Is True Womb Can Cure Cancer With Acupuncture ?
If you are one of those who want to try other treatment methods , you can begin to try acupuncture . As we have seen acupuncture treatment is carried out by using several needles . The needles are then inserted into the human body . You do not need to worry because the acupuncturist has had sufficient knowledge about which are the points that should be on the skewer .
Streamlining Circulatory
The use of needles and puncturing certain points in the body is done to facilitate the circulation of blood . Some chronic diseases are known due to a lack of blood circulation in the body smooth , so that it causes the disruption of the circulation and delivery of material required by the intake of various organs in the body . Therefore , in the treatment of acupuncture , the insertion of needles at specific points was performed to obtain a balance in the body . However , is there any side effects from acupuncture treatment ? No. As with other traditional medicine , there are no side effects that are harmful to health . If there is , it is not caused by acupuncture method itself, but because of the media used . Therefore , if you want to perform acupuncture treatment , then you should do it in places that have official or reliable .
Cervical Cancer Can Be The Cure With Acupuncture
Then how Uterus Cancer Can Be The Cure With Acupuncture ? Research shows that acupuncture treatment can be done to cure various diseases and complaints , ranging from the lightest such as headache , migraine , to other diseases such as breast cancer , and cervical cancer , even said that acupuncture can be done to increase the chance for someone to get a descent . This can be done on those who have difficulty to conceive .
Principle of Balance Between Man and Nature
How can it be ? Previously , you had to know that acupuncture is based on a principle of balance . If you can get a balance in your body , you will get a good body health . Since thousands of years , acupuncture has been used , the principle of balance between man and nature is applied to the acupuncture treatment to obtain balance in the human body . Moreover , in these treatments , acupuncture treatment is also done to reduce pain in patients who were undergoing chemotherapy treatment or modern . Also , reducing the discomfort and anxiety caused by the effects of these treatments .
Enhancing Opportunities Pregnancy Acupuncture Treatment
In acupuncture treatment to enhance the chance of pregnancy , acupuncture acupuncturist will perform at the points associated with reproduction both partners . This is expected to accelerate blood circulation and enhance the quality of sex is happening . Besides the sedative effect of acupuncture treatment can also be used to relieve stress and restlessness in pairs . This will hopefully improve the quality of couples that can heighten the chance to have children .
Acupuncture Treatment Not Myths
Streamlining Circulatory
The use of needles and puncturing certain points in the body is done to facilitate the circulation of blood . Some chronic diseases are known due to a lack of blood circulation in the body smooth , so that it causes the disruption of the circulation and delivery of material required by the intake of various organs in the body . Therefore , in the treatment of acupuncture , the insertion of needles at specific points was performed to obtain a balance in the body . However , is there any side effects from acupuncture treatment ? No. As with other traditional medicine , there are no side effects that are harmful to health . If there is , it is not caused by acupuncture method itself, but because of the media used . Therefore , if you want to perform acupuncture treatment , then you should do it in places that have official or reliable .
Cervical Cancer Can Be The Cure With Acupuncture
Then how Uterus Cancer Can Be The Cure With Acupuncture ? Research shows that acupuncture treatment can be done to cure various diseases and complaints , ranging from the lightest such as headache , migraine , to other diseases such as breast cancer , and cervical cancer , even said that acupuncture can be done to increase the chance for someone to get a descent . This can be done on those who have difficulty to conceive .
Principle of Balance Between Man and Nature
How can it be ? Previously , you had to know that acupuncture is based on a principle of balance . If you can get a balance in your body , you will get a good body health . Since thousands of years , acupuncture has been used , the principle of balance between man and nature is applied to the acupuncture treatment to obtain balance in the human body . Moreover , in these treatments , acupuncture treatment is also done to reduce pain in patients who were undergoing chemotherapy treatment or modern . Also , reducing the discomfort and anxiety caused by the effects of these treatments .
Enhancing Opportunities Pregnancy Acupuncture Treatment
In acupuncture treatment to enhance the chance of pregnancy , acupuncture acupuncturist will perform at the points associated with reproduction both partners . This is expected to accelerate blood circulation and enhance the quality of sex is happening . Besides the sedative effect of acupuncture treatment can also be used to relieve stress and restlessness in pairs . This will hopefully improve the quality of couples that can heighten the chance to have children .
Acupuncture Treatment Not Myths
Dirty Toilet Water Cause Cervical Cancer?
Cervical cancer or cervical cancer is the second deadliest cancer after breast cancer in women . But there are still many misconceptions about the causes of this disease , some even think that dirty toilet water can make people affected by this disease .
Yet according to Andi oncology subspecialty obstetrician Darma Putra , cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus infection ( HPV ), which can only enter the body through sexual activity . Cleanliness of the toilet water so not including the causes of the disease .
" HPV is a virus that places his life in the skin epithelium . So it is not possible HPV is transmitted through toilet water , " said Andi in Cervical Cancer Seminar SOHO Layman Global Medika , in Jakarta , Friday ( 14/02/2014 ) .
Andi explained , 80 percent of HPV infections occur through sexual activity , while the rest through non - sexual activities , including entering into pubic finger . This is because the HPV virus can also live in epithelial skin of the fingers .
Yet according to Andi oncology subspecialty obstetrician Darma Putra , cervical cancer is the human papilloma virus infection ( HPV ), which can only enter the body through sexual activity . Cleanliness of the toilet water so not including the causes of the disease .
