Advantages of Hypnosis in Childbirth Process

Hypnosis has been used since about 3000 BC by ancient Egyptians and Greeks. their records revealed that the doctors and healers will bring their patients into the temple and put them in a trance (hypnosis). They perform healing both physically and emotionally by asking them to dream about their disease and what is needed to cure them by using the knowledge / thoughts of their own. They also conduct operations with little or no pain when the patient is in hypnosis. In India, during the 1800s, only used hypnosis as anesthesia for surgical procedures, and then stop only when ether was found and put into use.
Unfortunately, in today's society, the notion of hypnosis based on stage shows, where they've seen people who seem to be unable to control himself, acting stupid, perhaps barking or quacking to provide entertainment for spectators. There are also some television programs that have been misleading the public by promoting hypnosis as a way to control the minds of others as a means to make them do what the hypnotist wants.
In reality, hypnosis is a trance like state or focused concentration in which the body and mind meld into one. The body is very relaxed, while the mind reaches higher consciousness and become more focused. And unnoticed in everyday life we ​​often experience such as watching movies, reading books is fun, or ride a car or motorcycle. Your mind is so incredibly focused. So that when watching a movie or soap opera emotions you go inside, you can cry, laugh or angry.
In hypnosis, you remain awake and aware of everything, including advice from the lawyer-hypnosis. Your mind has the ability to accept advice and act real. You always have the ability to reject or accept this suggestion. And who would you stay in control.
Hypnosis During the birth process

During childbirth, hypnosis will enable you to remember the full experience of your child's birth. The subconscious mind is given positive suggestions and beliefs about birth, and pregnant women are made directly to relax both physically and mentally so that he can have a natural childbirth easier and more convenient.
Hypnosis is used in giving birth without pain to teach pregnant women how to achieve the level of relaxation, eliminating the fear that causes stress and tension that eventually causes pain. And it slows the delivery process itself
The purpose Hypnosis During Childbirth
1. Hypnosis helps pregnant women to prepare for the birth of her baby in a way that helps him to fully enjoy the rest of her pregnancy in health and peace, so he eagerly await the day of the birth experience and give life to her newborn baby
2. To help babies be born as a gentle and safe as possible, so that they enter into a world full of joy and wonder, calm and peaceful
3. To educate the medical community about the benefits of natural childbirth, how to work with couples who have chosen this wonderful way to give birth, and respect the choice of every pregnant woman when she came to them for prenatal care and delivery assistance aid.
4. To educate the public about natural childbirth and to experience a quieter, easier and more enjoyable for all involved in the process of giving birth.
Benefits of Hypnosis for Childbirth without pain
1. Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical drugs for pain relief which may have unwanted side effects
2. Reduce the likelihood and risk of cesarean
3. The risk of post-natal depression is greatly reduced, and in many cases eliminated
4. Can shorten the phase of the first stage up to 4 hours
5. Reduce the risk of damage to the pelvic floor
6. mother is more alert, refreshed, awake and energetic
7. Helps keep oxygen supplied to the baby during labor so the baby remains calm
8. Reducing the need for episiotomy
9. Reduces and often eliminates fatigue during and after childbirth
10. companion taught how to physically and emotionally support the mother during childbirth
11. Effectively teach powerful breathing technique that allows the mother to gently bring the baby into the world without violence
12. Eliminate the risk of hyperventilation and anxiety through the use of proper breathing methods and techniques of self-hypnosis
13. Often, babies are more alert and content and then sleep and eat better after the experience of childbirth by using hypnosis
14. Healing the mother and the recovery time is reduced
Well Let's learn to mother
Best regards

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