine, with a circular motion clockwise rotation as much as 20-30 times. (Massaged in green dots)
Massage in the waist (sacrum)
do massage in a clockwise direction as much as 20-30 times in the acupressure points in the area around the tail bone (coccyx)
San Yin Ciao (SP 6) (The point at which three-Yin)
dititik acupressure massage, three fingers above the inner ankle, a massage in a clockwise direction as much as 20-30 times
Point in the left shoulder and right
Point to another massage oxytocin contained in the acupressure point, located three fingers on each side of the neck above the shoulder blade. A massage in a clockwise direction, as many as 20-30 times a massage on a regular basis.
Ce Yin (BL 67) (End Yin)
The location: the corner of the little toe nail the outside
Returns the position of a breech baby (and not yet entered the pelvis) to the position of the head, can also be done by massaging the area of the little toe nail tip of the left / right massage for 20-30 times clockwise direction. Used to change the baby in the womb (breech to normal)
To edema in pregnant women
Tap inside your calf, 3 fingers under the curve of the legs, four fingers below the patella. Press gently 2-3 minutes.
Should not be performed on pregnant women under the age of 37 weeks because it can produce the hormone oxytocin. Press in point 4 fingers above the ankle, at the foot of the inside. Pressed for 2-3 minutes.
1. Pressed one finger (thumb in addition to ankle), inside. Press for 2-3 minutes.
2. Performed for edema, edema in the region except the feet. At the press in the middle of the foot, between the toe (thumb) with the back end of the foot.
Good luck
Acupressure involves applying pressure with your fingers and thumbs on specific points. Using acupressure is a natural way to induce labor by helping the cervix to be mature, widened and widened. This is a really safe for induction of labor for both mother and baby.
Acupressure works the same principles as acupuncture, There are points throughout the body that identified thousands of years ago by Chinese doctors to stimulate the body's response to certain health conditions. Naturally induce labor is one thing you can do acupressure.
Acupressure to induce labor by stimulating contractions, helps dilate the cervix and encourage your baby to descend. Women who use labor acupressure during childbirth tend to have up to two hours shorter than women who do not use these techniques. This is a good idea to practice finding points before D-day: remember the location, but do not press.
When pressed that point to induce labor?
There are three main situations when you can use pressure points to induce labor. The first and most common situation is when your pregnancy is past the HPL (Estimated Day of Birth) / "Due Date". Secondly, already in labor and wanted to strengthen contractions and make the contractions more effective. Third, the amniotic fluid had been broken before the start of the active phase of labor. Make sure that you use the acupressure only when your condition matches one of the situations mentioned above.
You'll know when you've found a place that acupressure because the area will be a little bruised and sore when pressure is diterapkan.Saat many doctors and midwives who become aware of the effectiveness of using acupressure to induce labor ..
One of the best uses of labor acupressure is to use pressure points to strengthen the contractions or when the membranes have ruptured but labor has not started yet. Pressure points can also be used to reduce pain during contractions there are several acupressure points on the body of labor that can be manipulated by your partner.
Acupressure labor Tintik located throughout a woman's body from the ankle to butt into his hands. Learn where these points and how to manipulate them effectively can offer a woman to maternity faster and in a way that is completely natural and safe.
During childbirth, acupressure can be used to reduce pain and anxiety. Applying pressure on certain points of contraction can reduce discomfort and help a woman in labor to relax. Labor acupressure have been shown to release endorphins, which act as natural pain relief for women in the workforce. Acupressure for labor is best used during the first and second stages of labor.
Labor with acupressure has been proven effective in triggering of natural childbirth by helping the baby down, maturation and dilate the cervix, and make the contractions more frequent and successful. This is one of the natural labor induction is most effective at this time.