" HPV is a virus that places his life in the skin epithelium . So it is not possible HPV is transmitted through toilet water , " said Andi in Cervical Cancer Seminar SOHO Layman Global Medika , in Jakarta , Friday ( 14/02/2014 ) .
Andi explained , 80 percent of HPV infections occur through sexual activity , while the rest through non - sexual activities , including entering into pubic finger . This is because the HPV virus can also live in epithelial skin of the fingers .
There Cervical Cancer Virus in Men, Recognize 4 Points It!
Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cervix or cervical area , ie the area under the uterus that connects the uterus and vagina . Although attacking the female genital , means not only the womenfolk who have to seal about the symptoms of cervical cancer , but also men .
Because the HPV virus , the cause of cervical cancer , occurs during intercourse . Most viruses are carried by men . Launch the Huffington Post , while men have genital warts or bumps , and followed by a burning sensation and itching , it became one of the HPV virus breeding signs . The disease is also classified as a sexually transmitted disease that is most common .
Here are 4 key points to know about HPV men :
1 . Vaccines are not just for women
During this time many people think , only women who should do the vaccines to prevent cervical cancer . Gardisil vaccine that protects four HPV types was also intended men . The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement supporting the existence of a vaccine for boys before sexual activity first .
2 . Some men are more at risk of developing HPV
Gay or bisexual men are 17 times more likely to develop HPV . It is associated with anal cancer that affects men . According to the CDC , the risk is much greater , than the transmission of HPV through sexual intercourse with women .
3 . There is no HPV test for men
Most HPV screening pap smears are seen through only intended for women . The doctor will take a sample of cells from the walls of the cervix to test for any abnormalities .
Because the HPV virus , the cause of cervical cancer , occurs during intercourse . Most viruses are carried by men . Launch the Huffington Post , while men have genital warts or bumps , and followed by a burning sensation and itching , it became one of the HPV virus breeding signs . The disease is also classified as a sexually transmitted disease that is most common .
Here are 4 key points to know about HPV men :
1 . Vaccines are not just for women
During this time many people think , only women who should do the vaccines to prevent cervical cancer . Gardisil vaccine that protects four HPV types was also intended men . The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement supporting the existence of a vaccine for boys before sexual activity first .
2 . Some men are more at risk of developing HPV
Gay or bisexual men are 17 times more likely to develop HPV . It is associated with anal cancer that affects men . According to the CDC , the risk is much greater , than the transmission of HPV through sexual intercourse with women .
3 . There is no HPV test for men
Most HPV screening pap smears are seen through only intended for women . The doctor will take a sample of cells from the walls of the cervix to test for any abnormalities .
In Male Circumcision Can Reduce Risk of Cervical Cancer in Women
Circumcision not only protects us from HIV , but also prevent contracting sexually transmitted diseases ( STDs ) . Similarly, new findings by scientists.
It is said that male circumcision can reduce the risk of infection with human papillomavirus or HPV virus by 35 percent and herpes by 28 percent . Even so , the scientists assert , circumcision remains no effect on diseases such as syphilis .
Large study in three African countries including Uganda previously shown that circumcision reduces the risk of infection with the AIDS virus by 60 percent . New research from Uganda further stated that circumcision also protects men from three different types of STDs . The findings are published in the New England Journal of Medicine .
It is said that male circumcision can reduce the risk of infection with human papillomavirus or HPV virus by 35 percent and herpes by 28 percent . Even so , the scientists assert , circumcision remains no effect on diseases such as syphilis .
Large study in three African countries including Uganda previously shown that circumcision reduces the risk of infection with the AIDS virus by 60 percent . New research from Uganda further stated that circumcision also protects men from three different types of STDs . The findings are published in the New England Journal of Medicine .
Male Penis Cancer Can be taxable for Cervical Cancer Virus
Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix in women is caused by infection with human papillomavirus, or HPV . Although not as fierce as in the body of a woman , HPV also can cause penile cancer in men .
Cervical cancer is a cancer that can spread and most widely spread by sexual contact . The cause is the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) and genital men can be carriers and means of transmission .
The virus is a variety of types , but which have the potential to cause cervical cancer is about 20 and among the most common type and is a high-risk types 16 and 18 ( 80 per cent of the causes of cervical cancer ) .
" Cervical cancer was contagious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases , including the most commonly transmitted because of sex , " said Dr. Fitriyadi Kusuma , SpOG ( K ) , uterine cancer consultation and faculty Faculty of Medicine in the Division of Gynecology Oncology , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , in the event SOHO # BetterU : Mother's Day , in Akmani Hotel , 91 Jalan Wahid Hasyim , Jakarta , Thursday ( 12/19/2013 ) .
According to Dr. Fitriyadi , HPV that cause cervical cancer in women can also cause penile cancer in men . But the risk is not too great .
" In men it can cause cancer of the penis but not too big . Among women 99 percent of the causes of cervical cancer , but the guy who finished 42 percent of penile cancer . Having said that , men also need to be vaccinated with HPV , the vaccine together with women , " said Dr. Fitriyadi .
Cervical cancer is a cancer that can spread and most widely spread by sexual contact . The cause is the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) and genital men can be carriers and means of transmission .
