We Choose to Maternity Scr Natural Because We Know What Really Happened At The Hospital

And now I'll try to summarize for you and maybe this could be a reflection of us together at least to improve health services for mothers and children.This article told me and tried to reveal the facts that occurred in hospitals in general and this article is the accumulation of a concern over the increasingly high number of SC and the increasing number of unnecessary interventions carried out in childbirth aid in the hospital and also concern over the weakness of our position as a client. This article also mengungakapkan concerns about how little people know and want to know about natural childbirth. And the only way to change it is to make it all became public knowledge and the only way to do is spread the word. And carried out in this article.

This article tells about the situation in hospitals in America, but after I read over and over did not rule out this also happened to our country, to remember this in our country too, especially in big cities the incidence of SC increases from year to year. The theory that states 90% of women and 10% normal maternity maternity was denied by a pathological condition in which these conditions are reversed, ie 90% of maternity patients in SC and 10% in a normal delivery. How ironic it. Although from different health organizations ranging from the WHO, IDI, POGI, HOGSI SLL has attempted to give the "warning" but still no justification for any action undertaken SC.
In this article it is said that as long as this society has never given information that is really right or good information (whatever they are) about the birth process. And often action taken to hospital under the pretext of safety and welfare of the patient and her baby is actually just a sweetener, which means it is not really political but there are actually elements in it.
In offering a choice and decision making without realizing a client can not choose the wisest because it indirectly labels the various parties actually have to condition the patient to select the option chosen by the hospital. So what's the point informed choice here? I do not know.
Some of the facts revealed in this article include: FACT # 1 - Maternity Medical engineered into the events
In the U.S. state, labor is treated as if an event is extremely urgent and requires immediate medical attention. (It also does not seem much different place in our country huh?)
Where the delivery process must occur in the hospital with all the interventions that should be enacted. With a pretext to increase the safety of mother and baby and as if a process is better and safer than natural childbirth. In fact it turns out this method is very disturbing and dangerous. More than half of women who give birth at the hospital feel harassed, persecuted and traumatized. And this is a major failure of the body of a woman's whole
*** We Choose to Childbirth naturally because of this our body, our baby, our experience and options Us ***
FACT # 2 - "Birth Rape" is real and this often occurs
It turned out that in America even when someone in droves to the hospital to give birth and then when they get out of the hospital turned out they were really traumatized by what happened! They said that they were manipulated by the hospital system and intimidated to accept intervention unnecessary and even forced to SC without proper medical reasons. Some women have a tremendous negative experiences of childbirth. Many who claim abuse and some even say the "rape" especially if they do intervene without consent.
"Rape" is meant to include the examination by using speculums, episiotomy without consent (tau-tau aja maen on scissors), forceps, Vacuum, in which repeated examinations, and other objects inserted into the vagina or women who were given enemas, IV, epidural, or SC without their consent.
They were forced, manipulated or deceived by a variety of pretexts or perhaps with the threat and intimidated so that they are devout and obedient only to follow what he wants the hospital. Some of the hospitals to deny the existence of birth trauma in the mother or believe that the patient was exaggerating, especially because the errors are rarely reported.
And read this point I became recall a case which often occurs in hospitals. It's just that I can not sort coherently because these events occur like the chain that can not be interrupted.
- Often I see and hear a mother came to check on her obstetrician pregnancy, age, pregnancy is 28 weeks. Without further ado direct patient was asked to sleep lying down in bed gyn to do the ultrasound. At that time the doctor said that there are abnormalities position (breech baby) and the doctor said firmly MUST surgery later because of the danger. Each time check and control tends to force doctors recommend for the future operation of the mother only. And as they are just obedient patient, according to the sentence "the best for my baby just a doctor" when in fact NOT. Should the physician member of motivation and enthusiasm are also taught what to do in the mother for the baby's position changed, but the doctor did not want to do it. There is behind it? You alone can answer. ;)
- A mother came to the hospital because of a contraction, this is their first child. While in there doing the checks in the new opening of 2 cm. and advise the patient in the hospital immediately for safe mole. After that during the process there is no such thing as motivation or teaching, but that there are students practice from time to time to check in repeatedly and carried by many hands of many people. On the pretext of knowing the progress of labor, or perhaps to praltek for smart students (remember you know humans are not the goods / mannequin practice), state hospitals are not conducive to making the patient stress and anxiety when we know that stress and anxiety would adversely affect the progress of labor. But this is intentionally left (there is somewhat the case may be, yet again to learn), because for too long observations on the pretext there was no labor progress of patients in the "forced" to do induction on the opening and when it was almost complete in patients not hold sick, and fatigue. in the delivery room patients asked to push with the cue until the mother is getting tired, dehydrated and with yet another pretext for the safety of the infant patient is given a choice when in fact it is not a choice that is SC. And finally the SC also that ultimately labor costs soar