Benefits of Using Maternity Acupressure
Using acupressure can help you:
1. Induce labor naturally without all the drugs commonly
2. Reduce pain and discomfort maternity
3. Strengthen the contractions
4. Helps the cervix to open and widen better
5. Makes you more calm and relaxed
6. Triggering of natural childbirth from inside your own home, safe and painless.
7. The best method to calm restlessness and anxiety during childbirth.
8. Help stop the vomiting and nausea associated with childbirth
9. Effective techniques to reduce and even eliminate your pain in childbirth.
10. help change the baby's posterior position.
11. Strengthen the contractions to the birth process is faster, leading to a short labor and little chance of medical intervention.
12. better help dialation of the cervix
13. Overall, using labor acupressure to maximize the likelihood of having a normal complication-free birth.
Stimulation of specific acupressure points in the woman's body has been shown to trigger labor in more than 80% within 48 hours, and often earlier
During the third trimester, acupressure can also help to boost the position of the baby's head down so that the delivery process smoothly.
Acupressure can also be used to reduce pain in the postpartum, as well as restore vitality after childbirth. There are also specific acupressure points that help stimulate lactation and nursing
Excellent acupressure point to relieve mualselama pregnancy is called the Inner Gate (also called the P6 acupressure point Neiguan).
This is a particular point on your wrist and is easy to treat by applying pressure with your fingertips while you concentrate on your breathing
see the point in this picture, press 3 fingers below the wrist palm of right hand / left. Press gently and in for about 2-5 minutes.
Natural Labor Induction / Stimulate labor
He Ku (LI 4) (Collection of the Valley)
The location: in between the base of the thumb bone and the base of the hand index finger bone
massaging the area around the thumb and forefinger, to increase the contractions of the uterus massaged in a clockwise direction as much as 20-30 times, to reduce contractions in the uterus can be massaged to turn clockwise as much as 20-30 times. Can help reduce road head was born.
Other Benefits:
1. Headache & Toothache
2. Facial paralysis
3. Pain and swelling of the throat, pain and cramps fingers
4. Bloating, Constipation & abdominal pain, fever, itching
5. Menstrual disorders, pregnancy Stimulates contraction
6. Prohibited for young pregnant women, can cause miscarriage
Oxytocin massage (on spine)
For natural induction, massage can be done in the area of 1-2 cm along the left and right beside the spine, with a circular motion clockwise rotation as much as 20-30 times. (Massaged in green dots)
Massage in the waist (sacrum)
do massage in a clockwise direction as much as 20-30 times in the acupressure points in the area around the tail bone (coccyx)
San Yin Ciao (SP 6) (The point at which three-Yin)
dititik acupressure massage, three fingers above the inner ankle, a massage in a clockwise direction as much as 20-30 times
Point in the left shoulder and right
Point to another massage oxytocin contained in the acupressure point, located three fingers on each side of the neck above the shoulder blade. A massage in a clockwise direction, as many as 20-30 times a massage on a regular basis.
Ce Yin (BL 67) (End Yin)
The location: the corner of the little toe nail the outside
Returns the position of a breech baby (and not yet entered the pelvis) to the position of the head, can also be done by massaging the area of the little toe nail tip of the left / right massage for 20-30 times clockwise direction. Used to change the baby in the womb (breech to normal)
To edema in pregnant women
Tap inside your calf, 3 fingers under the curve of the legs, four fingers below the patella. Press gently 2-3 minutes.
Should not be performed on pregnant women under the age of 37 weeks because it can produce the hormone oxytocin. Press in point 4 fingers above the ankle, at the foot of the inside. Pressed for 2-3 minutes.
1. Pressed one finger (thumb in addition to ankle), inside. Press for 2-3 minutes.
2. Performed for edema, edema in the region except the feet. At the press in the middle of the foot, between the toe (thumb) with the back end of the foot.
Good luck
This is the period of the most thrilling for a pregnant woman. Childbirth can be a very painful, and also requires a lot of time. But if you are relaxed and ready mentally, spiritually labor will progress more smoothly. To be sure Although childbirth is different for each woman, but the signs of labor are the same. By knowing the signs of labor you will understand when it is appropriate to go to the hospital and what can be done if the signs are there in your delivery. Below you will find things what needs to be known. The following are signs and symptoms of early labor. Be prepared, you will soon be giving birth and will have a child!