The virus is a variety of types , but which have the potential to cause cervical cancer is about 20 and among the most common type and is a high-risk types 16 and 18 ( 80 per cent of the causes of cervical cancer ) .
" Cervical cancer was contagious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases , including the most commonly transmitted because of sex , " said Dr. Fitriyadi Kusuma , SpOG ( K ) , uterine cancer consultation and faculty Faculty of Medicine in the Division of Gynecology Oncology , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , in the event SOHO # BetterU : Mother's Day , in Akmani Hotel , 91 Jalan Wahid Hasyim , Jakarta , Thursday ( 12/19/2013 ) .
According to Dr. Fitriyadi , HPV that cause cervical cancer in women can also cause penile cancer in men . But the risk is not too great .
" In men it can cause cancer of the penis but not too big . Among women 99 percent of the causes of cervical cancer , but the guy who finished 42 percent of penile cancer . Having said that , men also need to be vaccinated with HPV , the vaccine together with women , " said Dr. Fitriyadi .
Cervical Cancer Can Be Transmitted Through Knickers Loan
Underpants are often very , very private, do not be borrowed , pijamkan , especially for women. Lend each other underpants can transmit cervical cancer , although the risk is not as big as the sexual contact .
"The risk of cervical cancer will spread sexual contact , but the non -sexual also be due to another underpants borrow , " says Dr. Fredrico Patria , SpOG , General Implementing Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiatives Indonesia ( Ipkasi ) in talk media at Shop Three Mistress, Central Jakarta, Thursday ( 10/11/2011) .
Although the risk is said to be very small , the spread of cervical cancer or cervical cancer through the underpants could be due to the cause that is Human papilloma virus ( HPV ) is a virus of grace . According to Dr. Rico , so it is common greeted , the virus is not easily killed by drying or heating .
Risk contagion through panties this will usually increase in certain conditions such as vaginal discharge. According to Dr. Rico , whiteness is not the underlying causes cervical cancer but including one supporting factors , which means that facilitate the occurrence of HPV infection .
In addition to picking up a pair of one another , the spread of HPV cause cervical cancer can also be prevented with a healthy sexual behavior that is faithful in a regular partner . While wearing a condom , mutually risky because there are still a couple of alleged virus is still able to penetrate the pores of a condom .
Avoiding marriage or sex in an age too early also includes prevention , because of the relatively high risk of HPV infection in women who are sexually active at the age less than 20 years. If it is stuck active sex , it is advisable to do a screening at least once a year.
"The risk of cervical cancer will spread sexual contact , but the non -sexual also be due to another underpants borrow , " says Dr. Fredrico Patria , SpOG , General Implementing Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiatives Indonesia ( Ipkasi ) in talk media at Shop Three Mistress, Central Jakarta, Thursday ( 10/11/2011) .
Although the risk is said to be very small , the spread of cervical cancer or cervical cancer through the underpants could be due to the cause that is Human papilloma virus ( HPV ) is a virus of grace . According to Dr. Rico , so it is common greeted , the virus is not easily killed by drying or heating .
Risk contagion through panties this will usually increase in certain conditions such as vaginal discharge. According to Dr. Rico , whiteness is not the underlying causes cervical cancer but including one supporting factors , which means that facilitate the occurrence of HPV infection .
In addition to picking up a pair of one another , the spread of HPV cause cervical cancer can also be prevented with a healthy sexual behavior that is faithful in a regular partner . While wearing a condom , mutually risky because there are still a couple of alleged virus is still able to penetrate the pores of a condom .
Avoiding marriage or sex in an age too early also includes prevention , because of the relatively high risk of HPV infection in women who are sexually active at the age less than 20 years. If it is stuck active sex , it is advisable to do a screening at least once a year.
Usefulness chicken claw Similar to Shark Fins
Sharks will be extinct soon if it continues hunted for their fins which reputedly very nutritious . And to just get the benefits of shark fin , chicken claw is more easily obtained had almost the same nutritional content .
One of the useful content of the shark fin is cartilage or cartilage , which is believed to be able to improve immunity and prevent cancer . Just like a shark fin , claw aka chicken feet also contains a lot of joint cartilage to coat .
As reported previously detikHealth , the American Cancer Society never develop cancer drugs from cartilage material . Drugs made from shark fin was quite effective , but the raw materials are difficult to obtain in large quantities without disturbing the balance of marine life .
In this case if the shark had to be protected , then the chicken claw could be an alternative because both contain a lot of cartilage . Chicken claw obviously easier to obtain because it is cultivated so that the birds might not become extinct despite continuous consumed .
Other ingredients that can be found in shark fins and chicken claw glucosamine and chondroitin is , two compounds are efficacious as a natural anti-inflammatory . A study in 1995 proved , both compounds were able to relieve the symptoms of arthritis or osteoarthritis .
Another advantage of a chicken claw than shark fin is very high collagen content . Collagen is a protein and is widely used in many beauty products found in bones , joints , and the skin hardens in a chicken claw .
One of the useful content of the shark fin is cartilage or cartilage , which is believed to be able to improve immunity and prevent cancer . Just like a shark fin , claw aka chicken feet also contains a lot of joint cartilage to coat .
As reported previously detikHealth , the American Cancer Society never develop cancer drugs from cartilage material . Drugs made from shark fin was quite effective , but the raw materials are difficult to obtain in large quantities without disturbing the balance of marine life .
