Breastfeeding and Natural family planning

A client comes in and Midwives We asked: "I've heard that breastfeeding can be used as a natural family planning. Is this true?"

Now the mother wants to know the answers and scientific explanation?
Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) or the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) is a temporary contraceptive method that relies on giving Mother's Milk (ASI) exclusively, meaning that is given only breast milk alone without additional food and other beverages. Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) or the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) can be said as a method of natural family planning (NFP) or natural family planning, if not combined with other contraceptive methods.

Enjoying Sex when Pregnant

Pregnancy can change your appetite for many of the simple pleasures of life. What and how your view of sex while pregnant depends on your personal feelings and views about sex, your partner's feelings, and physical and emotional changes of pregnancy you are at certain ages. I can give an assurance that during pregnancy, your feelings and your views about sex will be different. For some women, and their partners, this difference is interesting. Some women become more easily aroused and climax more quickly, frequently, and many men feel that the wife is pregnant sexier than ever. Some couples claim that the pregnancy as the peak time of erotic experience in their married life, while others experience a decrease in desire or satisfaction. Most couples reported the existence of the tides. Fortunately, all these feelings are normal. And the good news is with a little knowledge, will help increase their sexual pleasure during pregnancy. Once you and your partner aware of why sex feels different during the nine months of pregnancy (and in this case, the months after birth), you would be easier to adjust to the biological fact of life. First Trimester. 

Letter from the child to be born

I wanted to be desired and expected.
Mother's pregnancy is not a disease, it's me, I grow and I grow inyour womb.
I desperately need love, love, caress, and your concern.
I hope she is not smoking, not drinking or taking drugssembarangn. Because it's horrible and hurt meI want them to know what happened to me and how to take care of me

Safe and Drug Dangers for Pregnancy

Knowing yourself pregnant tentusaja make you become more cautious in consuming drugs. Hopefully this article useful to you.Indonesia is still using the criteria of drug safety for pregnant women that was launched by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) as a guide in giving the drug in pregnant women. In this post I show only the outlines of the limitations of drug safety for pregnant women who are arranged in five categories (categories A, B, C, D and X) along with examples that are known mother in the hope of providing useful information. These categories are based on the presence or absence of (large size) the risk of reproductive system, adverse effects and expected benefits.

Water Birth (Skill, Science and Art in Birth Method)

Now, labor is no longer the scourge of a woman, childbirth is no longer to be something scary and worrying, but it is an event that is exciting and full of happiness. Efforts in the humanization of labor by giving autonomy to the patient, involving the family as well as managing the energy is a must. Many methods are used to reduce pain and create a comfortable atmosphere in a normal delivery, one of which is Water Birth.


5 BEHAVIOR MAGIC in the Initiation of Early Suckling

You Know  mother Suckling Early Initiation of the reasons why very very and very important ...? Suckling Early initiation can prevent 22% of infant mortality in developing countries at the age of less than 1 month (Edmond K et al, March 30, 2006) Delaying initiation of early breastfeeding will increase the risk of dying neonates (Edmond K et al, Pediatric, March 30, 2006) In Indonesia feeding eight times more likely to give exclusive breastfeeding (Fikawati & Syafiq.J mask Trisakti, 2003) 

Outstanding Natural Childbirth

Until now there are many who think that the position of labor by lying down is the best position. And until now most of the labor position by lying supine or semi-sitting (actually a half-lie) is still frequently used. The reason is very cliché of a midwife or doctor to help ease childbirth. Though this position is not good for both mother and baby. Now let's look at the picture through the videos below and watch it with a lying position will be more "stimulating" the midwife and doctor to perform an episiotomy. 

Childbirth In Water (Water Birth)

Giving birth in the water now become a very popular choice among couples who want a normal and natural childbirth baikdi home or in hospital. Many feel the benefits of waterbirth. Aside from being able to reduce pain, birth in a pool of warm water also make a pregnant woman has more power to push. Giving birth in the water to help pregnant women feel more relaxed so as to reduce pain during labor. In a water bath, the skin will have a greater elasticity, thus minimize the risk of tearing the baby's birth canal. 