Early Signs of Labor - Is Labor is near?
Many women begin to experience signs and symptoms of labor a day even a week before the baby is actually born. These signs are body signals or alarms that notify you that labor is imminent, and helps your body to prepare yourself. If you are an expectant mother for the first time, the early signs of labor may occur several weeks before actual delivery. As for subsequent pregnancies, these signs may be felt when it was approaching labor. The following are some signs that labor is imminent:
Engagement or fall into the Hip Baby
When labor is approaching, your baby's head was starting to fall into the area of the pelvis (pelvic inlet). This incident was the result of the softening of your uterus. Engagement or decrease the baby's head to make you breathe more easily. Heartburn that you have ever experienced also began to stop. The decrease your baby can occur anytime from two to four weeks before your baby is actually born. If you have felt the early signs of labor, then you can convince yourself that the process of having a baby is starting. Your pregnancy will soon enter the final stage, and early signs of labor that you feel is the true center.
Pelvic pressure (Pelvic)
Once your baby down with his head inside the pelvis, you may feel less comfortable. Pain that you feel is the result of pelvic thrusts, and you will be more frequent urination and more frequent bowel movements due to increased activity of the intestine. This is one clear sign of labor. The existence of joints and relaxation of his bonds, can cause pain in the lower back. It can also cause pain because the baby suddenly you hit your pelvic floor. S Elain it, your feet may swell as a result of increased pressure on blood vessels that pass through the pelvis. Lying to the left, can help you relieve the signs of this early labor.
Vaginal Discharge / Whitish
Do not be surprised if more of your vaginal discharge, which is called vaginal discharge. This is a result of the softening of your uterus. The liquid can be white, and sometimes pink. This is one of the early signs of labor that is not convenient for you. Whitish yellow or frothy, could be a sign of infection. If liquid has changed color, tell your doctor.
Instinct 'Nested' (Nesting Instinct)
Besides physical signs, you may also feel an instinct, an instinct which is called 'nesting' (nesting instinct). This is an emotional sign aga i seb early signs of labor, which is usually characterized by the activities of cleaning closets, cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, cleaning and other activities. This motherly instinct can be a sign that soon you will have a baby. When you do enough job of this energy drain, do not do it too much. Although this is important enough to welcome your baby, but you should save your energy, given the early signs of labor will still be followed by other signs of labor.
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Signs and symptoms of early labor is named after the doctor who was first to recognize these signs. Braxton Hicks contractions, it really is a contraction, although false. Contraction is designed to prepare your body to give birth the baby.
In most cases, pseudo-running irregular contractions, usually of short duration (less than 45 seconds). The pain of contractions can be felt in berb aga i parts of the body such as the groin (groin) and the lower abdomen or back. S edangkan on the actual contraction, the contraction of the uterus causes pain that starts at the top of the uterus and spreads to the entire uterus, through the waist and hold the pelvis.
Braxton Hicks contractions stretch the bottom of your uterus, which allows your baby's head in the pelvis. You may assume this is Seb aga i signs that the birth was imminent, while Braxton Hicks contractions intensify, and cause your abdomen increasingly tense. Usually this discomfort will be reduced if you lie down.
Another sign of early labor is shivering for no apparent reason. This can happen without feeling cold or because you are weak, and can occur as a result of stress hormones or changes in levels of the hormone progesterone in your body. Shivering is one of the early signs of the birth of your baby.
An early labor signs and symptoms of unpleasant is diarrhea. The release of a chemical element in the body called prostaglandins may occur in the initial process of a delivery. These triggers can lead to increased activity of the gut (loose bowel movement). Below are the signs and symptoms of labor is imminent, and you must immediately get ready to the hospital.
The exact cause of the birth of a baby is still unknown. The theory developed in the s here is currently state that a baby in the womb helps produce certain elements which later turned into the pregnancy hormones. Here are the three main signs and symptoms that typically occurs and may indicate that you will soon be giving birth and having a baby.