In this case if the shark had to be protected , then the chicken claw could be an alternative because both contain a lot of cartilage . Chicken claw obviously easier to obtain because it is cultivated so that the birds might not become extinct despite continuous consumed .
Other ingredients that can be found in shark fins and chicken claw glucosamine and chondroitin is , two compounds are efficacious as a natural anti-inflammatory . A study in 1995 proved , both compounds were able to relieve the symptoms of arthritis or osteoarthritis .
Another advantage of a chicken claw than shark fin is very high collagen content . Collagen is a protein and is widely used in many beauty products found in bones , joints , and the skin hardens in a chicken claw .
Uterus Cancer No Longer Deadly
No. Women Uterus Cancer Killer . 1 The World
Cancer of the womb ( uterus ) is one type of cancer is frightening for a perempuan.Kanker is considered to be the largest cause of death of women in the world . В Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause , most commonly affects women aged 50-60 tahun.В cancer can spread ( metastasis ) locally and to various parts of the body ( eg, cervical canal , fallopian tubes , ovaries , the area around the uterus , lymph system nodes or to other parts of the body through blood vessels ) .
cancer patients
What Causes Cervical Cancer ?
As with other cancers , the cause of cancer even this is not certain . However, suspected to be the cause some of the following issues :
The cause is a virus Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) , the virus is thought to arise due to changing the behavior of a sexual partner .
Sexual intercourse under the age of 17 years .
Cleaning Vagina.В The women are often tempted by ads that supposedly cleaner can clean the vagina from germs . Though there are germs in the mouth of the vagina called basillus Doderlain , lactic acid -producing function is maintaining vaginal moisture .
Habits vaginal sprinkle with talcum powder . If there is one grain of powder is attached, it will become infected and cause injury in the ovary .
Anyone Who Had High-Risk Cervical Cancer ?
Cancer of the womb ( uterus ) is one type of cancer is frightening for a perempuan.Kanker is considered to be the largest cause of death of women in the world . В Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause , most commonly affects women aged 50-60 tahun.В cancer can spread ( metastasis ) locally and to various parts of the body ( eg, cervical canal , fallopian tubes , ovaries , the area around the uterus , lymph system nodes or to other parts of the body through blood vessels ) .
cancer patients
What Causes Cervical Cancer ?
As with other cancers , the cause of cancer even this is not certain . However, suspected to be the cause some of the following issues :
The cause is a virus Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) , the virus is thought to arise due to changing the behavior of a sexual partner .
Sexual intercourse under the age of 17 years .
Cleaning Vagina.В The women are often tempted by ads that supposedly cleaner can clean the vagina from germs . Though there are germs in the mouth of the vagina called basillus Doderlain , lactic acid -producing function is maintaining vaginal moisture .
Habits vaginal sprinkle with talcum powder . If there is one grain of powder is attached, it will become infected and cause injury in the ovary .
Anyone Who Had High-Risk Cervical Cancer ?
Tread Dara ( Catharanthus roseus ) Materials Abatement Has Been Tested For Cancer Cells And Penumpas . Crop Still Includes Family Apocynaceae or Cambodia - Two Compounds Containing This Kambojaan Group Alkaloids Vincristine and Vinblastine Vinka That Inhibit Propagation Efficacious And Spreading Cancer Cells .Cervical cancer is cancer that occurs in the cervical region . The area that is the female reproductive organ which is the entrance to the uterus . Located Between Rahim ( uterus ) Women Intercourse With Holes ( Vagina ) . This is 99.7 % Cancer Caused By Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) Oncogenic , The Attack Cervix .
Starting occur in the cervix , Where Have Enters Next Phase , this cancer can spread to other organs throughout the body . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .
Cause of Cervical Cancer
First , Cervical Cancer Virus Caused By HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus ) . Viruses It Has More Than 100 Types , where most of them are harmless and will disappear by itself . Types of HPV Virus That Causes Cervical Cancer And The HPV virus is most Fatal.Akibatnya Type 16 and 18 . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .Second, the addition Caused By Virus HPV , Abnormal Cells In Cervix Can Also Grow Due To Radiation Exposure Or Chemicals Pollution Happens In Long Enough Period . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
In Early Stage Disease Cause Symptoms That 's Not Easy observed . That reason , you are already sexually active Yang Amat To Perform tests recommended Pap smear every two years . Physical symptoms of this disease are generally only felt by patients with advanced cancer . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .
Symptoms of Advanced Cervical Cancer :The emergence of Pain and bleeding during intercourse ( contact bleeding ) .Excessive vaginal discharge and Abnormal .Bleeding In The Menstrual Cycle .Drastic Weight Loss .If the cancer has spread to the pelvis , the patient will suffer back painAlso Barriers in urination, and kidney enlargement .
Herbal Medicines for Cervical Cancer
Vincristine Material Used For Bronchial Cancer Treatment , Malignant Tumor In Kidney , Breast Cancer , And The Different Types of Malignant Tumors Invading Originally Cord Nor muscle . Crop In Sumatra Grass Called Bitch That Also Contain Alkaloids Cabtharanthin Expected to Urge And Cancer Cell Nucleus Dissolves .
INGREDIENTS :Boil 22 leaves Tread Dara Sheet .Fruit Fennel ( Foeniculum Vulgare ) .Bark pulasari ( Alyxia Reinwardti ) .Three Glasses of Water .Bubuhi brown sugar to taste .After Boil Up Half Lives , Filter .Herb taken three times daily Each half-pint .Most Do Not During treatment a month .
