Shark fish bones Overcome Cancer

Jessie Arbogast - 8 -year -old boy - had never thought his vacation turned into hell . When mid- July last year , he played the water at the beach is only knee-deep in the Gulf Islands National Seashore in Florida suddenly attacked along the 2.1 -meter shark . Arm from shoulder to elbow torn , as well as meat on the thighs .

Imagine the shark , the shark , the thought is vicious sharp-toothed creatures , fond of preying on other animals , even humans . However, if the estimated escape the dreaded shadow behind stored benefit to human life .

Unless a delicious edible fins ( in China even made ​​" mandatory comestible " the palace since the Ching dynasty ) , bone fragility efficacious cure various kinds of diseases . Sharks including vertebrates , but instead consist entirely of cartilage ( cartilage ) , in other words , sharks have no bones in his body .

Shark cartilage contained in protein , calcium , phosphorus , carbohydrates , water , fiber , fat and other natural components as nutrients . In contrast , the cartilage is not found elements of heavy metal music - not the kind of flow - but elements such as zinc , copper , Merkury , nickel and the like are likely to be dangerous to humans .

Seeing similar substances , the experts concluded , shark cartilage is not toxic and has no side effects , safe to be consumed . Regulatory Agency for Food and Drug Administration (FDA ) , since 1993 , issued a special permit for the use of shark cartilage as a supporter of alternative medicine .

Based on clinical studies , shark cartilage otherwise be able to maintain the growth and spread of tumor cells , helps reduce pain and pain in the bones , helps avoid rheumatic diseases , strengthen and maintain bone function , helps relieve aches and gout , maintain a healthy body and facilities as well as avoid abnormal curvature of the spine .

The study of shark cartilage in arthritic joint disease and orthopedic surgeons pioneered by Dr. John Pruden from Harvard . Initial studies showed 25 patients of 28 patients suffering from severe rheumatism artristis accompanied by impaired function of the movement after the injection for 3-8 weeks cartilage showed good results . This is due to shark cartilage contains collagen proteins to replace damaged proteins in the joints of rheumatic diseases .

Shark cartilage has long been known as a healthy food anyway by the Chinese community is eaten in the form of slurry resulting freshness and greater activity . Dr. Lane PhD , a nutritionist sea of Cornell University USA that develops and conducted research on shark cartilage , getting many clinical advances obtained when patients with rheumatoid arthritis ( in joint disorders ) or cancer consuming shark cartilage .

Finally, the hypotheses obtained anti- inflammatory and anti- angio genesis is the main factor that causes the shark cartilage these foods can be used for bone disease and cancer . As is known , the major rheumatic disease ( calcification of the bones , osteoporosis , gout and rheumatoid arthritis ) is the most frequent complaints of pain and swelling ( inflammation ) . Pain and swelling occur due to the release of chemicals called IL - 1 ( interleukin one ) and TNF ( Tumor necrosing factor ) after receiving an injury , injuries , micro and continuously.

So after knowing the origin of the disease to produce an optimal joint conservation required a good knowledge of the anatomical joint , the risk factors that aggravate the lining of the joints as well as the maintenance of the lining of the joint cartilage . As social beings we need good mobility , then surely there are large or small injuries to the joints , especially when the activity continuously growing sport .

Given the nature of the lining of the joint cartilage is not a lot of blood due to the consumption of food is not fed by the blood vessels , hence require the consumption of foods such as shark cartilage which now has a lot packed in the consumption of food " ready-made " . Would not hurt you to try .

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