How a varicose veins can appear on the vagina?

How a varicose veins can appear on the vagina ?
It's About the Blood Vessels
Varicose vagina, according to the Supreme dr.Gregorius H SpOG from GA Clinic Surat a unified treatment clinic pregnant women in Surabaya, rarely cause complaints in pregnant women . Therefore, pregnant women are often not aware if her vagina have varicose veins . " Though vaginal varicose veins including interference that often occurs during pregnancy . Even from the data revealed one in three pregnant women experiencing vaginal varicose veins is , "said Greg .
Varicose veins or varicose veins in the vagina , up Greg , triggered by the physical and psychological changes that occur during pregnancy . Among other things :
d Enlarged Uterus
When pregnant , have an enlarged uterus . Enlargement will reduce the large blood vessels that lie in front of and next to the pubic bone . Emphasis is happening makes it less smooth flow of blood from the lower body to the heart . The result was a blockage in the vessels in the lower body behind , such as legs , vagina and anus . Dam that happens to make veins in the area and formed varicose veins dilated .
d Changes in hormone
Steroid hormones and progesterone levels are elevated during pregnancy , can weaken the smooth muscle walls of blood vessels . Because of weakened muscle wall of the vein venous dilation easy to experience , or varicose veins .
d The Lazy Mom Moves
Hormonal changes in body shape and mothers often make lazy to move . This laziness causes venous return of blood flow to the heart is not smooth . As a result , more blood accumulates in the veins veins of the lower body . This has caused inflation of the blood vessels called varicose veins .

If Si Varicose Broke

" Even minor complaint should not be ignored , " said Greg . Therefore , under conditions of severe varicose veins can rupture . Rupture of the vaginal varicose veins usually occur during the delivery . During labor , vaginal blood vessels that have varicose veins depressed the baby's head coming out . It could also be due to the cutting of the vagina to widen the baby's way out of his mother's womb .

Not only that . Varicose veins can also rupture shortly before birth . It usually occurs in the last trimester of pregnancy . The pressure of the fetus is more severe varicose veins pressing so broke . " Can cause severe bleeding , " said Greg . Mothers may experience a tremendous blood loss that endanger the mother and fetus condition .
The goal is for varicose not overcome the greater . The trick ?
d Pregnant women should limit the length of the varicose veins standing . Efforts to widen it so that its contents are not more depressed .
d In the vaginal large varicose recommended the use of foam rubber which is placed in the vagina is closed tightly with cloth menstrual pads .
d can also be used class of vasopressor drugs to constrict dilated blood vessels . Of course the selection of these drugs prescribed by the physician .

" Even if there is no rupture of varicose veins other than sewing fractional way ," said Greg again .
However , before the baby out , the doctor will halt bleeding temporarily by pressing the varicose veins for a while until it stops . Furthermore diusahkan that baby out soon. So that physicians can immediately sew the blood vessels . " Maternity is usually taken by caesarean section variceal rupture doctor if worried when pushing , " said Doctor graduate of the University of Airlangga .

Can it be prevented ?
Can . Gregory mentions doing pregnancy exercise since early pregnancy can prevent varicose veins . Gymnastic movements can improve muscle strength as a whole , including vascular smooth muscle . In addition, the pregnancy exercise routine can improve blood circulation . So the blood does not accumulate in one spot of blood vessels that can cause varicose veins .

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