Starting occur in the cervix , Where Have Enters Next Phase , this cancer can spread to other organs throughout the body . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .
Cause of Cervical Cancer
First , Cervical Cancer Virus Caused By HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus ) . Viruses It Has More Than 100 Types , where most of them are harmless and will disappear by itself . Types of HPV Virus That Causes Cervical Cancer And The HPV virus is most Fatal.Akibatnya Type 16 and 18 . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .Second, the addition Caused By Virus HPV , Abnormal Cells In Cervix Can Also Grow Due To Radiation Exposure Or Chemicals Pollution Happens In Long Enough Period . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
In Early Stage Disease Cause Symptoms That 's Not Easy observed . That reason , you are already sexually active Yang Amat To Perform tests recommended Pap smear every two years . Physical symptoms of this disease are generally only felt by patients with advanced cancer . Cervical Cancer Herbal Medicines .
Symptoms of Advanced Cervical Cancer :The emergence of Pain and bleeding during intercourse ( contact bleeding ) .Excessive vaginal discharge and Abnormal .Bleeding In The Menstrual Cycle .Drastic Weight Loss .If the cancer has spread to the pelvis , the patient will suffer back painAlso Barriers in urination, and kidney enlargement .
Herbal Medicines for Cervical Cancer
Vincristine Material Used For Bronchial Cancer Treatment , Malignant Tumor In Kidney , Breast Cancer , And The Different Types of Malignant Tumors Invading Originally Cord Nor muscle . Crop In Sumatra Grass Called Bitch That Also Contain Alkaloids Cabtharanthin Expected to Urge And Cancer Cell Nucleus Dissolves .
INGREDIENTS :Boil 22 leaves Tread Dara Sheet .Fruit Fennel ( Foeniculum Vulgare ) .Bark pulasari ( Alyxia Reinwardti ) .Three Glasses of Water .Bubuhi brown sugar to taste .After Boil Up Half Lives , Filter .Herb taken three times daily Each half-pint .Most Do Not During treatment a month .

Medicinal Plants For Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is the growth of abnormal cells in the cervix and is not controlled or cervix . The cervix is the lower part of the uterus that opens into the vagina . Cervical cancer can usually be treated successfully when found early on ( early ) . To be caught early screening examination required a Pap smear test .
Cervical cancer affects the cervix , which is part of the female reproductive system . Therefore, cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer layman . The cervix is the lowest part of a woman's womb ( uterus ) and is located at the top of the vagina . The cervix is composed of cells , which may change from healthy and become abnormal .
Cause of Cervical Cancer
Medicinal Plants For Cervical Cancer __ Because cervical cancer is most often caused by a virus called human papillomavirus , or HPV . You can be exposed to HPV during sexual contact with someone who has HPV . There are many types of HPV virus . Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer . Some of them cause genital warts , but other types may not cause any symptoms .
You can have HPV for years and you do not know that you are suffering from the disease . The virus will remain in your body and can lead to cervical cancer years after you are infected . This is why it is important for you to do regular Pap test . Pap test can find changes in cervical cells before they turn into cancer . If you are treated in the event of changes in the cell , then you can prevent cervical cancer .
Treatment of Cervical Cancer
For those of you who are looking for a cure for cancer , please read the following article to completion
Cancer Soursop Leaf Exterminator
Medicinal Plants For Cervical Cancer __ Efficacy of fruit soursop gives effect anti- tumor or cancer is very strong , and medically proven to cure all types of cancer . In addition to cure cancer , soursop fruit also acts as an anti- bacterial , anti fungi ( fungi ) , effective against various types of parasites or worms , lowers high blood pressure , depression , stress , and normalize the nervous system that are less good .
One example of how important the existence of Health Sciences Institute is the institute for the people of America unmasked the secret of this miracle fruit . Astonishing fact is : far inland Amazon forest , growing " magic tree " , which will change the way you think , your doctor , and the world about the healing process of cancer or cancer drugs and hope to survive . Nothing can promise more than this, for the days to come .
Cervical cancer affects the cervix , which is part of the female reproductive system . Therefore, cervical cancer is also known as cervical cancer layman . The cervix is the lowest part of a woman's womb ( uterus ) and is located at the top of the vagina . The cervix is composed of cells , which may change from healthy and become abnormal .
Cause of Cervical Cancer
Medicinal Plants For Cervical Cancer __ Because cervical cancer is most often caused by a virus called human papillomavirus , or HPV . You can be exposed to HPV during sexual contact with someone who has HPV . There are many types of HPV virus . Not all types of HPV cause cervical cancer . Some of them cause genital warts , but other types may not cause any symptoms .
You can have HPV for years and you do not know that you are suffering from the disease . The virus will remain in your body and can lead to cervical cancer years after you are infected . This is why it is important for you to do regular Pap test . Pap test can find changes in cervical cells before they turn into cancer . If you are treated in the event of changes in the cell , then you can prevent cervical cancer .