The release of blockage (Mucus) or haemorrhage (blood Mucus)
The birth will begin with a softening of the cervix. When this occurs, the cervix begins to dilate, a number of mucus (phlegm) block, covering the cervix and pregnancy you will soon be over. Reddish or brownish liquid may appear, and this is called bleeding. While this can be concluded that a birth is imminent, but bleeding can occur in a few weeks before the actual birth. Therefore, these signs can not be the only signs and symptoms of labor.
Membrane rupture / Rupture of membranes
Also known as the "rupture of membranes", occurs when the sac amnioticpecah. This is an early sign of labor is most common. If the membranes have ruptured, then you can expect that delivery will occur within 24 hours. When it breaks, usually more intense contraction will occur, and your baby are getting close to the dilation of the uterus. If you are experiencing a rupture of membranes at home, remember when this incident took place, consistency and amount of amniotic fluid that has come out. The amniotic fluid is generally clear and colorless odorless, and will continue to come out until you give birth in the s aat. The doctor will ask you to menj aga vagina free of foreign objects for religious menj risk of infection. Rupture of membranes is one of the most common sign of labor happening.
Regular contractions
One of the most common signs often occur, and one way to know that labor is imminent is the consistency of the contraction. The cervix has softened be widened and will continue until the delivery process is completed. This is a sign of real labor, and means your baby will be born. The contraction will occur more regularly, intensity and duration of the contraction will also last longer. Contractions initiated a process that encourages your baby out slowly through the uterus, so the birth draws closer. This contraction, along with other signs, are signs of labor are obvious, and you will soon be having a baby!
Early Signs of Labor - Is Labor is near?
Many women begin to experience signs and symptoms of labor a day even a week before the baby is actually born. These signs are body signals or alarms that notify you that labor is imminent, and helps your body to prepare yourself. If you are an expectant mother for the first time, the early signs of labor may occur several weeks before actual delivery. As for subsequent pregnancies, these signs may be felt when it was approaching labor. The following are some signs that labor is imminent:
Engagement or fall into the Hip Baby
When labor is approaching, your baby's head was starting to fall into the area of the pelvis (pelvic inlet). This incident was the result of the softening of your uterus. Engagement or decrease the baby's head to make you breathe more easily. Heartburn that you have ever experienced also began to stop. The decrease your baby can occur anytime from two to four weeks before your baby is actually born. If you have felt the early signs of labor, then you can convince yourself that the process of having a baby is starting. Your pregnancy will soon enter the final stage, and early signs of labor that you feel is the true center.
Pelvic pressure (Pelvic)
Once your baby down with his head inside the pelvis, you may feel less comfortable. Pain that you feel is the result of pelvic thrusts, and you will be more frequent urination and more frequent bowel movements due to increased activity of the intestine. This is one clear sign of labor. The existence of joints and relaxation of his bonds, can cause pain in the lower back. It can also cause pain because the baby suddenly you hit your pelvic floor. S Elain it, your feet may swell as a result of increased pressure on blood vessels that pass through the pelvis. Lying to the left, can help you relieve the signs of this early labor.
Vaginal Discharge / Whitish
Do not be surprised if more of your vaginal discharge, which is called vaginal discharge. This is a result of the softening of your uterus. The liquid can be white, and sometimes pink. This is one of the early signs of labor that is not convenient for you. Whitish yellow or frothy, could be a sign of infection. If liquid has changed color, tell your doctor.
Instinct 'Nested' (Nesting Instinct)
Besides physical signs, you may also feel an instinct, an instinct which is called 'nesting' (nesting instinct). This is an emotional sign aga i seb early signs of labor, which is usually characterized by the activities of cleaning closets, cleaning bathrooms, mopping floors, cleaning and other activities. This motherly instinct can be a sign that soon you will have a baby. When you do enough job of this energy drain, do not do it too much. Although this is important enough to welcome your baby, but you should save your energy, given the early signs of labor will still be followed by other signs of labor.
