Whitish While Pregnant

When you are pregnant your body will experience many changes.One change is in your vaginal fluid. It is important to be aware of normal changes during pregnancy and when to begin abnormal and should be given treatment. Excessive vaginal discharge is very common and quite surprising for women who have never experienced it. Whitish in medical terms is called fluor albus or leucorrhoea is a discharge from the vagina.

Women are more prone to vaginal discharge during pregnancy due to hormonal changes during pregnancy that one effect is an increase in the amount of fluid production and decrease in vaginal acidity, and there were also changes in digestive conditions. All of these affect the increased occurrence of vaginal discharge.
Vaginal discharge can be normal (physiologic) and abnormal (pathological). Under normal circumstances, the liquid that comes out tends to clear or slightly yellow and thick like mucus and is not accompanied by the smell or itchiness. But if the discharge is accompanied odor, itching, pain when urinating or color is greenish or bloody, then this can be considered abnormal.

Some pregnant women never complained of vaginal discharge that suddenly suffered. This is because the feeling does not bother me. In fact, if allowed to drag on whiteness could endanger her pregnancy. Not only can lead to preterm delivery (prematurity), vaginal discharge in pregnancy can also lead to rupture prematurely and the birth of babies with low birth weight (less than 2500 grams). That is why, very diajurkan in pregnant women to immediately conduct a pregnancy when she experienced vaginal discharge. Moreover, if the discharge is started itching symptoms are very up-smelling liquidWhen leucorrhea or say Abnormal vaginal discharge?Any fluid / mucus has a different color and odor, if the fluid / mucus foul smelling blood-tinged with color, with a burning or itching then these symptoms should be discussed with your doctor / midwife so that your midwife / doctor can find out the cause of vaginal infection.Abnormal leukorrhea is usually caused by infection of the vagina or cervix, to mark very easily. If a thick yellow mucus with itching usually this means there is fungus in the vagina and vulva.Increased production of mucus during pregnancy mainly due to changes in hormone levels in pregnant women's body. During pregnancy, estrogen production increases and this is one of the main causes.Increased vaginal discharge during early pregnancy is usually the result of the implantation process. mucus may be accompanied by spotting and this is normal.Any change in texture or quantity of vaginal discharge during pregnancy, especially if accompanied by abdominal pain or cramps, should not be ignored because it may be pointed toward the complications of pregnancy. Whitish-like cheese and accompanied by itching or burning sensation may be a result of fungal infection. If the vaginal fluid remove the unpleasant smell or yellowish or greenish color can be a signal of other vaginal infections that could threaten the safety of your unborn baby.The production of mucus during pregnancy - first trimester mainly triggered by hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy and thick mucus discharge is a sign of pregnancy. This is mainly due to increased levels of estrogen. Increased estrogen also causes increased blood flow to the pelvic area. This further increases the quantity of mucus during pregnancy. Mucus in early pregnancy may sisertai blood spotting occurs during implantation.This occurs because the fertilized egg attached to the uterine wall.To be sure if pregnant women have vaginal discharge, although this is normal but still must be careful and vigilant. From various whiteness, there are three types of conditions that can occur in pregnancy. Ie vulvovaginal candidiasis, baterialis vaginosis and trichomoniasis.1. Vulvovaginal candidiasisCause: Candida albicans. Commensal microorganisms that are similar in healthy women around the genital area. Vulvovaginal candidiasis may occur due to excessive growth of yeast cells, which facilitates the growth conditions include: pregnancy, use of combined oral contraceptives, excessive use of antibiotics, menstruation, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), diseases that lower the immune system, habit irrigation / douche, liquid cleaner / deodorizer vagina, vaginal gel or use in tight pants with poor ventilation.Symptoms: The emergence of a viscous liquid, smelling very sharp and is accompanied by itching due to vaginal fluid is irritating and makes blisters vulva. Pregnant women will also feel the pain when urinating and during intercourse.Impact: If left and not solved soon then it may cause premature birth, premature rupture of membranes and low birth weight babies do not grow in this state2. Bacterial vaginosisCause: The existence of ecosystem changes in the genital area.That state of disappearance of lactobacilli are normal and are accompanied by excessive growth of other microorganisms in high concentrations. Than when not pregnant, the frequency of occurrence of bacterial vaginosis in pregnant women is quite high around 16-24 percent.Symptoms: The emergence of a viscous liquid, smelling very sharp. In severe conditions appear before the itching.Impact: If left and not solved soon then it may cause premature birth, premature rupture of membranes and low birth weight babies do not grow in this state3. TrichomoniasisCause: Trichomonas vaginalis, the protozoa that have a flagellum, humans are usually found in the urethra (urinary tract). Generally transmitted through sexual intercourse.Symptoms: The form of irritation in the genital area, burning sensation, itching and pain can be felt in the vulva and thighs, perineum (the skin between the vagina and anus), may also be accompanied by pain during urination and intercourse. Bleeding spots can also occur after intercourse due to direct contact with an inflamed cervix. out a frothy whitish fluid white and gray or yellow-green and foul smelling dirty piercing. In severe conditions, the vagina and cervix can be swollen and inflamed redness.
Impact: Due to pregnancy-related events Trichomoniasis permaturitas and low birth weight infants.

Tips for pregnant mothers1. Always use cotton underwear and avoid synthetic underwear and tight pants.2. Try not to use panty liners every day.3. After the bath try the genital area is completely dry. Use a clean towel dryer and do not use 

    scented scented tissue.4. Bersihka genita area from the front of every male over backward to urinate or defecate 
    because it can help reduce the contamination of microorganisms from the gastrointestinal 
    tract and anus.5. Reduce foods containing caffeine and sweetened6. Do not use Douche (this can disrupt the normal pH balance and cause vaginal infections)7. Consultation with your doctor or midwife before buying any medicine.
8. Use an ice pack to relieve the symptoms in the vaginal area.
9. Use a soap without perfume.

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