Treatment of Cervical Cancer
For those of you who are looking for a cure for cancer , please read the following article to completion
Cancer Soursop Leaf Exterminator
Medicinal Plants For Cervical Cancer __ Efficacy of fruit soursop gives effect anti- tumor or cancer is very strong , and medically proven to cure all types of cancer . In addition to cure cancer , soursop fruit also acts as an anti- bacterial , anti fungi ( fungi ) , effective against various types of parasites or worms , lowers high blood pressure , depression , stress , and normalize the nervous system that are less good .
One example of how important the existence of Health Sciences Institute is the institute for the people of America unmasked the secret of this miracle fruit . Astonishing fact is : far inland Amazon forest , growing " magic tree " , which will change the way you think , your doctor , and the world about the healing process of cancer or cancer drugs and hope to survive . Nothing can promise more than this, for the days to come .
Medicinal Herbs For Pain Wound Ceasar
The caesarean wound is one type of injury arising from the operation done to ease the process of childbirth , although this time the practice is not something that is foreign to the mother is still often complain because after the surgery usually occurs wounds do not heal , it certainly raises to worries for mothers .
Well a bit of knowledge that we will share with you . Here are some of the factors that led to the cesarean operation done include:
Presentation buttocks or feet appearing first baby
Percentage shoulder breech ( baby's birth shoulder first)
Had undergone a caesarean section , giving rise to fears that scar harm done if the mother gave birth to a normal process .
The mother's hip size is small so it is difficult for a normal delivery .
Ari ari released in advance
The umbilical cord wrapped around the baby so the baby's breathing interfere
Pendarah mother too much
Contraction of the mother physically weakened
Babies will be born twins over 2
How to Dry Herbs Luka Luka Caesar to Caesar Jelly Gamat Gold G made from extracts of sea cucumbers or gamat .
Pain Medication For Pain Luka Luka Ceasar Ceasar HerbalObat For Herbs - For those of you mothers who just gave birth by caesarean the following we provide a way to speed up the healing process and drying with a caesarean scar herbal medicine jelly gamat gold g made from extracts sea cucumbers or call with gamat Malaysian society .
Well a bit of knowledge that we will share with you . Here are some of the factors that led to the cesarean operation done include:
Presentation buttocks or feet appearing first baby
Percentage shoulder breech ( baby's birth shoulder first)
Had undergone a caesarean section , giving rise to fears that scar harm done if the mother gave birth to a normal process .
The mother's hip size is small so it is difficult for a normal delivery .
Ari ari released in advance
The umbilical cord wrapped around the baby so the baby's breathing interfere
Pendarah mother too much
Contraction of the mother physically weakened
Babies will be born twins over 2
How to Dry Herbs Luka Luka Caesar to Caesar Jelly Gamat Gold G made from extracts of sea cucumbers or gamat .
Pain Medication For Pain Luka Luka Ceasar Ceasar HerbalObat For Herbs - For those of you mothers who just gave birth by caesarean the following we provide a way to speed up the healing process and drying with a caesarean scar herbal medicine jelly gamat gold g made from extracts sea cucumbers or call with gamat Malaysian society .
How to Make Traditional Medicines for Cervical Cancer
Here is information on how to make traditional medicines for cervical cancer with several medicinal plants for cancer which is very safe for consumption and does not pose a risk for people with dependency.
Cervical cancer is one type of cancer that is terrible for women in particular. Do not underestimate this one disease, but for those of you who are looking for ways to heal from cervical cancer does not hurt to try some herbs that cervical cancer is one of the traditional remedy for cervical cancer
including :
1 . Turmeric / Talk / White turmeric ( Curcuma zedoaria ) . This plant contains curcumol and curdione . Although it is bitter but Turmeric / Turmeric / White Rally is reliable as anticancer herbal medicine . In the case of colon tumors , how to use it : White Turmeric rhizome fist peeled , washed , then sliced thin . Boil 4 cups of water to 2 cups . Strain and let cool , then drink every morning and evening each glass .
2 . Tread Dara ( Catharanthus roseus ) . Often used for chemotherapy . The family Apocynaceae family contains more than 70 kinds of alkaloids . The content that is known to treat cancer are vinblastine , vincristine , vinkadiolin , vindesin , vinorelbin , and katarantin . Doctors prescribe plant in East Africa Tread Dara for the treatment of cancer in combination with chemotherapy . The anticancer alkaloid entered the body by injection or through an IV . Just an example vincristine most efficacious for treating breast cancer and leukemia .
During this time , many ways taken by the patients is through medical treatment . Medical treatment of cancer usually involves surgery ( surgery ) , radiotherapy , hormonal therapy , and chemotherapy . Medical cancer treatment such as chemotherapy and radiation aimed at the destruction and killing cancer cells .
Unfortunately , not only the damaged cancer cells , healthy cells and tissues can be damaged . Because of this , often the cancer treatment can cause a variety of negative side effects so patients are often reluctant to do so .
In addition to medical treatment of cancer , cancer treatment options are there others ? Currently , many alternative cancer treatments have evolved
One alternative cancer treatments are much in demand is the use of anti - cancer herbs , for example by using the ant nest . Here is an explanation why the ant nest and the right can be used as a cure for cancer of the uterus .
Ants Nest ( Myrmecodia pendans ) is a plant that originated from Papua who have traditionally been used by indigenous people for generations , to treat a variety of ailments and weight . Now , modern research has revealed a variety of content of active compounds that play an important role in the treatment process .