Braxton Hicks Contractions
Signs and symptoms of early labor is named after the doctor who was first to recognize these signs. Braxton Hicks contractions, it really is a contraction, although false. Contraction is designed to prepare your body to give birth the baby.
In most cases, pseudo-running irregular contractions, usually of short duration (less than 45 seconds). The pain of contractions can be felt in berb aga i parts of the body such as the groin (groin) and the lower abdomen or back. S edangkan on the actual contraction, the contraction of the uterus causes pain that starts at the top of the uterus and spreads to the entire uterus, through the waist and hold the pelvis.
Braxton Hicks contractions stretch the bottom of your uterus, which allows your baby's head in the pelvis. You may assume this is Seb aga i signs that the birth was imminent, while Braxton Hicks contractions intensify, and cause your abdomen increasingly tense. Usually this discomfort will be reduced if you lie down.
Another sign of early labor is shivering for no apparent reason. This can happen without feeling cold or because you are weak, and can occur as a result of stress hormones or changes in levels of the hormone progesterone in your body. Shivering is one of the early signs of the birth of your baby.
An early labor signs and symptoms of unpleasant is diarrhea. The release of a chemical element in the body called prostaglandins may occur in the initial process of a delivery. These triggers can lead to increased activity of the gut (loose bowel movement). Below are the signs and symptoms of labor is imminent, and you must immediately get ready to the hospital.
The exact cause of the birth of a baby is still unknown. The theory developed in the s here is currently state that a baby in the womb helps produce certain elements which later turned into the pregnancy hormones. Here are the three main signs and symptoms that typically occurs and may indicate that you will soon be giving birth and having a baby.
The release of blockage (Mucus) or haemorrhage (blood Mucus)
The birth will begin with a softening of the cervix. When this occurs, the cervix begins to dilate, a number of mucus (phlegm) block, covering the cervix and pregnancy you will soon be over. Reddish or brownish liquid may appear, and this is called bleeding. While this can be concluded that a birth is imminent, but bleeding can occur in a few weeks before the actual birth. Therefore, these signs can not be the only signs and symptoms of labor.
Membrane rupture / Rupture of membranes
Also known as the "rupture of membranes", occurs when the sac amnioticpecah. This is an early sign of labor is most common. If the membranes have ruptured, then you can expect that delivery will occur within 24 hours. When it breaks, usually more intense contraction will occur, and your baby are getting close to the dilation of the uterus. If you are experiencing a rupture of membranes at home, remember when this incident took place, consistency and amount of amniotic fluid that has come out. The amniotic fluid is generally clear and colorless odorless, and will continue to come out until you give birth in the s aat. The doctor will ask you to menj aga vagina free of foreign objects for religious menj risk of infection. Rupture of membranes is one of the most common sign of labor happening.
Regular contractions
One of the most common signs often occur, and one way to know that labor is imminent is the consistency of the contraction. The cervix has softened be widened and will continue until the delivery process is completed. This is a sign of real labor, and means your baby will be born. The contraction will occur more regularly, intensity and duration of the contraction will also last longer. Contractions initiated a process that encourages your baby out slowly through the uterus, so the birth draws closer. This contraction, along with other signs, are signs of labor are obvious, and you will soon be having a baby!
Shoulder dystocia & Rx Shoulder dystocia is a birth of the fetal head with the anterior shoulder on the sacral Promontory stalled because it can not pass into the pelvis, or shoulder to pass the promontory, but got a hitch from the bones sacrum (tail bone). More easily shoulder dystocia is fetal shoulder dimanatersangkutnya events and can not be born after the fetal head was born. One of the criteria for diagnosis of shoulder dystocia is when the labor pervagina to give birth to the shoulder to do a special maneuver.
Spong et al (1995) using an objective criteria to determine the presence of shoulder dystocia is the time interval between the birth of the head with the whole body. The normal value of the time interval between delivery head with delivery throughout the body is 24 seconds, 79 seconds on shoulder dystocia. They propose that shoulder dystocia is when the time interval of more than 60 seconds.
