Pain and pain during childbirth is fear itself for a pregnant woman.have 15 WAYS TO REDUCE PAIN DURING maternity, may be useful
1. Forget your fears.
There is a relationship between fear and pain. The efficiency of muscles of the uterus depends on your hormonal system, blood circulation, and nerves all work together. Fear will disturb the balance of these three systems. Fear and anxiety cause your body to produce excess hormones that counteract stress hormones that help your body produces to enhance the delivery process and reduce discomfort. This causes pain increased and the delivery process will take longer. Fear also causes physiological reactions that reduce blood flow and thus oxygen supply to the uterus will be reduced so that the muscles of the uterus to contract will be faster and more sick.

2. Find Causes your fears.
Find out what is causing your fear, or what exactly you afraid of? Are you afraid of pain, for example, has had a negative experience with the pain of the past? Are you afraid of having a cesarean or scared the next time you do an episiotomy? Are you afraid that you will lose control in the middle of labor? Do you have any fears about problems with the baby? Now make a list of all your fears and every write what you can do to avoid a sense of fear in order not to become a reality. Realize also that some of the ways that can change everything beyond your power, do not have to worry about things that can not be changed.
3. Find as much information about Pregnancy and Childbirth.
The more you know, the less fear you. Remember that every pregnancy and childbirth is so unique among single mothers with other mothers must have experience or what is felt to be different. There is a sensation (aka "sick") is always going to happen between the first contraction until the birth of the baby. But if you understand what happened and why, and what might you feel, then you will not be surprised. Having a sense of what to expect - and when it will end - helping women feel confident that they can handle and deal with labor and delivery. A good childbirth class can help you understand what happened and why it happened. There is no class that can tell you what will you feel special, because this will depend on the particular situation in each woman and the ability to work with labor force in the body. Women can easily be affected by 'feel' that she felt during labor. Some of them decide to not like it and reject it so that fear was even more control of himself and the mother finally gave up.
4. Employ a professional labor assistant who can support you.
A woman who is experienced, if overseas called "doula" if in Bidankita called "Complementary Delivery", will help you interpret your sensations during labor, offers suggestions for managing your pain, and helps you understand and participate in any medical decision.
5. Avoid the fear of returning.
Do not bring a sense of fear from the past when you go into the delivery room. Birth can trigger memories of previous childbirth discomfort that may be traumatic or even memories of traumatic sexual abuse in the past (if any)

6. Take responsibility for your labor decisions.
Set delivery method you want to live, know the hurt profit.
7. Select a doctor / midwife is wise.
Ø Does the doctor or midwife to take an active role in teaching you about the birth process and help you to trust your body to give birth?
Ø After each visit you more and believe that the delivery process will go well?
Ø Or does the doctor / midwife is actually creating a fear of thinking about the birth?
Ø Or whether midwife / doctor is telling you about all the positive possibilities than any complications? 8. Understanding the birth process
Do you know what occurred during contractions? Do you understand how to be upright and how do I change positions during labor so that it can affect how you mersakan and deal with contractions?
9. Understanding the technological tools (such as electronic fetal monitoring) is likely to be used during your labor.
Are you sure that you are knowledgeable enough to participate in making decisions about the use of technological tools your labor?
10. Aware of the options available to relieve pain medically, such as medication and epidural anesthesia.
Know the benefits and side effects of this treatment. Also look for alternatives to reduce pain
11. Understanding the importance of letting go and surrender to your body during labor.
You have to know how and techniques you can do for coping during labor, so you still feel comfortable.
12. Learn to relax your muscles during delivery.
Calm is the wisest thing you should do when giving birth. But what should you do to help progress your labor are casual / relaxed. When you Relax, all other muscles remain relaxed, while only the muscles of your uterus are berkontyraksi. This will allow you to stay relaxed and accelerate the progress of labor. If there is tension anywhere in your body, especially in the face and neck, this tension will spread to the pelvic muscles that really need to stay loose during contraction. chemical changes in a muscle fatigue caused by stress actually reduce muscle pain threshold, and you are more painful. When the muscles tight fight, nonstop contractions will force your uterus, the result is pain. Tired muscles fatigue quickly cause the mind, increase your awareness about pain and reduce your ability to cope.
13. Learn to relax to balance your hormones for birth.
There are hormones help your labor progress efficiently. adrenal hormones (also called stress hormone) to give your body the extra strength needed in situations that require extraordinary effort, such as straining process is also labor. This hormone is often referred to as the "fight or flight" hormones, and whether there is protection of the body. During labor your body needs enough stress hormones to help you push, but if this hormone in the body prosuksi too much it will make you become anxious and depressed, causing the mind and muscles to work inefficiently. Stress hormones may even divert blood from the womb to the vital organs of the brain, heart, and kidney.
14. Relax to increase endorphins.
One type of hormone was also working for you during labor - and naturally relieve pain, hormones, known as endorphins. (The word is derived from endogenous, meaning is produced in the body, and morphine, chemicals that block pain). This is your body's natural narcotics, helps to relax you when you are under stress and relieve pain when you are sick. physiological assistant workforce is manufactured in nerve cells. They are attached to the site of pain receptors on nerve cells, where they dull the sensation of pain. strenuous exercise increases levels of endorphins, and endorphins into your system automatically during heavy training the workforce, as long as you do not do anything to block them. Relaxing will allow the hormone with natural pain relievers inibekerja for you. Fear and anxiety can increase levels of stress hormones and fight the effects of relaxing endorphins. Endorphin stimulates the secretion of prolactin, a relaxed and "mother" hormone that regulates milk production and provide a psychological boost to the enjoyment of the mother. Research has shown that levels of endorphins can be triggered by tertyawa.
15. Relaxation HypnoBirthing
This is the most effective way to reduce pain during childbirth. Should this be trained since birth pregnancy so that when the body will automatically work with a very harmonious. So that process took place smoothly and fun maternity

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