Dr. M. Ahkam Subroto , a LIPI principal investigator , revealed that the active compounds contained in the ant nest as flavonoids , tannins , and polyphenols act as antioxidants in the body . Antioxidants are needed by the body to ward off cancer-causing free radicals .
Free radicals circulating in the body tries to steal electrons present in other molecules such as DNA and cells . If that happens , then the DNA and cells that lose electrons can be damaged and unstable , potentially causing cancer .
Antioxidants help stop the destruction of cells by delivering electrons to the free radicals thereby preventing free radical to steal an electron from DNA or cells , thus becoming healthy and cancer cells can be inhibited .
Ant nests are rich in antioxidants , not only can prevent cancer , but also can be used as a cure for cancer that spread even faster though .
With various content of the active compound , ants nest works in cells by stimulating the immune system to fight cancer cells , for example , one of the antioxidants contained in the ant nest , flavonoids , proved to have a mechanism in combating tumors / cancer , including :
inactivation of carcinogens
Disabling active substances that cause cancer .
Anti - proliferation
Inhibit the multiplication of abnormal cells in cancer .
Inhibition of cell cycle
In cancer , there is a failure in the control of cell division cycle . Whereby cells undergo rapid division and continuously . Flavonoids work by inhibiting abnormal cell division cycle ( cancer ) is.
Induction of apoptosis and differentiation
Stimulate cancer cell suicide process .
inhibition of angiogenesis
Inhibit the formation of new blood vessels in cancer cells that play a role in providing food / nutrition for the development of cancer cells . If cancer cells are not getting enough nutrients , cancer cells will die .
Reversal of multi - drug resistance
Flavonoids help the body avoid resistance / resistant to the drugs consumed .
Tocopherol , another antioxidant compounds in ant nests , also one of the compounds that play an important role as an anti - cancer .
Research shows that alpha - tocopherol at a concentration of 12 ppm alone is able to reduce up to 96 % of free radicals . Moreover, ant nests are rich in antioxidants tocopherol , up to about 313 ppm .
Unfortunately , not only the damaged cancer cells , healthy cells and tissues can be damaged . Because of this , often the cancer treatment can cause a variety of negative side effects so patients are often reluctant to do so .
In addition to medical treatment of cancer , cancer treatment options are there others ? Currently , many alternative cancer treatments have evolved
One alternative cancer treatments are much in demand is the use of anti - cancer herbs , for example by using the ant nest . Here is an explanation why the ant nest and the right can be used as a cure for cancer of the uterus .
Ants Nest ( Myrmecodia pendans ) is a plant that originated from Papua who have traditionally been used by indigenous people for generations , to treat a variety of ailments and weight . Now , modern research has revealed a variety of content of active compounds that play an important role in the treatment process .
Dr. M. Ahkam Subroto , a LIPI principal investigator , revealed that the active compounds contained in the ant nest as flavonoids , tannins , and polyphenols act as antioxidants in the body . Antioxidants are needed by the body to ward off cancer-causing free radicals .
Free radicals circulating in the body tries to steal electrons present in other molecules such as DNA and cells . If that happens , then the DNA and cells that lose electrons can be damaged and unstable , potentially causing cancer .
Antioxidants help stop the destruction of cells by delivering electrons to the free radicals thereby preventing free radical to steal an electron from DNA or cells , thus becoming healthy and cancer cells can be inhibited .
Ant nests are rich in antioxidants , not only can prevent cancer , but also can be used as a cure for cancer that spread even faster though .
With various content of the active compound , ants nest works in cells by stimulating the immune system to fight cancer cells , for example , one of the antioxidants contained in the ant nest , flavonoids , proved to have a mechanism in combating tumors / cancer , including :
inactivation of carcinogens
Disabling active substances that cause cancer .
Anti - proliferation
Inhibit the multiplication of abnormal cells in cancer .
Inhibition of cell cycle
In cancer , there is a failure in the control of cell division cycle . Whereby cells undergo rapid division and continuously . Flavonoids work by inhibiting abnormal cell division cycle ( cancer ) is.
Induction of apoptosis and differentiation
Stimulate cancer cell suicide process .
inhibition of angiogenesis
Inhibit the formation of new blood vessels in cancer cells that play a role in providing food / nutrition for the development of cancer cells . If cancer cells are not getting enough nutrients , cancer cells will die .
Reversal of multi - drug resistance
Flavonoids help the body avoid resistance / resistant to the drugs consumed .
Tocopherol , another antioxidant compounds in ant nests , also one of the compounds that play an important role as an anti - cancer .
Research shows that alpha - tocopherol at a concentration of 12 ppm alone is able to reduce up to 96 % of free radicals . Moreover, ant nests are rich in antioxidants tocopherol , up to about 313 ppm .
Traditional ace uterine cancer drugs could treat ovarian cancer maxs thoroughly
Traditional ace uterine cancer drugs could treat ovarian cancer maxs thoroughly
Drug traditional cervical cancer uterine cancer is a malignant tumor of the endometrium ( lining of the uterus ) . Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause , most commonly affects women aged 50-60 years . The cause is not known , but the disease appears to involve an increase in estrogen levels . Until recently , ovarian cancer is known as the " silent killer " because it is usually difficult to be detected until an advanced stage .
