Advantages and Disadvantages Labor Position

Position Lithotomy
Lithotomy position is one of the most common birth positions, especially in hospitals because it is one of the easiest position for birth helper, especially if you use an epidural. So far, most lay people also consider this position a common position and are best used as in many TV shows that we've seen so far, usually always use this position. Finally, many lay people assume that the lithotomy position is used because it has proven to be the best position for mother and baby, although it is not. Because the truth of this position is the worst position for delivery, but unfortunately this position is still in use in many hospitals.

Make sure you read all the advantages and disadvantages of the lithotomy position so that you know and would avoid this position whenever possible!
Labor Position: Lie / Position Lithotomy / supine
Lie on your back or side a little, sometimes a foot in the prop.

There is no advantage, addition will not interfere with catheters, intravenous, epidural catheter or internal fetal monitor.
1. Lithotomy position is more painful than any other position (1.2)
2. Easy access to the perineum. (Midwives often see this as an advantage, but if you want to avoid actions or even avoid the incidence of episiotomy perineal laceration, then avoid this position)
3. Does not help the delivery process altogether.
4. The opening of a narrow pelvis or not maksimalo and place pressure on the tailbone is very much
5. Mothers have to push the fight against gravity and this increases the length of its duration or the pushing stage.
6. Increasing pressure on the perineum can increase the degree tear and episiotomy, especially when compared to the squat position (3,4,5,6).
7. Mother will be very limited movement thereby increasing the duration of labor (7.8).
8. Increase the risk of a vacuum or forceps delivery (9,10,11).
9. Straining in the lithotomy position increases your chances to do an episiotomy (12)
10. This position makes the pressure on blood vessels to the uterus and can restrict blood flow to the baby. (13,14,15,16) can reduce the baby's heartbeat that causes the midwife you need to monitor you more so that even it can further limit your movements.
11. This increases the risk of the baby is in a bad position (malpresentation)
12. This position increases the risk of shoulder dystocia (17)
Lying Position Tilt
Positions lie on your side can be very helpful if you try to avoid the lithotomy position.

Perform experiments to try different variations of this position is to find a position where it is most convenient.
Upper leg can be supported or propped up by your partner.Position tilted to the left can be used in the first stage and in the second stage of labor.
But, try not to use this position in early labor because it can slow things down. Tilt position can help if labor goes too quickly, usually occurs in pregnant dengna number more than one child.
ย ท This position can be used to rest was interrupted by the contraction
ย ท Can be used in labor with an epidural.
ย ท This position helps you to reduce the pressure of the internal organs into the umbilical cord that allows the reduction of the amount of supply of oxygen flowing to the baby.
ย ท It helps to maintain fetal heart rate remained stable during contractions.
ย ท Conserve energy of the mother
ย ท Menguntungka for mothers who have low blood pressure.

Can slow labor if not used correctly. This means that the active phase of the first stage of this position will not help decrease the lowest part of the fetus. Because this position can not utilize the force of gravity

Of all the labor positions that you can choose, for the second stage of this squatting position is probably the best position. If you wish to give birth alamim then learn how to do posiis squat is one way to make it happen!
How do squat position? This position is the same as the position when you are on WC Toilet Squatting. You can set this squatting position without the prop or the support of your partner, though this will require advance training and leg strength more. Or you can squat dnegna supported or the prop of your partner. illustration here really shows how close you are with your partner. Make sure you read the tips to some important info!

- The best is to use this position at this stage of the phase of second stage labor pushing or straining, as it can be tiring position. Then you will probably need help mate. And would be even better if you already exercise since the pregnancy to improve leg strength. Yoga can be an option exercise.
- Squatting Position has been associated with the level of tear perinbeum higher in some studies, although in other studies it is also in dispute. Because the truth is that making more and more events perineal tear squatting position but not the squat technique used. For example, if you squat with your weight is concentrated on the toes, calves, thighs, perineum and vagina then your muscles will be more strict / tight. While if your weight is borne through the heel of your existing (perhaps with a rolled towel under your heel for support if needed), the perineum and the vaginal muscles will be more able to relax, thereby preventing perineal laceration.
- Squatting Position extend your gluteus muscles, hamstrings and quadriceps (thigh) and your calf muscles. all these muscles will be very helpful! Thus the muscles in the perineum and vagina will be more flexible.
Some other tips for a good squat position:
ร ฐ Practice squatting position with a rolled towel under your heel until you can do it with the heel of the tread flat without any bumps rolled towel.
ร ฐ Try holding a door handle or hold your partner to help you get the correct squatting position. When holding the door handle, make sure that the line between the ankle and the knee is vertical. Your knees should not be far ahead. This will help you be able menapakkan to the floor with a flat heel.
ร ฐ Make sure your spine is curved, especially the lower back, try to stay upright or straight, if not try a little concave. To achieve this, you may feel as though the bottom you are really sticking out.

1. Squatting opens the pelvis up to 30% compared to the lying position (18)
2. Squatting position reportedly feels less painful than lying down (19).
3. Squatting position can straighten 'the birth canal because it helps the pelvic bone to align with the birth, the fetus is difficult for the lowest part to get down to the birth canal.
4. Squatting position for delivery will take advantage of gravity. If you think to ignore the effects of gravity you are wrong. Have you ever had an experience where you have difficulty urinating when you lie down and you are easier to urinate when you stand or squat? That's the effect of GRAVITY!
5. This position will shorten the pushing stage of labor (20,21,22,23).
6. Which means that less is required oxytocin to accelerate labor, so with this position will reduce the incidence of labor induction (19)
7. Squatting position also reduces the need for the use of forceps when compared with a half-sitting position (22).
8. Squatting position also helps to extend the mother's body so as to provide more space for baby to get into better position.
9. Some studies say squat prevent perineal laceration (20.23), although some mentioned that the tear is the same (19) or higher (21.24). As mentioned earlier, when I think that the increase perineal laceration was due to lack of support, or squat technique is wrong.
10. Squatting may reduce episiotomy rate (19,20,24)
This position may be tiring, which is why it is generally a good idea to apply it only at the second stage or while pushing it.

