10 Tips Maternity Current

For some mothers , childbirth can be scary . Story ' sinister ' about the pain and duration of labor often makes mothers cringe . Though the horror of it can be reduced . Try the following tips to memperlancarkan labor .
Actively engaged . Actively move will trigger a fetus pushed into the birth canal with the right position or optimal fetal positioning ( OFP ) . The right position is the position of the fetal face facing toward the buttocks when his head was in the birth canal . With the fetal head diameter of 9.5 cm on average into the birth canal with a diameter of about 11.5 cm in the right way, the delivery process will be easy , smooth , and fast .
Get to know your pregnancy . A lot of research is proving increasingly vast knowledge and insight about the condition of pregnancy and ibuhamil intricacies stage deliveries will be lived , his fear became increasingly reduced. Calm conditions the mother will make the muscles of the body , and pelvis to sag and more effective contracts during push the fetus out of the birth canal .
Create a sense of comfort . Make sure you familiarize yourself with the hospital environment to reduce anxiety or fear . Try way slowly around the hospital environment . Feeling comfortable will prevent the production of adrenal hormones are normally released by the body when frightened or tense . When the body produces the hormone adrenaline , the body's muscles tense . So also the muscles along the birth canal , making it difficult for your baby to get out and make childbirth so painful .

Remember the breathing techniques that have been studied . Set of breath and breathing with conscious will make quieter in live births . Being able to breathe in more and more oxygen can be inhaled and enters all body cells , including muscle cells of the uterus so as to contract and push the fetus out of the birth canal . You also become more relaxed and calm . The muscles of the body will also be loosened so that the pain during labor will be reduced .
Frequently running . By walking , standing , or sitting upright , gravity will pull down the head of the fetus is already in the birth canal so perilously close to the mouth of the womb . Fetal head will hit the cervix so that the process will begin opening in stages .
Enjoy a massage . Husband massage on the back and around the pelvic area will make you feel comfortable , emotionally calmer and ready to face delivery . Massage and touch stimuli produce a sense of comfort that reaches the brain faster than pain stimuli . Stimulate a sense of comfort it will close the ' gate ' to pain stimuli reach the brain . The result is a sense of comfort will beat pain so that you will only experience a little pain .
Divert pain . For example, with a movie or a scene from a favorite movie can to distract and mind you , especially when it started to be a contraction . Trying to play the songs that help calm the mind or try Practicing ever studied hypnobirthing techniques during pregnancy .
Make a team of doctors companions . Had close relations with the doctors and nurses who helped the team since before giving birth will give more sense of calm while undergoing the process of childbirth . It will also foster the trust you to them . Furthermore, we will develop a sense of safety and calm while undergoing labor later .
Breathe aromatherapy . Lavender may be an option to help reduce pain , relax , and lowers high blood pressure . Aromatherapy essential oils of the terpene -containing compounds berkasiat reduce pain . The tranquility will make your muscles slacken ototo thus birthing process becomes easier and smoother .
Prepare a snack . The delivery process takes a lot of energy . Before you go through the consumption of foods that contain lots of carbohydrates as an energy source . If you force enough , the process will be easy childbirth .

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