15 Ways to reduce pain during labor

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Learning Delivery Process

Learn How to Use this Childbirth Video! This is used to prepare you to face future labor. Use the Power of Visualization and Affirmation, See How It Works and enjoy mother! KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROCESS OF LABOR IS IMPORTANT! Preparing for a normal and natural childbirth that involves both physical and mental preparation. importance of mental readiness is an important aspect for success is normal and natural childbirth.When a prospective mother to learn about what to expect and how to be ready for delivery, he will be more relaxed and able to survive when faced with the birthing process. Use a natural way to help ease the pain during contractions, speeding up the delivery process and gives you energy. Besides doing yoga and hypnobirthing relaxation to support the mental and physical readiness in childbirth. Natural Childbirth Preparation with Visualization 

TIPS pumping

Pumping breast milk is one technique that should be known menyusui.Manfaat of pumping his own mother not only for working mothers who have to have a stock of milk supply when the baby was left bekerja.tetapi also useful in the early lactation period, which is intended to address the shortage of milk supply due tobreastfeeding mothers to pump more often, the more milk that diproduksi.Dan better suit the needs of breastfeeding mothers to pump, not on a schedule.
Pumping breast milk i can do with breast pump / breast pump.
Breast pump there are two kinds, namely:

Breastfeeding and Natural family planning

A client comes in and Midwives We asked: "I've heard that breastfeeding can be used as a natural family planning. Is this true?" Now the mother wants to know the answers and scientific explanation? Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) or the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) is a temporary contraceptive method that relies on giving Mother's Milk (ASI) exclusively, meaning that is given only breast milk alone without additional food and other beverages. Lactation Amenorrhoea Method (LAM) or the Lactational Amenorrhea Method (LAM) can be said as a method of natural family planning (NFP) or natural family planning, if not combined with other contraceptive methods.

Imunisas TT for Pregnant Women

Tetanus toxoid immunization is the process to build up immunity for prevention against tetanus infection (Idanati, 2005). Tetanus toxoid immunization is the process to build up immunity for prevention against tetanus infection. Tetanus vaccine is tetanus toxin that has been attenuated bacteria and then purified (Setiawan, 2006).

Basic relaxation exercises & Self hypnosis

Relaxation is a technique to achieve a relaxed state. Hypno-birthing relaxation methods will be very bemanfaat for them during the birthing process. At the time of pregnant women to rest in a seated or lying relaxed, the muscles of the abdominal wall and uterus are also in a relaxed state. This will increase blood flow to the uterus and increase the amount of oxygen and nutrients a baby needs. In addition, it will give the baby more room to move. Most babies will know it and love it.

Key To Achieving Relaxation during pregnancy and childbirth would

Many people are still confused to describe or to feel that he is relaxed or not when learning hypnobirthing relaxation. Well to achieve relaxation, there are two keys. What are the key? First is the observation of this exercise is very important it is also taught to chaperone. To observe well, you can perform exercises such as the following: Ã˜ Set your position as comfortable as possible. Ã˜ Flex and tighten the muscles in your face for a moment (do while) and now relax. Ã˜ Now tighten your shoulders are very strong. Just feel the tension until you fully realize and feel the tension. Once you actually feel the tension and then release and relax. Ã˜ Then tighten the fraction of the muscles in your face (to the jaw, the eye can) feel for a moment and then relax. 


Childbirth is the most eagerly awaited by the expectant mother, a fun time but on the other hand is the most exciting and eagerly awaited. It is better to expectant mothers know the process or stages of childbirth is like, so expectant mothers can prepare everything well in order to face this delivery process. The delivery process is divided into four stages, what is it?
KALA I (Opening Stage)

Advantages and Disadvantages Labor Position

Position Lithotomy
Lithotomy position is one of the most common birth positions, especially in hospitals because it is one of the easiest position for birth helper, especially if you use an epidural. So far, most lay people also consider this position a common position and are best used as in many TV shows that we've seen so far, usually always use this position. Finally, many lay people assume that the lithotomy position is used because it has proven to be the best position for mother and baby, although it is not. Because the truth of this position is the worst position for delivery, but unfortunately this position is still in use in many hospitals.

20 facts about cervical and how its role during labor

The neck of the uterus / cervix is ​​located at the bottom of the uterus and helps the course of sperm from the vagina into the uterus. And have a very important role in the delivery process. This organ is very unique and very important in a woman's reproductive process. This picture shows the type of cavity in the wall of the cervix that secrete a particular type of mucus which mucus is mucus-forming symptomatic symptoms that indicate fertile and infertile pattern that became the basis of the Billings Ovulation Method. (In the process of determining the fertile period) 

Mucus F = F
Destroy low-quality sperm and mucus form a network to support S and P. This mucus causes a wet and sticky on the vulva
Mucus G = G

Waterbirth it Simple and Amazing

          As I was researching on this topic, I was truly amazed with the videos and stories of women who give birth in water. I remember a friend who also shared the experience of giving birth in water, and he says his experience that feels sangt amazing and happy when he can conquer the pain and feel comfortable with the technique of giving birth in water. And I applaud the woman who decides to start "her journey" to labor in water. I'm having a natural childbirth but not in the water and I can only prove the pain experienced by women in childbirth is greatly reduced. According to the mother who gave birth in water, they feel the ease and joy they experience feelings after the baby is out and comfortable during childbirth. In this website, I will discuss the techniques of giving birth in water that you may have heard and amazing videos and stories as well as existing when one decides to give birth with the technique of giving birth in water.

