Use BRAIN when making decisions in labor

Using BRAIN at the time decisions in labor is very important when we make decisions in general. Using the method BRAIN, the following explanation: B-Benefit/Manfaat / Benefits
What are the benefits of option / tindakakan proposed? Whether the decision is beneficial for you or your baby?

What are the risks of the proposed options? Whether these decisions negatively impact you or your baby?

Any other options? Are there any other available alternative measures that may be more beneficial?

What is your intuition telling you? Do you have any inkling about the decisions you Take?

There N-No/Tidak
What would happen if you choose not to do anything?
For example, a pregnant woman 41 weeks there has been no sign of opening and deliveries, so come to the doctor, the doctor; immediately decided to perform an induction when in fact the woman can use the method BRAIN first before deciding to induction.

BRAIN-step examples in the above case:

- With the induction, will help me to experience a wider opening
- With immediate induction in the placenta baby I do not have a chance to deteriorate.
- I can quickly delivery and meet my baby.

- If I were not at increased widening of the birth canal can be more stressful and I could have I failed induction. Even finally had SC.
- My baby may experience respiratory distress.
- Rahim I could have possible risk of rupture / contraction of uterine rupture because I was not effective.

- I can perform natural induction in other ways such as walking, to the position of squatting / squat deep.
- I can have sex with my husband to help petlebaran the birth canal. Because prostaglandins have an effect of the husband's sperm in the cervix.
- I can use herbal remedies or acupressure to trigger relaxation and widening of the birth canal
My intuition on this labor, I am strong. Although I have to go through several phases, but I'm strong.

There N-No/Tidak
If I did not do anything, I can only rely on his own power. These options may include just wait a while before reconsidering a decision like waiting an hour, day, etc.

Using the model of decision making, women are able to explore rationally every different aspect of the decision made.
This model is effective in decision-making not only in the case of childbirth, but every daily life as well.
So before making any decisions in your labor:
Consider first B (Benefit), R (Risk), A (Alternative), I (Intuition), N (None)
In order for the decisions you make are the best of the best decisions.

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