Use of uterotonic Right: Ergonovine, Oxytocin, Pitocin, Etc..

Uterotonic (oxytocic) are drugs that contain ergonovine, ergometrine or oxytocin.Obat These medicines cause contractions of the uterus and blood vessels. Oxytocic is an important but dangerous drugs. If used incorrectly, these drugs can cause death of the mother or the baby in the womb. If used correctly, sometimes these drugs can save lives. The following is the correct manual.
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1.For overcome the bleeding after childbirth. Use of this order is the most important. In cases of severe bleeding after URI (placenta) exit, a single injection of 0.2 mg ergonovine ampoule (or give two tablets 0.2 mg) or ergometrine maleate (ergotrate, and others) every hour for 3 hours or until the bleeding can be resolved, continue with 1 ampoule (or 1 pill) every 4 hours for 24 hours. If no ergonovine or if heavy bleeding starts before birth URI, injected oxytocin (Pitocin).
IMPORTANT: Every prospective mother and the midwife should have prepared ampoule ampoule ergonovine-sufficient to deal with severe bleeding if it occurs. However, these drugs should only be used in dangerous circumstances.
2. Help prevent heavy bleeding after childbirth. A woman who had suffered from severe bleeding after birth, be given 1 ampoule (or 2 pills) ergonovine immediately after the placenta came out, and every 4 hours during the next 24 hours.
3. To overcome the bleeding in miscarriage. Use of oxytocic can cause harm and only a trained health worker can use it. However, if the mother experienced a lot of blood loss due to bleeding fast while the doctor is difficult to obtain relief, use oxytocic as recommended above. Oxytocin (Pitocin) may be best.
WARNING: Use of Ergotrate, or Pituitrin Pitocin to speed labor is very dangerous for both the mother and her children. Usually oxytocic rarely needed before the baby is born, and instead only a trained midwife who may use it. Do not use oxytocic before the baby is born!
There is no safe medicine to give strength to the mother or to accelerate or facilitate the delivery. If you want the mother to have enough strength during labor, encourage him to eat food and forming a protective body for 9 months of pregnancy. Also recommend that women less frequently bear children. Suggest that he did not get pregnant again before she has enough time to regain full strength.

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