What is the difference between midwives and obstetricians

"An obstetrician manages labor; the Midwife supports labor. The obstetrician makes Things Happen; the Midwife lets Things Happen. The doctor trusts technology and is wary of nature. The Midwife trusts nature and is wary of technology. The obstetrician birth Fears Will go wrong. The Midwife expects birth Will go right. "
from the Birth Book by William Sears M.D. and Martha Sears, R.N
meaning is:


Babies given only breast milk only, directly or indirectly (squeezed). Overall, exclusive breastfeeding include the following:
1. Only breast milk until the age of 6 months.
2. Breastfeeding as soon as possible after the baby is born
3. Does not provide food pralakteal like sugar water or water starch to newborns
4. Breastfeeding your baby as needed (on demand)

Epidurals: Risks for Mother and Baby

Epidural use of first method is in 1885, when a New York neurologist J. Leonard Corning injected cocaine into the spine of patients suffering from "weakness of the spine and the seminal incontinence." 1 More than a century later, epidural analgesia has become the most popular method, or painkillers, in the delivery room in the U.S.. In 2004, nearly two-thirds of women who reported that they had given birth epidural, including 59 percent of women who had given birth pervagina (2). In Canada, about half of women who give birth normally use an epidural (3) and in Britain, 21 percent of women given an epidural before giving birth (4).
An epidural is an injection of local anesthetic used (derived from cocaine) and injected into the epidural spaces that protect the spinal cord. In a conventional epidural will numb the client either sensory or motor nerves. Within five to ten years, epidurals have been developed with the concentration of drug (local anesthetic), and with a combination of local anesthetics and opiate (a drug similar to morphine and meperidine) pain killers to reduce the motor block, and to produce what is called epidural "walk".