Although the sitting position and the semi-sitting may seem similar, but actually it's very, very different. Make sure you continue reading this article to know the difference.
Half-sitting position is a position which is generally done in hospitals, maternity homes or midwife practice because this position is also very easy for a midwife, doctor or nurse to perform the action.

ย ท This position is in some ways a little more baim compared with lying supine or lithotomy position
ย ท This position will not interfere with the epidural, catheter, infusion or CTG
ย ท you get the help of gravitational force, although only slightly
ย ท This position can be used to break
Lack of a half-quite a lot, almost equal to the loss of the lithotomy position or lying down. Some sources say it is worse position than lithotomy position because it gives the sacrum pressure so as to make the curved lines of the body which will also restrict movement for the baby down the birth canal. Makes sense huh?
Shortage of half-sitting position:
ย ท more painful than any other position.
ย ท Easy access to the perineum.
ย ท narrow pelvic opening and the pressure on the tailbone (coccyx) are widely
ย ท Increasing pressure on the perineum that increase the risk of tearing and
ย ท women's movement is restricted.
ย ท increase the risk of forceps and vacuum.
Sitting Position
The desire to give birth to sit certainly not the choice of active labor. The sitting position is the best second place after the squatting position for the second stage of labor. The sitting position also has some benefits in the first stage of labor, such as speed up and expedite delivery.
This sitting position can be done with Sit upright in a chair, in the toilet, or on the ball delivery. You can face forward or backward, but you may be leaning forward slightly. Sitting on the toilet is quite awkward but effective!
It also includes sitting on the thigh husband, or you can give birth to sit on the bench giving birth, which means that in some cases may be essentially the same as the squat.
ย ท Can be used in the first and second stage of labor.
ย ท This is not the same as sitting on a couch that makes Curva C in the spine. Sitting on the toilet or the ball delivery would be more helpful.
ย ท If you want to give birth in a sitting position then you can open your pelvis is wider by lifting your foot by placing something like a rolled towel under them.
ย ท If you lean forward, I use pillows for extra memberkenyamanan.
ย ท Try to sit with one leg above; asymmetric position can relieve pain and help move the baby into a good position.

1. Gravity helps to reduce the duration of labor (28.29).
2. Sitting is a fairly relaxed position (28.29)
3. Sitting also open the pelvis.
4. Sit facing forward and bent down to help relieve back pain in labor that generally occurs when 
    the baby is facing your abdomen or posterior baby position
5. By sitting on the ball you can sway back and forth set up a figure eight or circular and can help 
    move the baby into a better position.
6. Sitting on the toilet can help to expedite delivery, especially if you experience premature 
    rupture of membranes. It also helps you to ensure that your bladder is empty to allow for 
    dilation / opening the birth canal more quickly.
- I found no flaws in the sitting position
Kneeling is an option other labor positions. Some deliveries have difficulty will be changes in maternal position and position changes can assist the process of labor in this case can make the delivery more quickly and help the baby move down the birth canal, and thus increase your chances of having a normal and natural childbirth
- If the hospital you can kneel on the bed and put your arms above the head of the bed that has been raised to the height to your liking
- Swaying, rocking, rocking, making a circle in the hip or pelvis tilt in this position can also help relieve pain and to guide the baby into a better position.
- Make sure you are on a comfortable surface.
- Kneel with one knee raised could also help move the baby into a better position.
- It can be difficult if you use an epidural.
1. Leaning forward in this position helps to relieve the pain of childbirth from the mother.
2. Allows the couple to do massage or warm compress on your back.
3. Reduce pressure on the perineum so that the perineal laceration are rare.
I found no flaws in this position


When you choose posiis crawl, the important thing is to keep the vertical arm with your shoulder is not far behind or lkedepan k and no wider than your shoulders, so do not waste your energy, but allows your body to rest on your arm. For the second stage the final stage you need to expand your pelvis to open lutiut. The important thing is looking for the most comfortable position you think. Some also use a variation with a leaning to the table or the edge of the bed.

1. Helps relieve pain (30.31)
2. Less risk of perineal laceration
3. This position is great for big babies
4. Can help in case of prolapse of the umbilical cord to prevent cord increasingly menumbung

Standing Upright
Upright position for birth is probably the most underutilized of all birth positions, especially given that the practitioners can not be flexible labor helper when help. But when given the choice, many women choose to remain upright when maternity, Upright position is well positioned as there are many benefits! One of the biggest benefits is that you can move easily, which is helpful in accelerating persainan and help the baby in a good position.
Bebeberapa variation upright position is by dancing with a partner, stand facing each other by shaking back and forth and circular to facilitate the lowest fetal right down to the birth canal. And this position is very good for psosi at when I. but it sometimes stands upright position with one leg raised and to help widen the pelvis.

1. This position is easy to move and the movement will help the baby move down and help the 
     mother to keep her breathing steady.
2. upright position for birth using a large gravity!
3. Makes it easier for others to massage
4. Create more effective contractions (33)
5. Accelerate the first stage of labor. (31,32,33)
6. Standing in the asymmetric position can also help the baby move into a good position.
7. Reducing the demand for an epidural or other pain medications.(31,32,33)
So now you know what a good birth position and less good, beneficial or detrimental. Be sure to find the best position for your labor and your baby.
Good luck 

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