Side Effects of Epidural

Well today I will try to express what you may not know about the side effects from the use of epidural can change your mind or your desire to choose to use it in labor:
Many women say that there are no significant adverse effects on the use of an epidural. But if you're like me, you might have to start listening to clients, friends or mothers who reported mild problems to more serious about long term side effects from the epidural.
Here are a few side effects I've ever heard, I read:
1. Decrease in blood pressure that requires medication to normalize
2. Extremity itching require injection or drug administration.
3. Feelings of panic and anxiety is higher
4. Sense of numbness too high up on the chest and throat muscles of the body affecting the Poor or even inability to swallow
5. Headache
6. Chronic back pain
Here the experience of one mother who chose to give birth to normal after a negative experience with a previous child with an epidural:

According to Sheila Kitzinger in his book The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Childbirth, Risks and side effects of epidural anesthesia may depend on such factors as the condition of mother to child during childbirth, the type and dose of drug administered.
All mothers who want to be given an epidural also must agree to treatment as follows:
1. The use of fetal monitoring devices that continuously attached to the mother's body (CTG)
2. Giving IV fluids that can cause fluid overload and swelling
3. The possibility of a bladder catheter larger
4. Mobility is so limited that it is usually impede the progress of labor
In addition, Kitzinger explains the risks and side effects to consider:
1. The tendency to extend the duration of labor, thus often requiring Pitocin augmentation.
2. Lowering blood pressure, sometimes at levels that make fetal distress and require medication to stabilize
3. Increased body temperature, which can affect the fetus during labor and / or causing fever in infants,
    resulting in a traumatic septic.
4. The use of epidurals often alter normal sensation and physiology of birth, such as:
a. The absence of sensation to push so that the mother found it difficult to push.
b. The loss of natural forces that can lead to pelvic muscle malposition baby, so the decrease in the lowest
    part of the fetus is not smooth
c. Increased risk of forceps delivery with action, vacuum extraction and caesarean section.
d. epidural drug transmission to the fetus via the placenta causes changes in behavior and alertness that
    resulted in decreased ability and feeding difficulties that may occur in the first week and even sustainable.
"Be aware of every intervention in nature has consequency" I strongly agree with the above sentence. Because after any intervention that we give or are we doing to the universe there must be consequences that we must bear, and this includes the delivery process. however, the process of natural childbirth is the best. But unfortunately many people become frightened and eventually chose to do the epidural even surgery SC only because of fear of childbirth which is not unreasonable.

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