Spinal analgesia has also been increasingly used in childbirth to reduce the motor block. Spinals injecting drugs penetrate the dura and into the space (intrathecal) spine, and produced only short-term analgesia. To extend the effects of labor pain relief, the dose can be added as needed
Epidurals and spinals offer the most effective form of pain relief that is available in childbirth, and women who have been using analgesia to reduce pain have a high level of satisfaction of this method, however, satisfaction did not experience this pain is not the same as the overall satisfaction Overall labor (5) other than that it also can endanger the safety of epidural mothers and babies.
Epidural and hormone delivery
Significantly interfere with the use of epidural labor several major hormones, which can have a negative impact on the process of birth (6). WHO says that epidural analgesia is one of the most striking examples of the medicalization of normal childbirth. that, changing the physiological event into a medical procedure (7).
For example, oxytocin, known as the hormone of love, which is also a natural uterotonic-a substance that causes the woman's uterus to contract during labor. Epidural make the production of natural oxytocin in the body decreases even lost (9). Epidurals also eliminate the peak excretion of oxytocin which should happen when the baby is born (11), whereas this hormone oxytocin that helps mothers and infants to fall in love at first meeting. Another important hormone in the uterotonic like, prostaglandin F2 alpha, were also reduced in women who use an epidural (12).
B eta-endorphin is a naturally occurring hormone that works to help women who labor to cope with the pain. Beta-endorphin is also associated with altered state of consciousness during delivery. These hormones also help guide the mother to struggle and work instinctively with her body and her baby, so sometimes laboring women often use movement and sound. Epidurals reduce the production of beta-endorphin in the body of a woman (13.14).
Adrenaline and noradrenaline (epinephrine and norepinephrine, known as catecholamines, or CA) was also released or in production under conditions of stress, and increases experienced during childbirth without medication (15) At the end of stage 2 labor, a natural hormone surge gives mothers energy to push the baby out, and make her excited and fully alert at the first meeting with her baby. This is known as the fetal ejection reflex (the fetal ejection reflex) (16)
However, delivery can be in the resistor with a very high level of CA, which can be released when she was hungry, cold, scared, or insecure during labor (17). This makes sense because if senses danger the mother says, then her hormones will slow or stop labor and give him time to "escape" to find a safe place to give birth. And this is normal in the process of human evolution.
Epidurals reduce the production of CA in the actual help birth mothers in childbirth. However, the decline in CA final production may contribute to the difficulty of a woman pushing to have the desire or passion to push the baby out. So finally it greatly increases the risk of instrumental deliveries (forceps and vacuum)
Effects on the birth process
Epidurals make labor go more slowly, because the evidence from research that the local anesthetics used in epidurals can inhibit muscle contraction by directly affecting the uterus (18).
For example, epidurals also make the pelvic muscles were numb / numb, when pelvic muscles are important in guiding and changing the baby's head to move toward the best position to be born. Epidural make the risk four times higher likelihood for posterior position of the baby's head on stage akhhir in an incidence study, 13 percent higher compared with women who birth without an epidural that only 3 per cent (21). This posterior position of course would reduce the chance of spontaneous vaginal delivery in one study, only 26 percent of the mothers who gave birth the first time (and 57 percent of mothers who experienced) with a posterior baby baby can be a spontaneous vaginal delivery, direct others to do forcep , vacuum or even SC (22).
The risk for infants, with the help of instrumental delivery can increase the risk of short-term such as bruises, facial injuries, and cephalohematoma (blood clot under the scalp) (24) The risk of intracranial hemorrhage (bleeding in brain) was increased in a study of more than four times for babies who was born with forceps compared with spontaneous birth, (25) although the two studies show no developmental differences were detected for the child's birth forceps (26.27
Epidurals also increase the need for Pitocin to increase contractions, women who labor with epidural nearly three times more likely to be given Pitocin (29). The combination of epidural and Pitocin, can cause abnormalities in fetal heart rate (fetal Heart Rate) that trigger fetal distress, thus significantly increasing the risk of surgery (forceps, vacuum, or caesarean section). DiAustralia In one survey, about half of first-time mothers be given maternity and ended with labor epidural SC (30)
Epidural side effects
Drugs used in labor with an epidural that is strong enough to make numb, and often disabling, and can affect the mother's blood pressure, so it is not surprising that there will be significant side effects for both mother and baby.
Side effects for the mother
1. The most common side effects of epidural is a decrease in blood pressure. This effect is almost universal, and usually preceded by administering IV fluids before giving an epidural. Hypotension can cause complications ranging from feeling faint of heart attack, 37 and may also affect blood supply to the baby. Hypotension can be treated with more IV fluid administration and, if severe, with an injection of epinephrine (adrenaline).
2. Inability to urinate (and the need for urinary catheter)
3. itchy skin (pruritus) (39.40)
4. chills (41)
5. nausea and vomiting (43)
6. Epidurals can also cause an increase in maternal body temperature.
7. Ddapat cause unexpected breathing difficulties for the mother (47)
8. Increases the risk of post partum persarahan (48-53)
9. causes severe headaches that can last up to six weeks (57.58)
Side effects for infants
1. Birth trauma (71)
2. The risk of addiction later in adolescence (71)
3. Changes in fetal heart rate that can cause distress
4. Oxygen supply is reduced due to reduced maternal blood pressure
5. Apgar less
6. One researcher has noted a tenfold increased risk of newborn encephalopathy (signs of brain damage) in infants born to mothers with a fever caused by an epidural (76).
7. The risk for having a seizure in the newborn period is higher, compared with infants of normal birth (75)
8. several studies of the condition of infants at birth, and nearly all babies born after epidurals compared with infants born after exposure to opiate drugs, which are known to cause drowsiness and difficulty breathing.
9. Several studies comparing babies exposed to epidurals with babies whose mothers did not receive drugs that have found significant neurobehavioral effects, (86.88)
Epidurals can also affect the experience and success of breastfeeding through several mechanisms. First, babies exposed to epidurals may have neurobehavioral abnormalities caused by exposure to drugs that will likely be maximal within a few hours of birth-a critical time for initiation of breastfeeding. Recent research has found a (rather obvious) that the higher the score neurobehavior in newborns, the higher their value for feeding behavior (108)
In another study, infants exposed to epidural and spinals more likely to lose weight in hospital,
second, the epidural can affect behavior and condition of new mothers, making it more difficult to breastfeed. This is possible if he had experienced a long labor, delivery by an instrumental, or separation from their infants, all of which are more likely to occur in persalinanepidural. hormonal disturbances also play a role given the hormone oxytocin is a major in nursing
An epidural may have benefits but also have a significant risk for birth mothers and their babies. This risk is well documented in medical literature, but can not be disclosed to the mother in labor. Well if you want a normal delivery and smooth start trying to do since now the effort is natural and healthy and safe.

Pelvic Cepalo Disoroportion (CPD) lack of compliance Fetus and Mother Hip

Diagnosis of CPD (cephalopelvic disporpotion) is a state in which the baby's head is considered too large to pass through her pelvis. CPD is caused by a narrow pelvis, the fetus is large or a combination of both.
In the 18th and 19th centuries, malnutrition, rickets, and diseases such as polio cause pelvic anomalies, which resulted in death in childbirth. It was originally CPD is the most common reason for carrying out a caesarean section. In modern times, however, the CPD is rare, because the general standard of living we are very much higher than the 18.19 the last century and the incidence of CPD is more likely caused by a fracture of the pelvis due to road traffic accidents or congenital abnormality.