Pelvic Cepalo Disoroportion (CPD) The lack of compliance Fetus and Mother Hip

 CPD is often implied diagnosed. In cases where the birth process has failed to progress or the baby became distressed, medical staff generally assume that this is due to physical disability in the mother rather than look at the state of maternal care. This problem often occurs when the CPD is not suspected and there are other causes such as fear, difficulty adjusting to the medical environment, lack of emotional support and non-continuity of health workers.

Many women worry about how something big like a baby will fall in a narrow alley in a vagina, so the implications of the inability of the pelvis to confirm the personal fears, low self-esteem, affect subsequent progress of every birth and add a feeling of failure occurred in the hearts and minds of mothers. CPD is also sometimes suspected when the baby's head fails to descend into the pelvis, when a mother in the expected CPD, x-ray pelvimetry may be suggested, both ante-natal or post-natal. maternal pelvis is measured by x-ray to assess the adequacy of the pelvis. Apart from health risks x-ray, pelvic assessment methods have been criticized because it has been proven to be inaccurate and because it is often the result does not affect how the management of labor. Because of concerns x-ray exposure to the mother and baby, some hospitals offer pelvimetry by computed tomography (CT) scan that uses radiation dose is much lower. In any case, CPD is difficult to diagnose accurately because of not less than four variables that can not be measured: 1. pelvic muscles and ligaments supporting the unstructured, remained firm During pregnancy and childbirth hormone relaxin softens the ligaments that join the pelvic bone, so that the pelvis can 'stretch'. The level of expansion achieved will vary from woman's pelvis with a woman and from pregnancy to one another pregnancy 2. Moulase the infant's head Baby's head consists of separate bones which move relative to one another, allowing the baby's head to moulase or do overlap and thus it will reduce the diameter of the head during the trip down the birth canal. No one can predict the capacity of molasses baby's head, because this is a feature of the normal birth process, which should not affect the health and welfare of the baby. 3. The position where a woman during labor and delivery adapted to make a difference to pelvic dimensions Squat, for example, can enhance measurement of pelvic area to 30%. One of the most common position for women in childbirth, that is a little lean (half sitting) where maternal weight is concentrated on his tail bone, tail bone will restrict movement, which actually really able to get the compromise to extend the hip. By avoiding this position during labor, a woman may be able to give birth normally pervagina and more smoothly because the pelvic area increases. 4. Position baby Position the baby can become very important, because it will relate to how the diameter of the pelvic area that needed to be able to pass the baby's head. What if I already have a previous diagnosis of CPD? Indeed, many documented cases where women who have been diagnosed with CPD and then can normal vaginal delivery, but often when the diagnosis of CPD has been made, many people still believe that this is the reason for repeat cesarean. I believe there is a case of pure CDP CPD but the incidence is rare, several cases I saw was the baby's position with the presentation asynclitic so hard to get off the hip baby directly on the value or being labeled as the CPD. In addition, CPD is often diagnosed in to tell a mother because the mother's body berpostur short. Though not necessarily dnegna mother always suffer short posture CPD. Because some of my patients have a posture of short but it turns out she can give birth normally pervagina. Sometimes there is dishonesty and lack of true understanding of the ability of the body of a woman in childbirth. And this happens especially when there is a doctor who said that the mother's narrow pelvis so that the delivery should be assisted with a vacuum or forceps. Where is the logic if the head is only going to get into the pelvis when pulled out by force? Here are Some Tips If you have a CPD Worry 1. Read about how to optimize the head and the fetal position on the web Midwives We There have been many incidents that I heard where a mother finally made the SC because the CPD or the failure of labor progress. When in fact many instances of failure of labor progress is due to a posterior position of the baby or babies are not in a position opimal. Some of the things we often do so resulted in the fetal position is not optimal, among others, as often we do not set the position and posture us very well. And this is strongly influenced by our modern lifestyle. Often old pregnant woman sat back on his back by forming curva C in the body. Though this position will be very influential with the position of the fetus. In addition, many pregnant women who are lazy to do small activities such as when turning on the TV and move the channel they prefer to remain seated on the couch, holding the remote rather than stand up and move to move the channel manually. And many more examples. This all can be read in is about optimizing the fetal position. 2. Find a second opinion (second opinion) If you are not happy or not sure when the provided diagnosis from a doctor that your body can not give birth normally it is very important for you to seek a second opinion. Do not give up. You must be positive and optimistic that a woman's body is designed to give birth normally. 3. Following preparatory education classes birth It is very important to you. By following childbirth preparation classes you will get gambling information about the birth process and how your body works in an extraordinary way in the delivery process. You can follow childbirth preparation classes at the clinic Midwife Kita, because there you will find very complete information about how and what should you do to prepare your body, soul and mind are in the process of normal delivery. Watch Video Here. This is a video on Youtube of ICAN of the CPD here we can see there is even a woman with 3 times the SC prior to the diagnosis of CPD was found to normal maternity pervagina at his birth to 4 when the baby is born is greater than the 3 previous babies. Please click on: What to do if the ultrasound says that You Have a Big Baby? Estimation of ultrasound is not always true that what must be believed but it still must be aware, the most important thing is to look at first in how many weeks gestation you get this diagnosis? If possible to make corrections please do so. This means that in addition you have to find second and even third opinion, perhaps you also have to go on a diet of sugar and karbo to avoid an excessive increase in fetal weight. Here the most important thing is to trust your body a lot of cases of babies with normal birth weight 4 and even 5 kg. So the conclusion is if you are diagnosed with CPD, 1. Do not stress 2. Search for second or third opinion to make sure that you will be able to make the best decision. 3. Enforce the diagnosis. Maybe dnegna pelvimetri or x-ray measurements 4. Find out your interpretation of fetal weight first. 5. Strive to expand the pelvic outlet in several ways such as doing pelvic rocking, yoga, squatting position etc. 6. Trust your body and strength of Fetal Pelvic Narrow actually been very rare in this century. Warm Greetings Our Midwives Here Some Studies On Pelvimetry and CPD that you can read and refer to 1. Impey L. and O'Herlihy C. First delivery after caesarean delivery for Strictly defined cephalopelvic disproportion. Obstet Gynecol 1998; 92:799-803. 2. Phelan et al. Vaginal birth after cesarean. AMJOG 1987; 157:1510-5. 3. VHWM Jongen et al. "Vaginal delivery after previous caesarean section for failure of the second stage of labor." BJOG 1998; 105:1079-81. 4. Flamm BL and Goings JR. "Vaginal birth after caesarean section: Is suspected fetal macrosomia (large for dates baby) a contra-indication."

Diagnosis of CPD (cephalopelvic disporpotion) is a condition where the baby's head is considered too large to pass through her pelvis. CPD is due to narrow pelvis, a large fetus or a combination of both. In the 18th and 19th centuries, malnutrition, rickets, and diseases such as polio cause pelvic anomalies, which resulted in death in childbirth. It was originally CPD is the most common reason to perform a cesarean section. In modern times, however, the CPD is rare, because the general standard of living we are so much higher than the 18.19-century ago and the incidence of CPD is more likely caused by a pelvic bone fracture due to road traffic accidents or congenital abnormality.

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