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Symptoms of ovarian cancer are not specific . Recent studies have shown that patients with ovarian cancer usually experience symptoms such as abdominal pressure ( feeling full , swelling or bloating ) and feeling the urge to urinate constantly . Other symptoms include :
Persistent indigestion ( gas or nausea )
Changes in bowel habits for no apparent reason , such as constipation
Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
Pain during intercourse ( dyspareunia )
Limp and exhausted sustainable
Pain in the area around the waist / pelvis
Changes in the menstrual cycle ( uterine cancer drug : 2013)
For the treatment of cervical cancer could be done with herbal ingredients . And who would we offer to you is the treatment of cervical cancer with Ace Maxs . Ace Maxs benefits as a drug capable of curing cervical cancer naturally , safely and without side effects .
Drug uterine cancer uterine cancer tradisionalObat traditional Maxs Ace , a latest health product made from mangosteen peel extract and soursop leaves that have been proven to help treat a variety of chronic diseases , ranging from high blood pressure , stroke , heart disease , various cancers , diabetes , etc. with a complete , safe and without side effects . In addition to the treatment of these diseases , ace maxs also very good to prevent the onset of various diseases and increase endurance and improve health conditions .
Drug traditional cervical cancer uterine cancer is a malignant tumor of the endometrium ( lining of the uterus ) . Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause , most commonly affects women aged 50-60 years . The cause is not known , but the disease appears to involve an increase in estrogen levels . Until recently , ovarian cancer is known as the " silent killer " because it is usually difficult to be detected until an advanced stage .
Symptoms of Cervical Cancer
Symptoms of ovarian cancer are not specific . Recent studies have shown that patients with ovarian cancer usually experience symptoms such as abdominal pressure ( feeling full , swelling or bloating ) and feeling the urge to urinate constantly . Other symptoms include :
Persistent indigestion ( gas or nausea )
Changes in bowel habits for no apparent reason , such as constipation
Loss of appetite or quickly feeling full
Pain during intercourse ( dyspareunia )
Limp and exhausted sustainable
Pain in the area around the waist / pelvis
Changes in the menstrual cycle ( uterine cancer drug : 2013)
For the treatment of cervical cancer could be done with herbal ingredients . And who would we offer to you is the treatment of cervical cancer with Ace Maxs . Ace Maxs benefits as a drug capable of curing cervical cancer naturally , safely and without side effects .
Drug uterine cancer uterine cancer tradisionalObat traditional Maxs Ace , a latest health product made from mangosteen peel extract and soursop leaves that have been proven to help treat a variety of chronic diseases , ranging from high blood pressure , stroke , heart disease , various cancers , diabetes , etc. with a complete , safe and without side effects . In addition to the treatment of these diseases , ace maxs also very good to prevent the onset of various diseases and increase endurance and improve health conditions .
Cervical Cancer Drugs
Search natural medicine cervical cancer ? Ace maxs herbal product from mangosteen peel and leaves of the soursop . See explanation Ace maxs , mangosteen peel efficacy , the efficacy of soursop leaf , and why Ace Maxs .
natural medicine cervical cancer
Soursop leaves for cervical cancer natural medicine
Soursop leaves for medicine cervical cancer Cervical Cancer alamiObat natural . The results showed that the leaves of the soursop is able to attack and destroy cancer cells , according to research on the efficacy of soursop as antitumor and anticancer by The National Cancer Institute in 1976.
Based on the data and the results of other studies , the workings of anticancer substances in the leaves sirsak10.000 times more potent in killing cells and slow the growth of natural kankersecara compared with adriamycin and chemo therapy is commonly digunakan.Sumber : , Health Sciences Institute ( ) , the Department of Agriculture .
Mangosteen skin for a natural cervical cancer drug
Mangosteen skin for drug alamiObat Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer naturally . Not less than soursop leaves , mangosteen peel is very good in the fight against cancer . Xanthones in mangosteen peel contained , super antioxidants . Efficacy Xanthones not just an antioxidant , but also anticancer like Moongkarndi research results . Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University researchers were testing the Xanthones in preclinical research with alias SKBR3 human breast cancer cell cultures . The result ? Mangosteen peel extract is a powerful anti-proliferation to inhibit the growth of cancer cells . Additionally it also is apoptotic extract or support the destruction of cancer cells .
natural medicine cervical cancer
Soursop leaves for cervical cancer natural medicine
Soursop leaves for medicine cervical cancer Cervical Cancer alamiObat natural . The results showed that the leaves of the soursop is able to attack and destroy cancer cells , according to research on the efficacy of soursop as antitumor and anticancer by The National Cancer Institute in 1976.
Based on the data and the results of other studies , the workings of anticancer substances in the leaves sirsak10.000 times more potent in killing cells and slow the growth of natural kankersecara compared with adriamycin and chemo therapy is commonly digunakan.Sumber : , Health Sciences Institute ( ) , the Department of Agriculture .
Mangosteen skin for a natural cervical cancer drug
Mangosteen skin for drug alamiObat Cervical Cancer Cervical cancer naturally . Not less than soursop leaves , mangosteen peel is very good in the fight against cancer . Xanthones in mangosteen peel contained , super antioxidants . Efficacy Xanthones not just an antioxidant , but also anticancer like Moongkarndi research results . Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University researchers were testing the Xanthones in preclinical research with alias SKBR3 human breast cancer cell cultures . The result ? Mangosteen peel extract is a powerful anti-proliferation to inhibit the growth of cancer cells . Additionally it also is apoptotic extract or support the destruction of cancer cells .
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