The importance of labor Plan (Birth Plan) For You

The delivery process is a sacred event and is certainly an experience that will never be forgotten throughout your life, I know you'll want labor to be a beautiful moment that deserve to be in the recalls and I understand that you and your partner know that such labor what is ideal for your new family, but you need to make a birth plan so that everyone else knows what you want and maui in labor later. From 32-36 weeks of pregnancy you should discuss this with the midwife / doctor treating your pregnancy. This way I'm sure you'll be more satisfied. After discussion with the midwife or doctor, you have to make some final copy of resume birth plan that you've talked about. Well, I've provided an easy way to have a birth plan (birth plan) that might be your guide to the discuss. 

Well, Who Should Have a copy of your birth plan?
1. You and your husband / partner and family
2. Midwife or doctor who treated both later in the delivery room or space childbirth
3. RS / RB / Connecticut where you decide to maternity later (to the temple in status)
These are some options for you to consider. If you still want something, draw up and add in your birth plan. Which I list here are the things that you may need to ask your midwife or doctor:

1. Mobility during labor (stage 1)
2. Shaving pubic hair (this is rarely done, but some hospitals still have this policy)
3. Fitting a routine infusion (this is rarely done, but some hospitals still have this policy)
4. Enema (either at home or place of birth) or commonly called huknah or lavement the mother is given a special liquid through the anus to stimulate the Mother Chapter
5. Solving action amniotic
6. Freedom to choose the position of labor (remember labor Lithotomy or supine position is the position of labor for maternal WORST)
7. Episiotomy
8. The presence of labor in the delivery room companion (husband, parents, etc.)
9. The process of cutting the cord by the husband / companion
10. Eating and drinking during labor
11. Painkiller commonly used / epidural
12. Breastfeeding immediately after birth (IMD)
13. Forceps / vacuum extraction
14. Various relaxation techniques, including baths, aromatherapy music, massage
15. If necessary C-Section
16. Epidural anesthesia if possible
17. Breastfeeding in the postpartum room (rooming in) this one really ask for help.
This is what I want to have during labor: (Choose one)
When in labor (Kala I)
o remain mobile during labor
o do not shave pubic hair
o The installation is not performed routinely infusion
o no enema
o to urinate own
o husband / parents are ALWAYS present accompanying
o Setting the delivery room with low light (not too bright)
o To eat and drink during labor
o intermittent fetal monitoring only (not settled)
o to allow spontaneous rupture of membranes (do not solution)
o to use a variety of positions during labor
o to use aroma therapy
o to bring ipod/mp3 during labor
o to do massage during labor
o to bring the birthing ball in the delivery room
o To do hypnobirthing assistance during labor
o NOT to do induction
During labor (Kala II)
o not do an episiotomy
o do perineal massage
o spouse / companion who cut my umbilical cord
o to be done to delay cutting the cord .... min / ... .. hours
o to IMD in full immediately after birth
o to be in a position most comfortable for me to push
o not to be in the lithotomy position during childbirth
o To do hypnobirthing assistance during labor
If there are indications the time of delivery must be SC
o The couple is allowed into the operating room
o my partner who holds the baby in the delivery room / operating room
o IMD immediately after birth
o Delay cutting the cord
After Childbirth
o Massage your baby
o rooming in
then note who the midwife / doctor who will treat you
if they agree to may also ask for a sign of approval in the form of their signatures.
nah let's begin the critical and more closely to create a beautiful birth experience and fun.
good luck

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