Prepare For Father's Day Labor When a woman is pregnant, most of the outside world's attention is on the mother. On the one hand, this makes sense because the mothers who experience physical changes during pregnancy and birth. But what about dad? My father also, through experience during pregnancy and birth. First time father to come to terms with the transition of roles and

responsibilities within the family, and handle their own feelings such as fear, excitement and anxiety.
Being a father takes preparation, understanding and communication during pregnancy! Here is a simple step, but the key, you can take to involve, support and prepare your partner, helping to improve the experience for both of you.
Together attend prenatal classes or pregnant women. This makes it possible for fathers to understand more about prenatal care, had interesting things such as hearing the baby's heartbeat, and ask yourself these questions to the midwife / doctor to serve you.Classes are designed for pregnant mothers and fathers. For fathers who do not always read about the sundries of pregnancy and childbirth (and mothers who read too much), an interactive class that teaches the ins and outs of birth, including techniques and strategies to overcome the face of pain, it will be very valuable to you.

Create your birth plan together. Talk to your midwife / doctor to make sure you are healthy and safe pregnancy! Remember the birth process is an incredible experience that will always remembered by the family. So prepare well. Read:
Ask and discuss with a partner using the open-ended questions like, "Tell me what you think about our birth plan." Or "How do you feel about the doctor / midwife who serve us?" Or "What concerns you most about the birth and delivery later?"
By discussing all of it is expected that a harmonious communication is established so that decisions would be wiser.
Some things you can do to prepare ahead of my father's wife gave birth to:
1. Preparing for childbirth bag, this bag is important to be prepared because it will be useful as a personal equipment for the mother are in hospital. If the mother had a normal delivery, about 2-3 days in rs, if cesarean 3-4 days, now the contents of the bag is adjusted to approximate the mother was in hospital:
a. For mothers.
1) dress tops (preferably a button-front, so if want to breastfeed easily);
2) Gloves (so that the mother did not bother to open pants if you want to go to the bathroom);
3) Bra (nursing bras if ya can)
4) Knickers (which many could be disposable if I'll bother nyuci nga-nyuci again);
5) Octopus / corset / Stagen (if the mother is willing to directly pake);
6) Equipment bath (in RS probably are provided, but the mother may want her personal toiletries);
7) Breastpad (brace milk, if milk is out, but usually in the first day2 not too heavy);
8) Bandages for maternal
9) T-Legs for the mother, because sometimes immediately after birth is cold feet because of the drastic reduction in hormone oxytocin makes women shiver, put the socks to reduce complaints.
10) Pillows and bolsters if necessary, because usually less soft hospital pillow and less comfortable;
11) Goods of small mother support (optional carger hp-eg, snacks, soft drinks, cosmetics, etc.).
b. For Babies
1) Clothes baby is born (usually RSudah nyediain, Andacuma bring clothes for home only);
2) Diapers;
3) Bedongan / octopus;

4) baby hat (very important)
5) Blanket / jacket baby;
6) Carrier;
7) The drugs baby (talc, oil telon, wet tissue, cotton).
c. For dad
1) Clothes locker also toiletries
2) And do not forget to bring money.

2. If the wife complains of pain, distract, usually potent if you talk about things that please him. For example my wife loves to walk to the mall and the movies, now discuss about the mall and watch bioskop.berikan also positive suggestions to your wife as often as possible.
3. Massage wife, although his wife has not asked, because in addition to releks the muscles are tense, the wife will feel more loved and supported
4. Patience, that is the word that will often spoken husband.Patiently for his wife too impatient for her husband.
5. Do not stop to comfort and encourage. Tell me about the good times when first married, or the good times would happen after the birth of the baby.
6. Do not forget to help the wife of measuring the contraction gap, the gap is calculated as the contraction ends and the beginning of the next contraction. If the pause + / - 3 minutes, then you already approaching birth fetus.
7. Write down important phone numbers in Hp, rs numbers, doctor / midwife, in-law, plane ticket agents, and all the people you consider important.
8. Create a "to do list" on a piece of paper, or on the father and write whatever you have to do do. So that when the signs your wife to give birth has emerged, we know what to do and do not panic.
9. Lastly, do not forget lots of praying. For the safety of the baby, the mother or the father in the process peralinan.

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