Uterus Cancer No Longer Deadly

No. Women Uterus Cancer Killer . 1 The World

Cancer of the womb ( uterus ) is one type of cancer is frightening for a perempuan.Kanker is considered to be the largest cause of death of women in the world . В Uterine cancer usually occurs after menopause , most commonly affects women aged 50-60 tahun.В cancer can spread ( metastasis ) locally and to various parts of the body ( eg, cervical canal , fallopian tubes , ovaries , the area around the uterus , lymph system nodes or to other parts of the body through blood vessels ) .

cancer patients

What Causes Cervical Cancer ?

As with other cancers , the cause of cancer even this is not certain . However, suspected to be the cause some of the following issues :

The cause is a virus Human Papilloma Virus ( HPV ) , the virus is thought to arise due to changing the behavior of a sexual partner .
Sexual intercourse under the age of 17 years .
Cleaning Vagina.В The women are often tempted by ads that supposedly cleaner can clean the vagina from germs . Though there are germs in the mouth of the vagina called basillus Doderlain , lactic acid -producing function is maintaining vaginal moisture .
Habits vaginal sprinkle with talcum powder . If there is one grain of powder is attached, it will become infected and cause injury in the ovary .
Anyone Who Had High-Risk Cervical Cancer ?

Research has found several risk factors in cervical cancer :

Hormone Replacement Therapy ( HRT ) , HRT is used to treat symptoms of menopause - gejalaВ В , В В В prevent osteoporosis and reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke .

Obesity . Body make the most estrogen in fat tissue so that women who are obese have higher levels of estrogen . High levels of estrogen is the cause of the increased risk of uterine cancer in obese women .

Diabetes (diabetes )

Hypertension ( high blood pressure )

Tamoxifen . Women who take tamoxifen to prevent or treat breast cancer have a higher risk . This risk appears to be related to the estrogen-like effects of tamoxifen on the uterus . Gains derived from tamoxifen outweigh the risk of other cancers , but every woman reacts differently.

Race . Cervical cancer is more common in white women .

colorectal cancer

Menarche ( first menstruation ) before age 12 years .

Menopause after age 52 years

Not having children


Ovarian disease polikista

Endometrial polyps .

How Cervical Cancer Symptoms

Abnormal uterine bleeding
Abnormal menstrual cycle
Bleeding between 2 menstrual cycle ( in women who are still menstruating )
Vaginal bleeding or spotting in postmenopausal women
Bleeding is very long , heavy and often ( in women aged over 40 years )
Lower abdominal pain or pelvic cramping
White discharge that is watery or clear ( in postmenopausal women )
Pain or difficulty in urination
Pain during sexual intercourse .
How to Detect Cervical Cancer ?

Dapa uterine cancer detected through a Pap smear test .

How to Treat Cancer Uterus ?

If you've detected the presence of cancer cells , the treatment can be done as follows :

Surgery , if the cancer cells have not spread beyond the endometrium ( lining of the uterus ) , the treatment of moderately through appointment only .
Radiotherapy is the use of high- powered X-rays that can be done internally or externally , if the cancer cells have spread it is necessary to irradiation ( radiation ) or chemotherapy to kill cancer cells that have spread is .

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