- There are still many more cases of amniotic fluid began to say dry, but when finally the SC membranes abound, until the diagnosis of placenta previa, but it turns out the placenta lies low. Etc.
Of course, if you ponder and recall should still many other examples that can be written.
*** We Choosing To Childbirth Natural Because We Will Not Allow Ourselves To get advantage Operated / Income *** FACT # 3 - Despite Poor Service Quality, Business is Booming & Benefits generated Soar
In this article reveals one of the largest hospital operator in the U.S. called The HCA (Hospital Corporation of America) said that the profits generated very much and always increased during the period.
In the case of HCA, it is also at carefully by the FBI, the Internal Revenue Service and Department of Health and Human Services and finally HCA also admitted to billing fraud medical care and other health programs by inflating the seriousness of the diagnosis, filed false expense reports and pay a bribe of other small hospitals and to the doctors to refer patients. (Nah that is likely to also occur in some regions in Indonesia)
It is no longer a secret that when a private practice midwives refer patients to do the SC in a hospital, the midwives will get a "money services". and RS-RS big race on the magnitude or the amount of "money services" for the midwife. And finally today in some areas began to have cooperation between midwives and the hospital where the midwife when referring patients to hospital will get a certain amount in fees. And even sometimes money services is greater than normal delivery rate if helped by a midwife.
Just imagine, if the village midwife maternity let alone help patients JPS patients (patients with 'poor card'), most tariffs are Rp.450.000, - it was just the midwife should patiently all day waiting for the woman who is in pain. Meanwhile, if the reference in the hospital the midwife actually get a return of between Rp 500,000 sd Rp.750.000, - without the hassle of caring midwife. Choose which hayo?
Finally, rumors are due on command Midwives SC ^ _ ^
This case is not all midwives like it or not all doctors are like that but this is the case and the case is real. Try dech contemplated.
Fact # 4 - Hospital Birth Off Make More Money Than any Other Conditions
It is no secret that business in the health sector, especially labor is a business that is not going to die. Because every month and even every day there's always that marriage, pregnancy and childbirth is the life cycle.
And around the world, the benefits arising from the operation of SC could be two times or five times more than normal delivery. Every doctor who SC definitely help get additional bonus services and more at the appeals normal childbirth. And in the HCA (Hospital Corporation of America), they provide an additional bonus up to U.S. $ 750 to the doctor every time you make a SC. (This seems also almost the same as in our country right?)
It's scary. We were forced to put their beliefs about the birth process of a system that actually does not work for our good but for the good of themselves. This is why you need to analyze everything that is said, it was informed.
For a moment I remembered the words of my friend who said that untyk change the person can be done in several ways, among others, hurt, scared and in motivation, but apparently that is often done is a first and second. Sometimes patients are placed in a frightening situation which seemed no choice.
Hopefully this does not happen in our country, or perhaps it's just that we often deny or may not realize it?
*** We Choose Natural Childbirth Without Fear ***
Childbirth is the most natural thing in the world. This is a great event! although it sounds impossible but believe me that a woman's body is designed so perfectly by God to be able to give birth naturally. Just like a heart that knows how and when to pump blood, just like the lungs that knows when and how to breathe in oxygen, such as hand who knows when he should withdraw it when ignited fire in the fireplace, then the body of a woman also knows when and how how she gave birth, all completely automatic all completely natural, and all is perfect.
Fear of childbirth is natural. Why because as a child we always are on "cekokin" with dogma and paradigm which states that the delivery was very very painful. Look at the start of in the movies or soap operas whose name is always in the process of childbirth is described as a scene that very horror, scary and painful with a facial expression the player who is tormented by tremendous sweat a lot and even sometimes in the draw with blood scattered everywhere , not to mention often described that after birth the mother died because of bleeding. And this is a "meal" of our daily since childhood who finally recorded in our memory that it WILL give birth is very painful.
When in fact not at all.
Look at the experience of mothers who gave birth to Jose Dyah Pratitasari without having to push and without pain, the experience of mother Dina is still able to walk despite the opening of 9 cm, Watik mothers experience, which until the opening of 10 cm was still able to squat up and smiled brightly. Everything is really beautiful.
And that is why WE are here!
We want to always share the beauty of natural childbirth because if we do not say and tell you, then you'll never know.
"Pregnancy and Birth is not an Emergency Condition. So just follow instinct and rhythm of your body"
We know how deep, amazing and wonderful experience normal delivery, if you allow your body to experience it.

To better understand this article you can see the film
4DgLf8hHMgo youtubejw} {{/ youtubejw}
The above article is one article that might well have happened in our country. but it does not mean that all such hospitals. and does not mean that all hospitals are bad. many hospitals are good and continue to empower the mother many doctors Pro Normal (although somewhat rare)

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