Cervical Cancer Can Be Transmitted Through Knickers Loan

Underpants are often very , very private, do not be borrowed , pijamkan , especially for women. Lend each other underpants can transmit cervical cancer , although the risk is not as big as the sexual contact .

"The risk of cervical cancer will spread sexual contact , but the non -sexual also be due to another underpants borrow , " says Dr. Fredrico Patria , SpOG , General Implementing Cervical Cancer Prevention Initiatives Indonesia ( Ipkasi ) in talk media at Shop Three Mistress, Central Jakarta, Thursday ( 10/11/2011) .

Although the risk is said to be very small , the spread of cervical cancer or cervical cancer through the underpants could be due to the cause that is Human papilloma virus ( HPV ) is a virus of grace . According to Dr. Rico , so it is common greeted , the virus is not easily killed by drying or heating .

Risk contagion through panties this will usually increase in certain conditions such as vaginal discharge. According to Dr. Rico , whiteness is not the underlying causes cervical cancer but including one supporting factors , which means that facilitate the occurrence of HPV infection .

In addition to picking up a pair of one another , the spread of HPV cause cervical cancer can also be prevented with a healthy sexual behavior that is faithful in a regular partner . While wearing a condom , mutually risky because there are still a couple of alleged virus is still able to penetrate the pores of a condom .

Avoiding marriage or sex in an age too early also includes prevention , because of the relatively high risk of HPV infection in women who are sexually active at the age less than 20 years. If it is stuck active sex , it is advisable to do a screening at least once a year.

Vaccination also include the nature of primary prevention . It's just because it's still expensive , so prevention sekunde are made to cervical screening , both with a pap smear or a cheaper ie Inspection Acid Acetate (IVA ) , which is also popular with the term Peek into your vagina .

Currently, cervical cancer is a type of cancer that most commonly affects women in the productive years after breast cancer . In Indonesia alone, every day there is an estimated 20 women die each day from cervical cancer that attacks of this .

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