There Cervical Cancer Virus in Men, Recognize 4 Points It!

Cervical cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the cervix or cervical area , ie the area under the uterus that connects the uterus and vagina . Although attacking the female genital , means not only the womenfolk who have to seal about the symptoms of cervical cancer , but also men .

Because the HPV virus , the cause of cervical cancer , occurs during intercourse . Most viruses are carried by men . Launch the Huffington Post , while men have genital warts or bumps , and followed by a burning sensation and itching , it became one of the HPV virus breeding signs . The disease is also classified as a sexually transmitted disease that is most common .
Here are 4 key points to know about HPV men :

1 . Vaccines are not just for women
During this time many people think , only women who should do the vaccines to prevent cervical cancer . Gardisil vaccine that protects four HPV types was also intended men . The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement supporting the existence of a vaccine for boys before sexual activity first .

2 . Some men are more at risk of developing HPV
Gay or bisexual men are 17 times more likely to develop HPV . It is associated with anal cancer that affects men . According to the CDC , the risk is much greater , than the transmission of HPV through sexual intercourse with women .

3 . There is no HPV test for men
Most HPV screening pap smears are seen through only intended for women . The doctor will take a sample of cells from the walls of the cervix to test for any abnormalities .

Meanwhile , there is no blood test for the presence of clinical HPV for women or men . Therefore, it is very difficult to detect the presence of HPV that affects men .

4 . Nearly half of men carry the HPV virus
According to the study , nearly 50 percent of men over the age of 15 have been infected with HPV . What's more , every year , about 6 percent of men will be affected by the new HPV infections . When sexual intercourse with a woman , he will suffer HPV 16 .

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