Basic relaxation exercises & Self hypnosis

Relaxation is a technique to achieve a relaxed state. Hypno-birthing relaxation methods will be very bemanfaat for them during the birthing process. At the time of pregnant women to rest in a seated or lying relaxed, the muscles of the abdominal wall and uterus are also in a relaxed state. This will increase blood flow to the uterus and increase the amount of oxygen and nutrients a baby needs. In addition, it will give the baby more room to move. Most babies will know it and love it.

Here are easy steps to get the sensation of relaxation:
Eliminate Tension Yourself
To relax and relieve tension in the body, switch your attention to different parts of your body, such as from your head to your thumb.This is commonly called "scanning". Focus on each section for 5-15 seconds, be sure to completely relax before moving on to the next section. Suppose you could start with the top of your head, then forehead, then eyes, cheeks, mouth, jaw, neck, and so on.

Eyes Closed
Close your eyes to reduce the input to the brain that does not want.Blind eye to eliminate about 80% of the external input of the brain.


Set Position Eyes
Setting the position of the eyes is a great way to help bring the mind into a state of calm. If you look up, the visual part of the brain will be stimulated. That is why many people see when they try to solve mathematical problems, or trying to remember something at the hearing. So, if you close your eyes, move slightly upward. This triggers your brain to start producing large amounts of Alpha brain waves. For many people, the natural position of the eye (at tertupan) slightly upwards. Lift up your eyes the ball more, but do not be in force so uncomfortable. It may take getting used to, so if you feel uncomfortable, let your eyes rest on its usual position.

Count Down
Count down (in your head) of 10, 20, 50 or 100 is a great way to relax your body and help focus your mind. It is advisable to count down like this:
"Ten .. I am more relaxed every time I count backwards. ... Nine, on the count of zero I'm really relaxed, eight .... my mind and body totally relaxed on a count of 0 ......" and so on.
Visualize the figure is also very helpful to be able to relax. When you think of each number, visualize it floating in space three dimension, spin, shine or reflect light.

Visualization is a great way to distract your mind. Visualize a simple object, for example: flowers. Add color for her, make them spin in 3d. Make it shine and reflect the world around him.

Breathe Through Your Abdomen
Breathing is closely connected with the brain waves. Breathing in will cause you to instantly feel relaxed. Breathing through regular chest in response to associate with "Flight" or often occurs when you are stressed. Abdominal breathing, causing a feeling of Confidence and very relaxing.

To find out whether you are breathing correctly, place one hand on the chest and the other in the stomach. When you breathe in, hands on your abdomen should rise while the hand on your chest should remain as before without shifting. Note the picture below

Breathe Cloudy
Try to keep breathing steadily. Also, inhaling at the same level as you exhale. Many people have a tendency now takes a long inhale and then exhale very quickly, or vice versa. Maintaining the balance between them will help you relax.

Relax With Your Breath
Take a deep breath, through your stomach, and with every breath a bit more relaxed. Relax when you breathe out will be easier if you breathe with a slow and long. Each breath should be able to create a more relaxed feeling to really relax fully achieved.

Relax your eyelids
Relax your eyelids. Your body can tell when you're pretending to relaxation of tension in your eyelids. Relax your eyelids and relax your mind will follow.

Let You Down Jaw
Promote ahead and let your jaw slightly down or open up is to feel relaxed. Jaw is the perfect place for you to hide body tension. Do not worry, no one was looking, so let down a bit.

Relax your Body When You Feel Tense
By the time you may feel that certain parts of your body tense, so your body is telling that the parts needed to relax. If you feel the legs, arms or other parts of your body tense, santaikan slowly and let the tension go.

Imagine a place where you Most Casual (Example Beds, parks, beaches)
Thinking about the place where you usually relaxed is the best way to trick the body (and mind) be relaxed by itself. Your bed is the most appropriate choice, but maybe a sofa, park or beach customize to your favorite place will be better for you.

Side Effects of Relaxation (which Slightly Annoying)
Saliva - when the body is relaxed, usually increases the production of saliva. Do not worry, this is normal.

Twitch - when your body relaxes in a foreign place (such as a computer chair), unusual in its feel some resistance in certain parts that feel tense all day. This area will "twitch" when you try to make him relax. Do not worry, this is normal and fade away, especially if you are trying to relax more during the day, which is a very healthy thing to do.

Memories that had been buried the thought of - things that have been forgotten in a particular decade is recalled back to normal.Sometimes you may be reminded of something undesirable and may have to repeat the session. This is common in some people, this incident actually thought you said that your subconscious mind you need assistance. Use this as a guide to help reprogram your mind.

Itching - most people experience itching that is sometimes not clear where learning occurs during the first relaxation. This is normal. Try to ignore it. Obey and scratch it will only lead to more pronounced to the surface. Take a deep breath (through the abdomen) and ignore the itch. Then the itching will fade away.

Side Effects of Relaxation (Favorable)
Daily Relaxation is probably one of the most rewarding activities you can do to your body. Sometimes even more valuable than a sport.
Increasing neurochemical help such as serotonin, which controls mood (like happiness).
Increased circulation and body heat. you will probably feel very warm after relaxing. This is because of the increased circulation caused by a lack of tension in the muscles. you may even feel the heat in a generally cold feet, like hands or feet.
Increased emotional stability, increased energy, increased memory and organized mind.
rajinlah relaxation to reap the maximum benefits for yourself, pregnancy, childbirth and the baby and your family.

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