Prepare For Father's Day Labor When a woman is pregnant, most of the outside world's attention is on the mother. On the one hand, this makes sense because the mothers who experience physical changes during pregnancy and birth. But what about dad? My father also, through experience during pregnancy and birth. First time father to come to terms with the transition of roles and
responsibilities within the family, and handle their own feelings such as fear, excitement and anxiety.
Being a father takes preparation, understanding and communication during pregnancy! Here is a simple step, but the key, you can take to involve, support and prepare your partner, helping to improve the experience for both of you.
Together attend prenatal classes or pregnant women. This makes it possible for fathers to understand more about prenatal care, had interesting things such as hearing the baby's heartbeat, and ask yourself these questions to the midwife / doctor to serve you.Classes are designed for pregnant mothers and fathers. For fathers who do not always read about the sundries of pregnancy and childbirth (and mothers who read too much), an interactive class that teaches the ins and outs of birth, including techniques and strategies to overcome the face of pain, it will be very valuable to you.
Being a father takes preparation, understanding and communication during pregnancy! Here is a simple step, but the key, you can take to involve, support and prepare your partner, helping to improve the experience for both of you.
Together attend prenatal classes or pregnant women. This makes it possible for fathers to understand more about prenatal care, had interesting things such as hearing the baby's heartbeat, and ask yourself these questions to the midwife / doctor to serve you.Classes are designed for pregnant mothers and fathers. For fathers who do not always read about the sundries of pregnancy and childbirth (and mothers who read too much), an interactive class that teaches the ins and outs of birth, including techniques and strategies to overcome the face of pain, it will be very valuable to you.
Tips to Have a Natural Childbirth
let's prepare sebai as possible.
The following are tips for having a natural childbirth hopefully inspire you.
1. Start with a pattern of good eating, healthy sleep and exercise diligent!
2. Eliminate stress. Take time for yourself.
Choice in Childbirth
Pregnancy is an ideal time for the mother to plan for the future and the changes they must make in their lives when their son was born.It is also a time to explore your options and decide how and where you want to take your child to the world.
Things to Consider
Things to Consider
Whitish While Pregnant
Emotional Healing for Mother Post Caesar
Drugs Vs Pregnant Mosquitoes
Pregnant and Aircraft
Several times I received a question on FB about how many weeks gestation is safe to travel by planes. All airlines have rules for pregnant women. So, check at the airline before ordering tiket.Menurut American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the safest time for pregnant women traveling by airplane is during the second trimester (18 to 24 weeks) since the second trimester is the period where the risk of preterm labor is lower. Many doctors recommend not to travel by air after 36 weeks gestation or more.
How to Use affirmations & Visualization
The subconscious is a part of the largest record all the information that goes into our minds. The subconscious can also be said as the manager of each of our organs automatically. If in the plane we refer to as "automatic pilot". in hypnobirthing affirmations and visualization is needed to help realize the ideals and expectations of mothers in pregnancy and labor through the process later. According to C. Scott Affirmations are positive personal statements that modify the negative personal beliefs and expectations, and motivate and influence us in new directions.Affirmation as a positive statement uttered repeatedly in order to become part of one's self as you wish. Affirmations can include thinking, feeling and behavior. While visualization is to imagine the intensity of the strong emotions involved in things that are desired. If we are able to visualize clearly, the real color and taste really exists, in fact we've been in those conditions.
Is it safe Follow-hypnobirthing hypnotherapy training with the Laity?
This article I wrote exactly a year ago January 22, 2010 at 9:31 am on FB. The title is way too extreme ..... but this phrase that I have long been buried and I want to express. pikiraan and harass me again tonight! I try posting again hoping this article can be a material reflection we all health workers. Sorry if the language is less pleasing, but I mean purely just want to arouse the interest and intention of the health professionals who may still be "asleep".
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