Is it safe Follow-hypnobirthing hypnotherapy training with the Laity?

 This article I wrote exactly a year ago January 22, 2010 at 9:31 am on FB. The title is way too extreme ..... but this phrase that I have long been buried and I want to express. pikiraan and harass me again tonight! I try posting again hoping this article can be a material reflection we all health workers. Sorry if the language is less pleasing, but I mean purely just want to arouse the interest and intention of the health professionals who may still be "asleep".

I am a midwife ... but still can say the junior was ... people can say when the period of employment of senior and experience> 20tahun. (Already a lot of eating sweet saltiness of the world) SPK my background is working as a nurse at several hospitals and midwives to continue their education until now by chance had passed MKIA S2 (Master in Maternal and Child Health).
Since 2004 became interested in the science of hypnotherapy.Starting from the workshops with Romy Rafael Hypnotherapy and 2005/2006 began to join the bu Lanny Kuswandi was still a lot of science that I have not mastered. until now I have to still learn a variety of cases that exist in the field.
hypnotherapy & hypno-birthing is not a science difficult to learn, otherwise hypnotherapy & hypno-birthing is a science that is very very and very easy once learned. anyone with any background can learn. but the field, the application of hypnotherapy and hypno-birthing is not easy and that simple.
a therapist must have a clear understanding of anatomy and physiology of the human body functions is also a course of the disease pathophysiology. other than that the therapist should know the science of psychology is also a person's soul development ....( not easy .... but it is also not difficult if you want to learn) in the field when applying hypnotherapy and hypno-birthing we should not "average out" all. because humans are unique among individuals .... A with another individual is different.
Hypnotherapy and hypno-birthing is not a method which is FREE of side effects .... on certain conditions kejiawaan abreaction side effects can sometimes manifested in various symptoms and actions of the client when therapy lasts .... and when abreaction is excessive and can not be handled only with automatic verbal handling one of them is the injection Vallium. nah if already so we must look again at the skill and authority of the therapist ... What happens when these cases occurred during a therapy session notabenenya therapist does not have a medical background at all?
it's just ... not to mention the case of abreaction in the labor case. in the process of pregnancy and childbirth sometimes we can see that the case "on the spot" warning was unexpected and sudden unwanted unknow factor. Some cases I have ever met there a client is pregnant with pain in his stomach, before he had gone to a hypnotherapist the A (background layman) and performed relaxation to relieve pain and heal, but one week later again and get sick sick then the client is coming to the clinic and after I did it lead to a pregnancy examination ektopic that I finally decided to refer to the hospital for further treatment. Try to imagine if the client is coming to a hypnotherapist Person A (background lay people) may actually rupture and bleeding and is not known by the client.
in this paper does not mean I discourage or belittle it or not approve any hypnotherapist practitioner & hypno-birthing which has no competence as a therapist or medical. Because somehow we can not manipulate a science and everyone has the right to learn and develop. Sam [ai now I'm still learning from lay people also to enrich the insight. but it's good, we keep each other .... so it all goes well, meaning that as one who had a medical background of why we do not open up horizons by studying this science even more.
indeed in Indonesia there has been no specific law governing practitioners of hypnotherapy ... but it is good we can begin to sort through.
To get a degree and memploklamirkan themselves as therapists hypnobirthing course must pass through a phase many years of school and college .... but just ordinary people who have 2 or 3 days there is even a new one-day workshops and training take-hypno-birthing hypnotherapy directly bear out loud self-proclaimed therapist. There is a very sad story if you hear it once. In a city in Central Java I have a friend midwife and hypnobirthing practicioner that one day he invited co-operation to membuah hypnotherapy classes by a layman. Apparently when asked what their educational background and work of the only high school background and his job selling cigarettes in the terminal.Hypnotherapy and learn self-taught from books and follow the two-day workshop (Basic and Advance) in an aga lemb hypnotherapy training. And now it holds a therapist ... wow!

Seeing the above case, Who's wrong?? people health kah? or lay people who are too bold? Then if a layman should not learn? Is not there should be laws that regulate? Abroad hypnotherapy and hypnobirthing practitioner that his background is not a midwife or doctor must have a referral base of doctors to do so therapists are always on the knowledge and recommendations of the treating physician.
sometimes it feels Geregetan too. One midwife even a Physician Specialist Midwifery course still have to learn a lot about this science ... because this is one of the competencies mustinya controlled by medical people. but moldy laymen out there who put up the signpost Brani / flayer gedhe-gedhean and claims he is a therapist.
Ya ... this writing is the expression and steam ... hopefully with the words I was able to open our hearts and discourse, especially for health practitioners, Come on people .... busy studying this science ... that should this our cuisine our competence as the real therapist indifferent and did not even know? Or feel too troublesome and require expensive investment?
For my friends who are not medical people and mastering hypnotherapy, hypnobirthing, sorry if this post is offensive, but my suggestion .... it's good every time service with the client there is always a collaboration with midwives / local doctors so that we can more completely and safer in serving.
Trimakasih and apologize once again if there is a sentence that offend

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