Male Penis Cancer Can be taxable for Cervical Cancer Virus

Cervical cancer is cancer of the cervix in women is caused by infection with human papillomavirus, or HPV . Although not as fierce as in the body of a woman , HPV also can cause penile cancer in men .

Cervical cancer is a cancer that can spread and most widely spread by sexual contact . The cause is the human papillomavirus ( HPV ) and genital men can be carriers and means of transmission .

The virus is a variety of types , but which have the potential to cause cervical cancer is about 20 and among the most common type and is a high-risk types 16 and 18 ( 80 per cent of the causes of cervical cancer ) .

" Cervical cancer was contagious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases , including the most commonly transmitted because of sex , " said Dr. Fitriyadi Kusuma , SpOG ( K ) , uterine cancer consultation and faculty Faculty of Medicine in the Division of Gynecology Oncology , Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology , in the event SOHO # BetterU : Mother's Day , in Akmani Hotel , 91 Jalan Wahid Hasyim , Jakarta , Thursday ( 12/19/2013 ) .

According to Dr. Fitriyadi , HPV that cause cervical cancer in women can also cause penile cancer in men . But the risk is not too great .

" In men it can cause cancer of the penis but not too big . Among women 99 percent of the causes of cervical cancer , but the guy who finished 42 percent of penile cancer . Having said that , men also need to be vaccinated with HPV , the vaccine together with women , " said Dr. Fitriyadi .

Although HPV can be attached to the skin or genital organs of men , but the virus is not going to be as dangerous as when it is in the cervix ( neck of the womb ) women . This is because the cervix is more sensitive to the HPV virus or penile skin than men .

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